Forums and stuff

Posted 22 years ago2002-12-22 13:49:00 UTC
Whoops! I thought yesterday that I'd finally solved all the problems with the forums... except that after the update nobody could post anything. But finally, and hopefully for evermore, the thing is working properly (at least, until 2030).

But that's not all... did lots of things I'd been meaning to do for ages, including brining back the 'Remember Me' function so you don't have to login each visit, new bio and avatar things for users (get yours now!), and some more glossary entries. That's on top of the entity guide which is growing fast (mainly thanks to Andy).

It's amazing what the holidays (and coffee) can do! :)

1 Comment

Commented 12 years ago2012-10-17 13:57:23 UTC Comment #100134
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