I'm streaming on Twitch!!
Www.twitch.tv/tetsu0sh0Well not right now...
I plan to stream every Tuesday night at around 8:00pm
EST EDT (GMT-4). possible Sunday streams as well depending on how my weekends go.
I'll be mostly mapping but there might be some modeling thrown in there too. This will be related to half life 1 and 2 mapping and modding.
There will be a lot of trial and error but that's how it goes.
Tune in tonight for the first scheduled stream!
I'm working on a hl2 map where there's half fps problem solving and action, half 3rd person space shuttle flying.
Last time on the stream I got the ship controls working but they're difficult to use and they can be vastly improved. I'll be upgrading the control scheme tonight!
I hope to see you there!
Correction its 4am for me
I already figured it out, I'm just annoyed there's more than one EST.
8pm EST is 1am BST for my UK homies.
Cya there, Tet.
Thanks for tuning in!!! Jessie, i hoped you learned that source is fun and not scary haha.
Oh wait no I'm not.