A bigger Pathos update dropped

Posted 5 months ago2024-09-14 10:46:36 UTC
For anyone using the Pathos Engine, a new update has dropped, adding some new features and fixing issues.

Link to the repo:


- Add missing entries for knife to hud script.
- Add support for displaying ammo counts for item/ammo/weapon pickup history.
- Add "Documents" viewer Game UI feature.
- Add muzzleflash particle script for silenced weapons.
- Remove HDR feature due to severe performance issues caused by FBO blitting.
- Add experimental Bloom post-process feature to Pathos.
- Add missing schema definition for screen text.
- Add explosion gibbing burn damage to gibs.
- Make pressing Escape key while in a Game UI window always close the window.
- Add support for Bitsets to client/server User Message system.
- Add support for custom colors to AI awareness bar.
- Added GameUIScrollableSurface class.
- Add support for 32 mission objectives max in Objectives Window.
- Fix view model snapping issue when exiting ladders due to view model lag.
- Expand CBitSet class to cover all basic bitset operations/checks/features.
- Fix issue with flashlight disappearing for 1 frame after exiting ladders.
- Hide engine command _set_hrtf from users.
- Improve overdarkening feature used by lightmaps.
- Fix it so that the "stopmusic" command completely clears music, no longer letting it continue on reload.
- Add engine function to server to allow retrieval of the invoking player edict on an issued command.
- Fix issues with engine render code not filtering skybox/portal entities properly when rendering.
- Fix issue with alpha to coverage corrupting the menu when used with legacy transparents enabled.
- Fix engine to use R_BindCubemapTexture for all cubemap texture binds now.
- Fix dynamic lights set to not be culled by the main view frustum still being culled regardless.
- Fix lightstyle for dynlights being broken if shadows are disabled via cvar.
- Add safeguard against problematic angle values in dynamic light code.
- Change usable object glow aura color from blue to green for better visibility.
- Remove more C-style casts in favor of C++ ones.
- Modify any rectangle texture binds to use R_BindRectangleTexture instead.
- Fix an issue with portal surfaces not always binding the rectangle texture properly.
- Fix decal generation code memory corruption issue with bone index arrays.
- Add support for dynamic-sized CArray<> basic variable types to the save-restore system.
- Add support for CBitSet to the save-restore system.
- Optimize memory used by entities by only declaring save-restore field data when being saved/restored.
- Add data sync issue on level change with player prediction when on moving entities.
- Fix MSG_SNDENGINE_OGG message reading channel as unsigned and not letting all chanels be specified.
- Fix prediction being run on client even when local server is halted.
- Add error message to schema loader if file is not found.
- Fix issue with SDL_INIT_VIDEO not being called in the right order, not allowing context version to be set.
- Modify NPC AI code to use CBitSet for AI bitflags instead of Uint64.
- Expand AI lean/enemy awareness code to support awareness levels for multiple entities.
- Fix crash issue in NPC enemy awareness code.
- Modify NPC code to support determining whether to proritize enemies that can be melee attacked.
- Modify Patrol NPC code to clear the patrol history far more infrequently when errors occur.
- Modify some schedule names to feature the names of the base classes.
- Added support in ambient_oggstream to fade out/stop a specific music track played by another such entity.
- Add index/name consistency check to player weapon type enums/definitions arrays.
- Add index/name consistency check to sequence activity type enums/definitions arrays.
- Add index/name consistency check to bullet type enums/definitions arrays.
- Fix light_environments on levels not using alternate lightmaps not being setting env lighting values at all.
- Improve materials definition script code to be more efficient with memory.
- Add feature for spawning entities with "give" command that allows givin them targetnames using a third parameter.
- Modify saved passcode system in player code to rely on dynamically sized string_t CArray type.
- Modify weapon pickup code to leave empty weapons behind in special cases.
- Add new HUD weapon slot for submachine guns.
- Modify mission objectives code to use string_t CArray dynamic array instead of fixed-sizeo one.
- Fix weapon code to properly play pickup animations if player picks up a matching weapon with the clip empty.
- Modify same ammo types shared by weapons to be single pools of ammo instead of separate.


Commented 5 months ago2024-09-14 11:27:22 UTC Comment #106396
Great to see you're back to working on Pathos Engine! 😄
I hope you're feeling better now 🙂
Commented 5 months ago2024-09-14 12:16:09 UTC Comment #106397
Thank you! I am feeling better, my health has improved greatly, thanks!
Commented 4 months ago2024-09-16 16:52:40 UTC Comment #106401

I'm glad to hear you're doing better, Overfloater
Commented 4 months ago2024-09-16 18:34:51 UTC Comment #106402
Thank you Admer!

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