Journal #8029

Posted 12 years ago2012-11-15 05:38:56 UTC

So I was inspired to make a little mod where some of the soldiers will be randomly replaced with other enemies. In the video above, I play a typical gruntfest type of mod where the soldiers may randomly be replaced with Heavies. Since it is completely random, I will not know when a heavy might show up, so, kind of like in your typical left 4 dead game.

I'd like to expand this idea to weapons as well as having more possible replaceable enemies. This is where you guys come in: help me think of some 'special' enemies that can replace the average soldiers and maybe have some model work done on any new enemy you might have (post ideas first, I might have models handy) and soon we can all join in on the fun!


Commented 12 years ago2012-11-15 08:54:15 UTC Comment #63333
How about a zombified HECU soldier? More health than the average zombie because of the bulletproof vest, and maybe have them holding a combat knife.

As for replacements for the grunts themselves, that would depend on whether you would prefer a somewhat more realistic style, or how far you would be willing to go towards the non-realistic/cool side of the spectrum.

And in the maps you could place a large amount of enemies, and then set the mod up so each enemy has an 85% chance of spawning or something. Maybe add an entity property so that you can set whole groups to spawn together. So there might be some parts where you're expecting a large battle, but then you get there and there are only a few enemies there. And then there are some parts where there are just a load of enemies.
Commented 12 years ago2012-11-15 20:30:43 UTC Comment #63335
I dont have a consistent HECU zombie soldier model :(
But if I did I'd SO MAKE IT GO MARTYRDOM. (Drops a live grenade on death)

I'd take any ideas for special soldiers you'd have, with models that can fill the role hopefully.

The point of this mod was only because I have no mappers for the MAIN mod I'm making, so that this little mod can let you play half life and any other mods while giving you a fresh experience due to the surprise factors. If you'd want a randomized enemies placement, try the map trigger happy 2.5 (on planetphillip), and marvel at its mapping involving extensive randomised triggers.
Commented 12 years ago2012-11-17 10:23:27 UTC Comment #63332
Why limit it to grunts? Why not have different variations of all enemies with different properties?

An alien slave that throws fire, a houndeye that charges up and then explodes, a faster bullsquid that spits 5 snot balls at once (that doesn't actually require any coding, other than the models .qc file) :P.
Commented 12 years ago2012-11-17 18:48:06 UTC Comment #63336
Of course it doesn't have to be limited to grunts, this will work on any enemy, even little cockroaches! (Not really there might be loads of stuck in wall errors)

I just dont have that many different models or ideas to use this with. And certainly having 50 different reskins in the mod doing slightly different things is kind of boring since they are still the same enemy.
Commented 12 years ago2012-11-19 03:10:44 UTC Comment #63334
I like Urby's idea with the exploding houndeyes. :)

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