Journal #7716

Posted 12 years ago2012-04-02 16:28:41 UTC
I got a really weird mod from goldsrcforever last week, called HL Baby. You reprise your role as the one Gordon Freeman... except he's around my age. That's right, baby Freeman is about to go on an adventure!

The training has been baby-tized and is about two maps in length, one of which was a mere fullbright room. So forget about that. Baby Freeman wakes up in his crib, and with his little baby curiosity he waddles out and crawls down the hallway. He crawls past the slightly ajar door where his mommy (a reskinned garg) is busy with the housework. Baby Gordon climbs up the stairs, one jump at a time! At the top was the bathroom. There was a headcrab made of legos or something that tries to attack baby Gordon, but Gordon rushes up and mercilessly beats the shit out of it with his rattle.

Gordon finds his trusty diaper in the bathroom cabinet, which provides him with a weapon selection system and HUD. That's right, even baby Gordon's diaper is a special precursor of a HEV suit. It's no wonder Gordon's so adept at survival during the resonance cascade; he's had the experience since he was a baby!

Using his rattle, baby Gordon breaks the bathroom window and jumps out of the house. He lands in the yard, where a strange adult figure hides behind the fence. Baby Gordon crawls forward, his rattle poised to strike.

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Commented 12 years ago2012-04-02 18:27:26 UTC Comment #63291
Interesting but seems not to be a popular mod. I searched for it on youtube but didn't find a video.

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