
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-02 03:15:35 UTC • Voting closed • 0 comments
What would you most like for Christmas?
  • Episode Three: 54% (41 votes)
  • Plush Headcrab: 24% (18 votes)
  • Plush Strider *wink*: 8% (6 votes)
  • Plush Vortigaunt: 5% (4 votes)
  • Plush Companion Cube: 5% (4 votes)
  • Plush Plushie: 4% (3 votes)
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-02 03:15:35 UTC • Voting closed • 0 comments
Choose your favourite out of the following:
  • Xbox 360: 46% (38 votes)
  • Playstation 3: 28% (23 votes)
  • Wii: 13% (11 votes)
  • DS: 7% (6 votes)
  • PSP: 5% (4 votes)
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-02 03:15:35 UTC • Voting closed • 0 comments
  • Cheddar: 32% (25 votes)
  • Cheese?: 25% (20 votes)
  • Other: 14% (11 votes)
  • Swiss: 11% (9 votes)
  • Cream: 10% (8 votes)
  • Blue: 8% (6 votes)
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-02 03:15:35 UTC • Voting closed • 0 comments
What would you like to see the most in its next iteration?
  • Total dynamic lighting solution: 32% (23 votes)
  • A more intuitive world editor: 24% (17 votes)
  • Detailed programmatic specificity: 18% (13 votes)
  • A move away from the BSP format: 15% (11 votes)
  • Euphoria, PhysX or otherwise: 11% (8 votes)
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-02 03:15:35 UTC • Voting closed • 0 comments
Is it time for one?
  • Strider crossed the streams!: 99% (10002 votes)
  • You suck, poll master.: 0% (33 votes)
  • Yes: 0% (20 votes)
  • But isn't this...: 0% (9 votes)
  • Hang on...: 0% (6 votes)
  • No: 0% (3 votes)