Hello twhl, I recently made an animation for one of my college units, and I need some form of audience feedback/response on it. I uploaded it to youtube so you guys can check it out, please drop me a constructive comment on the youtube page or here telling me what you taught of it, don't expect anything amazing. Here it is:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2mWugh25wc&feature=youtu.beLike I said I want an audience response and that's all, I will not be making any changes to it, because it's already finished and now I'm on a different task which requires me to ask people what they taught of it and then evaluate their responses.
I think the only distraction for me were that the text seemed really low res and generic font, when you could have used a much nicer one, and also you can barely see it when it turns red, i.e., turn up the congrast a little.
I also think the first scene could be a shot of the whole city and way more detailed/polished/contrasty, since it is the first thing viewers see.
Except for Dimbark. I like how I support him when he has these little projects and then he just puts some crap like "terrible" in the comments box -.-