I was totally thinking about building
this today, but it turns out someone else built one already this summer!
I was so excited looking up patent bullshit and everything, oh well.. ='(
Hundredth Monkey effect? or just poor timing, or fuck off captain terror? you make the call! =)
Also for people who don't own washers/dryers, this could save you ALOT of money in Laundry fees... i spend 10 quid every 2 weeks to wash my clothes(not including detergent and fabric softener).
Big Plus, it's much more environmentally friendly than gas/electric machines, not that many people cbf to worry about stuff like that, but it's pretty cool just the same! =)
Are you talking about mounting the wash/spin device to a stationary bike?(Y/N) If Y, you could really do some express laundry and get a workout at the same time! =P
I'm still gonna make one probably, and i'll use it for small loads of laundry. thanks for the encouragment