I'm forever coming up with stories / concepts at the moment, for potential games or mods, but I don't have the time or know-how to action them. So... I figured I'd post them here so you guys can throw in your ideas and then maybe look into them in the future if I come up with a winner.
Random Source Mod idea #1Multiplayer Mod - 2 teams compete throughout a large map to control a number of territories. The score for the team with the most territories under their control gradually increases and they win when the points reach a pre-determined amount (server settings)
Certain territories also grant access weapons or player buffs.
The maps also contain NPC spawners, throwing monsters and other enemies into the fray which can help or hinder your progress. For example, a player could lead a load of small enemy npcs into enemy territory while the rest of their team pushes a different area.
Players would likely be class based, such as your regular grunts with assault weapons, snipers, engineers to build defenses to prevent points being captured so easily, saboteurs to remove said defenses more efficiently and so on.
We could have a forum thread for this. I know I thought of doing this a few times before.
I used to love Battlezone 1 on the PC.
Of course then it wasn't really large scale, but todays technology could easily handle it.
You can also control NPCs, but they are just builders with very low damage.
you get cannons that launch hordes of microzombies into your enemies lava castle
OR we can just have headcrab cannons.
ohhh if only i had enough time to code.
I hadn't heard of those other games, I'll have to take a better look at them later.