I started making models, finally. And I even learned simple LUA scripting.
Right now, I'm making a test car, just to see how to properly set up a vehicle for CryEngine 1. Yes, CE1, you all know my laptop specs, so I don't need to tell you, that's why I use CE1, because Crysis just runs terribly at 5fps. The test car is a simple rectangular prism with wheels.
I took a break from GoldSource, a big one, to learn modeling, and tofinally start working on my Far Cry mod: Quest for Burek.
And here's how the VW Scirocco model used to look like:
And now:
(Now it has seats)
Goodbye GoldSource, I hope we will see each other again.Never mind, I got back into GoldSource again, and in just 1 hour I put around 600 more brushes into a map of mine.
I'm planning to make a Zastava 750 (a classic Yugoslavian car), an Opel Kadett Caravan, a Volkswagen Scirocco, and 2 or 3 more cars.
The opposite is the Zastava 750. The surface is very smooth. Smooth surface = a lot of polygons. It will be so funny, because it's like the VW Beetle.