Forum posts

Posted 11 years ago2013-10-02 17:14:24 UTC
in Competition 33 Post #316053
Is anyone still working on their entries?
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-26 12:26:14 UTC
in Gauss Reflectivity Help Post #315931
It seems that 64 units is the thickest you want to go, but even then at some angles it is reflective.

Edit: I decompiled bounce and it seems the maps terrain brushwork is very thick. The entire level isn't reflective at all. Maybe it was just the de compiler that made the brushwork so thick as I know they alter brushwork.
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-24 15:44:30 UTC
in Gauss Reflectivity Help Post #315914
Awesome, that's the solution! I should have tested more before posting this thread again. Thanks!
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-24 04:21:05 UTC
in Gauss Reflectivity Help Post #315903
Although the angle does affect it, it is still more reflective in my map than regular hldm maps. When looking straight down in regular hldm maps the gauss beam doesn't reflect and injure you whereas in my map it does.
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-24 02:07:15 UTC
in Mini-Contest #87 - Map A Song Post #315899
Too much awesomeness going on at once! Arg!
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-23 16:25:09 UTC
in Gauss Reflectivity Help Post #315886
User posted image
I've asked before but couldn't find an answer. Does anyone know how to decrease the reflectivity of the gauss beam against certain materials, brushes/ surfaces especially playing online via steam. I'm trying to make a hldm map where the player starts equipped with it each round but when shooting the ground it kills or injures yourself. I've already tried changing the material sound files of the specific textures.

Help appreciated asap for it's a major factor in whether i'll create my competition 33 map in time or not, thanks.
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-21 02:05:08 UTC
in Competition 33 Post #315827
Looks really cool Moaby! Seems like it would be a lot of fun to play, and those waterfalls are epic.

Cool Captain, can't wait to see! I will be merging the natural land masses with man/alien made architecture.
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-20 16:10:24 UTC
in Competition 33 Post #315811
Solely based on the fact that a new competition was started.

I used to do these things for fun, we'll see. Don't want to offend anyone who's been appropriately participating...

Trempler, your name says it all hehe. Sorry to hear if you had any hardships to deal with, hope you still enter. Pst, let us know so we know how hard to try. ;)

Ninja you're third screenie showed some cool architecture and texturing.

Moaby, whoa that was looking awesome, I wonder how it looks now. Have you made any progress since?

Rimrook, your entry was looking astounding. I love the design and texturing. I really hope you do something with this!

Docrock, large scale is one thing you sure know, looking awesome. I hope you've been working on it.

Doodle, pretty sure i'll have to play through that one! I'm curious if the gears move :glad:

Lajron, nice name hehe. Cool clean design.

Tetsuo, did yours end up turning out like the sketches?

Kraken, looks great especially with those bleeding textures added ;) . It would make for some nice cs gameplayage.

Urby I agree that most twhl members probably don't map anymore. I myself had to reinstall hammer for the purpose of this competition. Being a website based on level design i'm sure most designers/ developers here will never completely lose similar interest.

Captain, sounds like myself in many ways ;) . I've began editing and assembling textures so far.
User posted image
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-16 23:24:38 UTC
in Competition 33 Post #315739
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-10 07:47:15 UTC
in Brilliant zeeba-G haves a question Post #314820
Would you say the square root of three is irrational? Because my math book does. ;)
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-09 18:06:55 UTC
in Sledge (Hammer Alternative) Alpha Build Post #314811
Dude editing hammer's code is the most brilliant idea ever. I know nothing about code but what code does it use? :glad:
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-07 23:49:20 UTC
in Sledge (Hammer Alternative) Alpha Build Post #314771
Support bigger maps you say? How much bigger? Sounds really cool so far i'll have to check it out.
Posted 11 years ago2013-08-03 23:22:03 UTC
in Windows 8 Post #314670
Does every country get to use Window's 8? ;)
Posted 11 years ago2013-07-26 05:41:16 UTC
in Windows 8 Post #314464
Oops, thanks.
Posted 11 years ago2013-07-25 20:48:05 UTC
in Windows 8 Post #314450
Have any of you used windows 8? My new laptop came with it and it's complete garbage. I'm pretty sure i'm going to buy windows 7 and install it.
Posted 11 years ago2013-07-10 04:24:15 UTC
in mtv cribs, of your room Post #314164
Thanks, the pictures don't do it justice!
Posted 11 years ago2013-07-08 04:35:58 UTC
in mtv cribs, of your room Post #314150
Cats are interesting creatures, that's for sure. I never developed a relationship with the cats I've had because I was young and my dad treated them badly so they would get a crazy attitude.

I tried catching a stray recently at work but it got out of the box and resented me for it, or was afraid of me. I just don't have good luck with them though I think they're cool. Nahmbo seems very well behaved, really cool cat!
Posted 11 years ago2013-07-07 20:04:38 UTC
in mtv cribs, of your room Post #314146
You'd laugh to see my only consoles are nes, super nes, n64 and gamecube. I'm a fan of Nintendo.

Ha I wish I had a cat to climb it. I could even cut out holes so it could travel through them!
Posted 11 years ago2013-07-06 23:52:07 UTC
in mtv cribs, of your room Post #314143
Thanks let me know if you need any help. Done! I'll try to make the video eventually.

User posted image
Posted 11 years ago2013-07-03 21:38:47 UTC
in mtv cribs, of your room Post #314117
Thanks Penguin!

I had to build it first because it then required sanding and some plane work. Just finished staining it finally, had to literally pay a friend and my brother to help finish it. Well two more coats on the desk and it will be done.

Fsr I didn't use a drop cloth and got drops all over my carpet, I think scissors might get it out. :zonked:
Posted 11 years ago2013-07-02 22:45:19 UTC
in mtv cribs, of your room Post #314101
The holes are hidden behind the trim. Thanks Kraken, my room used to be nothing more than a bed and computer desk.

Sorry for the crappy quality image I will take better ones when it is done. And hopefully make the vid.
Posted 11 years ago2013-07-01 02:20:57 UTC
in mtv cribs, of your room Post #313967
Yea it's cool however you'd like.

Just finished a model of the wall shelf in rhino. It will hold my keyboard piano, fish tank, tv and a desk along with tons of display shelves for architecture models and some pottery.

User posted image

Edit: Finished building it! Just have to stain it.

User posted image

And yes i'm getting new carpet soon. :aghast:
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-12 01:08:51 UTC
in mtv cribs, of your room Post #313965
Ha awesome i'm glad some of you are in. I just painted my room and am going to build an entire wall shelf. Once I'm done and I buy a new toy i'll show and tell. Should be ready by around the 25th or so.
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-10 20:23:28 UTC
in mtv cribs, of your room Post #313940
I think it would be fun to make a video of your room going through different things you own and explaining them. I'm currently redoing my room and will make a video once it's done.

Feel free to go ahead if anyone feels inclined. :D
Posted 11 years ago2013-05-10 06:08:56 UTC
in cs, turn widescreen off Post #313458
yay, worked :) thanks
Posted 11 years ago2013-05-02 19:33:51 UTC
in cs, turn widescreen off Post #313409
Yea I had already tried uninstalling and reinstalling. The settings are still in widescreen.
Posted 11 years ago2013-05-02 04:13:55 UTC
in cs, turn widescreen off Post #313404
Someone want to try to log into my steam account and see if they can turn it off?
Posted 11 years ago2013-04-14 00:29:10 UTC
in cs, turn widescreen off Post #313315
ah this is so lame!
Posted 11 years ago2013-04-11 16:49:43 UTC
in cs, turn widescreen off Post #313306
:( didn't work. It still runs in widescreen.
Posted 11 years ago2013-04-11 05:50:54 UTC
in cs, turn widescreen off Post #313303
I tried this which launches the game but didn't affect the size. steam://rungameid/80 -console -width 800 -height 640
Posted 11 years ago2013-04-11 01:41:14 UTC
in cs, turn widescreen off Post #313301
I turned widescreen on in counterstrike cz on my laptop and the resolution is huge/ larger than the screen. In options I am unable to turn widescreen off because I cannot see it in my window, anyone know the console command to turn it off if there is one or another way?
Posted 11 years ago2013-04-05 18:14:45 UTC
in Competition 33 Post #313267
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-27 00:46:12 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #313169
Bruce, nice giant subway/hall space.
Posted 12 years ago2013-02-12 22:05:41 UTC
in Sky texture question Post #312587
Maybe it is just that it was in cs 1.6. I'll mess around some more with it soon.
Posted 12 years ago2013-02-10 18:46:39 UTC
in Sky texture question Post #312551
Strojke as soon as I link two of the areas with a hallway you can then see through the sky into the other areas. I think it only worked for you because the areas weren't accessible.
Posted 12 years ago2013-02-10 07:26:32 UTC
in Sky texture question Post #312544
In one of the spawns it does it to areas directly surrounding it. I actually pm'ed Nipper the guy who mapped it on gamebanana. We'll see if he responds.
Posted 12 years ago2013-02-10 07:19:52 UTC
in Sky texture question Post #312542
I decompiled the map but couldn't see anything unusual. One part was two layers of sky textured brush and then a third layer brush with a wall texture but this may have been because of the decompile as it wasn't the same on the other walls.

I've never used hint brushes, hmm.
Posted 12 years ago2013-02-10 05:08:24 UTC
in Sky texture question Post #312538
Yea I even checked, its a map for counterstrike 1.6, blahhh by Nipper. Maybe it just happens that way in cs 1.6... I tried in condition zero.

I also assumed that I was mistaken until I checked.

Edit: Oh maybe if I just layer the room with another brush all around it.

Double Edit: Nothing seems to be working. Maybe I can decompile the map to find out what was done.
Posted 12 years ago2013-02-10 03:03:57 UTC
in Sky texture question Post #312536
I've seen it done where a room's walls are textured with the sky texture and you cannot see into the surrounding rooms. When I try this you can see through the sky textured walls into the other rooms. Does anyone know how to do this?
Posted 12 years ago2013-02-02 19:09:55 UTC
in Competition 33 Post #312438
If a month is added I may consider entering for old time sake.
Posted 12 years ago2013-01-13 16:54:16 UTC
in Func_trains out of sync Post #312175
I've seen func_tracktrains go out of wack once before.
Posted 12 years ago2013-01-11 23:45:34 UTC
in Func_trains out of sync Post #312155
Thanks I needed that lol! I reloaded it and they seemed to stay in sync. Hmm lol.
Posted 12 years ago2013-01-11 16:13:05 UTC
in Func_trains out of sync Post #312152
Lets just say I have six func_trains that all follow the same looping path. The trains are each triggered individually one after the other with .5 second increments in between. They start out moving evenly spaced from eachother but they eventually begin to move out of sync.

Any possible reasons why? It seems like glitches of lag effect them. By the way, env_beams follow the trains. They are all set at the same speed so you would think it would be impossible for them to go out of sync.
Posted 12 years ago2013-01-06 05:44:56 UTC
in Competition 33 Post #312047
Well i've made a few things but don't think i'll enter :( Good luck guys.
Posted 12 years ago2013-01-03 00:21:13 UTC
in Can't make new texture Post #312014
Oh I found out why! It's because it was saving the wad file in my cs_c_zero folder instead of valve folder. Thanks for the help!
Posted 12 years ago2013-01-02 22:55:17 UTC
in Can't make new texture Post #312009
That seems to be the problem, I am just anable to save a new texture into the existing wad. agh!
Posted 12 years ago2013-01-02 21:16:36 UTC
in Can't make new texture Post #312007
I have no idea why this isn't working but when I try to create a new texture within an existing texture set the new texture doesn't show up in hammer whereas the rest of them from the set do.

What's going on?
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-22 11:00:06 UTC
in Complete bullshit new law passed in US Post #311791
Earth is all of ours. It only isn't when you allow someone to take it. Freedom is nothing more than living. If you allow a total imbalance of power what do you think will happen.

His arm is actually doing the nazi solute, just bent it around Obama. It's a stupid analogy.
User posted image
I want to move...
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-22 10:36:58 UTC
in Complete bullshit new law passed in US Post #311789
Blitzkrieg, before you even speek in a thread read the content, look up the given information and come to an understanding. The image is about Obama signing a bill passing a law infringing some amendments from the US constitution, not about whether or not we should own guns. Penguinboy only suggested we not vere so widly off topic as all of you were doing. I appreciate you and other's involvement but not that it was completely off topic.

Debating gun ownership is one thing but in what context is a whole other story.

Don Punch how was allowing the right to bear arms to protect them?

I agree with you that the patriot act is very similar to the NDAA both completely relying on fear to promote their acceptance.

I am aware of internment camps, what is your point? Yes they are similar to the fema camps but seemed to have better intention.
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-22 06:24:43 UTC
in Competition 33 Post #311786
Trempler you got some sick shit! But geez, stop mirroring evrehtheng!!! If you're maps weren't so symmetrical they'd be godlike!

Lots of nice stuff so far. I am being way too distracted by US' bullshit being passed in congress and christmas but i've poked at some textures tee hee.