
Seventh-Monkey20 years ago2005-01-23 10:52:10 UTC 0 comments
Grow up, Luke :|
pepper20 years ago2005-01-23 09:33:06 UTC 0 comments
Maby you shouldnt post useless posts I eat monkey chow. That will help....
Habboi20 years ago2005-01-23 09:14:08 UTC 0 comments

Calm down!
Saribous20 years ago2005-01-23 08:40:20 UTC 0 comments
Calm down, both of you.

IEMC: Maybe you should..erm.. post less than 13 posts per day.
If someone says something about you, just brush it off. There is no need to start a war.

Andy: You are a moderator, you are supposed to keep this a happy community. Editing IEMC's posts in that way isn't a good way to do that. As you can see he isn't overly amused by it. and it drags the whole site down.

i hope you two can come to some agreement. GET ALONG FFS! :)
Seventh-Monkey20 years ago2005-01-23 05:14:25 UTC 0 comments
PC seems okay after its moderate reassembly tommorow. Not really playing up. New sound card's great.

Why won't the BLOODY friendly NPCs in HL? just stay where they're told, dammit!?
AJ20 years ago2005-01-23 01:54:15 UTC 0 comments
Film sets are coming along nicely, if a bit slow. The trainstation set that stars in the second scene is really moving forward after a very bad start. Screenies can be found here:
pepper20 years ago2005-01-22 12:22:47 UTC 0 comments
A new URL and a new website, some pimping must be done!!
Habboi20 years ago2005-01-22 08:40:40 UTC 0 comments
Well i guess nothing has happened recently but I noticed that lots of people liked my dm_coastland online so i decided that my talent is mapping outdoors levels :D
kol20 years ago2005-01-22 05:00:17 UTC 0 comments
Well - broadband gone, and mapping is up 400% :P
AJ20 years ago2005-01-22 01:03:21 UTC 2 comments
Jeez Rabid, that's suss. :P
Unbreakable20 years ago2005-01-21 19:34:09 UTC 14 comments
"An intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction"
AJ20 years ago2005-01-21 02:55:35 UTC 1 comment
RUST has improved greatly! I like the redesign.
pepper20 years ago2005-01-21 00:33:24 UTC 0 comments
RUST is finaly back online, go to !!
Saribous20 years ago2005-01-20 14:54:07 UTC 0 comments
Dungeons and Dragons! The super-nerdy RPG :P

That's what i'll do this entire weekend, play D'n'D. :lol:
Yes, I'm a nerd, and damn proud of it too!

erm.. :
satchmo20 years ago2005-01-19 21:13:32 UTC 0 comments
Single player version of "Justice" is released. This Half-Life 2 map should take approximately thirty minutes to finish. Enjoy.