Whats up TWHL, long time no Journal?
I had in mind to write an journal for a longer period of time now. I was thinking of showing off some of the things i managed to get a hold off and some project i had started. But since Zeeba made an TWHL room video topic i thought id keep that for than.
Not much has been happening lately. Been spending some time learning programming above what they teach us on College and started some CS maps i had an idea for.
I had finished first year of my IT college last week. Passed all 6 exams i had for the second semester, last week, in the first exam period. So now I'm free for almost 4 months to do what the heck i want.
Kinda hard to map and enjoy my self to its fullest due to extreme heat. Yesterday i almost lit on fire in Belegrades Ada Ciganlia beach. +37 degrees in the shade. Crazy weather.
I don't have an AC at home, but i dont think i really need it, could use a fan though.
My current projects are:
1. Building an 80486 system with the following components:
Motherboard: UM486/UM486SX
CPU: 100MHz 80486 DX4
RAM: 16MB 30 pin simms 50ns (fastest memory of this type)
GPU: Tseng Labs ET4000AX 1MB
HDD/Floppy controller: Adaptec 1542CF
HDD: 3GB Fast-SCSI Quantum Fireball
Sound: Sound Blaster CT2230 (16 PRO) / SB 1350B clone (will replace)
Casing: An big ass steel casing that weights 20kg empty.
I am thinking of getting an SB PRO 2 and an Roland Sound Canvas 55. Found one but is quite expencive.
2. Fixing an LiteON power supply. 550W of quality power supply. Dont know whats wrong with it. Everything in side is in perfect order, no damage no nothing. But on high load it just shuts down instantly. One person suspects its the capacitors. But thats strange because they are as new.
3. Finalizing my NT4 workstation Dual Pentium 1 to run Half Life alpha with Voodoo Monster 3D. I want to enable sound trough Sound Blaster AWE64 Gold, even though its way from the future compared to the PC it self.
Also thinking of trying Final Fantasy 7 PC beta with 3DFX GLide support.
Also finalizing my Voodoo 5 rig. The only thing i need are PC casing and power supply. Power supply is giving me troubles because of auxiliary power output that got abandoned after P4. Am thinking of changing the MoBo for an MSI K7D Master.
4. Various deathrun and knife maps. I really like the retro feel of mapping, but i also like the buffed up detail. Kinda hard to decide which way to go, driving me nuts

Selling most of my stuff i dont need. Having multiple active hobbies, being an student and having an girlfriend is quite heavy on the wallet

And so on and so on.
Here are some pictures from this year:
Lambda rock

Summer time chillin

Don't let your girlfriend touch your shit
Mah new hat ( the kercheif is Bob Marley Songs of Freedom )
And last but not least:
Nina-chan! I am teaching her mapping as we speak. Hopefully she will retain as much interest into it as she has now

Well thats for now, more to come when projects finalize!
I am intrigued and scared by your retro computer project, but heh, i want to do the same thing now with my old componens(I WONT) =)
"So now I'm free for almost 4 months to do what the heck i want.."
Awesome, and congrats on completing your first year! =)
Thanks Captain' T! Yeah, my Retro project is cool, wait till you see the motherboard (he he he), and yeah, Nina is kawai
I really wonder what kind of components do you have, so mysterious
Thanks, and hopefully i will do something in my free time
(She got all blushy)