Journal #7132

Posted 13 years ago2011-03-29 21:10:16 UTC
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure

Is this thing for real?
I didn't have time to test it yet, I think you can freely test demos. This is the beginning of cloud gaming(frankly I don't really like this).


Commented 13 years ago2011-03-29 21:33:48 UTC Comment #57398
What's not to like? Seems like an awesome idea to me.
I probably won't use it tho. I collect retail copies
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-29 21:55:16 UTC Comment #57401
looks like some bullshite version of steam.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-29 22:29:50 UTC Comment #57402
You're in Romania, correct?

Oh yes, testing a program that will allow you to play a game over a internet connection while connecting more then hundreds of thousands of miles onto some server in the US while attempting to stream [already highly compressed] +1080p resolution video at 60 FPS will truly work brilliantly!

Uh, maybe you should wait until you're somewhere near America before 'testing' anything related to US cloud servers.

Onlive need to get their crap together and get some more servers up worldwide though, enough of this "US AMERICANS ONLY" bullshit.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-29 23:36:19 UTC Comment #57400
"cloud gaming"

bad idea.

Frankly, I already don't like the cloud. The idea that you should store all your files on the internet is just... bad. I'm all for backing up save files, or uploading screenshots, but no one should keep anything remotely important (let alone their only copy) anywhere but their own hard drive, just because of the huge amount of things that could go wrong.
Not to mention that if you lose your connection, or they decide they don't want to serve you anymore, of if your connection is shite, you're done for as far as using the game you paid for goes.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-30 14:20:07 UTC Comment #57399
I've never used one of these monthly gaming services in the past, even though it would probably save me tons of cash, as right now I'm sort of in a buy-whatever-damn-games-I-want mode with the rationale that I'm young still and have no real responsibilities like kids yet, muahahaha.

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