
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-02 03:15:35 UTC • Voting closed • 0 comments
Who will have the best E3 keynote this year?
  • What is E3??: 45% (22 votes)
  • Sony: 16% (8 votes)
  • Ubisoft: 14% (7 votes)
  • Microsoft: 12% (6 votes)
  • Nintendo: 6% (3 votes)
  • EA: 6% (3 votes)
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-02 03:15:35 UTC • Voting closed • 0 comments
Which one of these interests you the most?
  • Mass Effect 3: 44% (29 votes)
  • Max Payne 3: 24% (16 votes)
  • Kid Icarus: Uprising: 15% (10 votes)
  • Prototype 2: 14% (9 votes)
  • Darksiders II: 2% (1 vote)
  • Xenoblade Chronicles: 2% (1 vote)
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-02 03:15:35 UTC • Voting closed • 0 comments
Lots of big releases coming up. Choose your favourite!
  • Skyrim: 47% (32 votes)
  • Modern Warfare 3: 22% (15 votes)
  • Super Mario 3D Land: 15% (10 votes)
  • Uncharted 3: 9% (6 votes)
  • Assassin's Creed: Revelations: 7% (5 votes)
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-02 03:15:35 UTC • Voting closed • 0 comments
Restriction, restriction, rhymes with ...some word
  • 20-30 brush limit challenge: 57% (27 votes)
  • 1024³ cube space challenge: 43% (20 votes)
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-02 03:15:35 UTC • Voting closed • 0 comments
Choose your most anticipated game out of the list below
  • Crysis 2: 39% (24 votes)
  • Pokemon Black/White: 23% (14 votes)
  • F.3.A.R.: 13% (8 votes)
  • Bulletstorm: 11% (7 votes)
  • Dragon Age 2: 11% (7 votes)
  • Killzone 3: 3% (2 votes)