Journal #7627

Posted 12 years ago2012-02-19 00:48:54 UTC
Dr. Amazing's Mods of Awesome:

Mod name: Sector 6 (no, not THAT one) Demo
Author: Dogman2497

Ok so we start out in "The Office". I hope Steve Carell isn't here. I go up to a giant glass bottle with an HEV suit in it connected to a huge... something. The door right next to the HEV suit won't open. Great. The door that I was supposed to go in was on the other side of the room where I began. I go down some poorly done stairs to find a split in the hallway where one path leads to an unopenable door and the the other path leads to a surprisingly decent level change. One room has a dead scientist with a huge TV. The other room has a crowbar and some huge boxes (noticing a pattern?). Then it crashes at the level change because the author forgot to take out the level change for the non-existent level. Great.

I give it a 9/10 because it's not as god as MCPOKER.

1 Comment

Commented 12 years ago2012-02-19 04:05:10 UTC Comment #66832
Lovely avatar.

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