Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-04 02:37:31 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #178333
Jobabob, Natural selection and religion are just fine together. In fact we see it all the time in the bible. People like the Babylonians get killed off because the Persians were just stronger, and superior.
Thats not natural selection, survival of the fittest is according to circumstances, you dont get entire species of birds eaten by mass armies of cats
And if you beleive in the laws of natural selection so much, then what's the deal with you disagreeing with me last time we talked about it (and homosexuality.)
I understand they form the principle of modern biology but I also have some crazy human emotion that makes me think that having sex with children is wrong in some way.
The only reason I made such a big thing out if it THIS time is because Satchmo said that anyone who doesn't tolerate homosexuality is just like Nazis/murderers. Which is more closed-minded than anything I've said.
If everyone did such an inane rebuttal everytime someone used the N word debates would never go anywhere, also the Daily Mail would cease to function
You know, at least with Atheism, you are not afraid of a commitment. Either there IS a god or there ISN'T. If you're agnostic, you're just pretty much saying "There MIGHT be a god, but he is an idea, or he is in everything.
Agnostic means that you cant prove either way, which is true, I just choose not to believe in the supernatural until I see evidance to the contrary
Also, I think that atheism takes more faith to believe than Christianity. With Christianity, we beleive in SOMETHING. With atheism, you must beleive in the concept of NOTHING.
Its as if someone invented heaven to stop us all worrying about our own mortality so much
and there is no such thing as NOTHING.Nothing doesn't exist and has never been sighted, never ben proven. so how do you vouch for your beleif in Nothing?
Believing in nothing is easy, before you were born you were nothing, hence when you die you will be nothing again and you wont care about it because you wont be able to care. The concept of nothing is a fundamental mathematical principle, it was romans/christians that stopped it from coming about till the 1400's though.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-04 02:28:19 UTC
in Our path to destruction Post #178332
I think you're forgetting all those metal birds that defy Gods will and fly all over the world many thousands of times a day
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 18:23:19 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #178285
In a lot of cases making stuff for PFL was 'look what I can do' rather than 'heres a bunch of shelves you can use'
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 17:55:21 UTC
in Our path to destruction Post #178278
with opinions like yours you can do anything surely
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 17:54:34 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #178277
xyos holy hell you really do love sweeping statements dont you, this may suprise you but just because your experience of a few parts of something is one way, the rest of it is not necessarily that way as well!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 17:15:21 UTC
in Our path to destruction Post #178266
certainly not in london, public transportation trips make up many times more than the number of car trips per day and on average, I would know because I read the TfL's business plan for some reason (bro's in treasury transport dept)
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 17:13:56 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #178265

PFL managed to collect some 4000 prefabs in its time, some of them were quite impressive. Prefabbing may seem the work of the lazy mapper, but if you can learn something from someone elses work its no different to open source coding.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 14:54:31 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #178246
I'm going to convert him to aetheism, its my mission in life

also OMG orpheus, I thought I recognised the name from somewhere. PFL's been down for about 3 years now but the site is still semi-up and broken.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 14:47:51 UTC
in Half Life Deathmatch Source Post #178244
ITS GOT CLIFFS that look like they're only 50ft away for some reason
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 14:45:38 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #178241
Theres a massive amount of evidence for natural selection and given that our entire biological sciences are based around it its one of those things that you cant really argue about, saying its a theory like its something that is only right till disproven is like stating the fundamental laws of physics are just as fallible as something dreamt up by a 1st grade science student.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 14:38:34 UTC
in Our path to destruction Post #178237
Hybrid cars produce much larger quantities of smug than normal cars
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 14:35:57 UTC
in Osama bin Laden uses Linux! Post #178236
Anyway now thats cleared up Id like to express an opinion of mine, is it just me or are the blacks clearly less intelligent that us whites. Why do we goto the same schools when they are clearly inferior, I say bring back racial segregation. Also on that subject I think eugenics is a rather good idea, we should really eliminate some of these bad parts of society through euthanasia and selective breeding and on that matter why do Jews call themselves a race? The point is I really hate black people, and immigrants, vote BNP in your local elections.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 12:48:43 UTC
in Osama bin Laden uses Linux! Post #178191
your opinion is not worth challenging, its as fundamentally stupid labelling an entire sex as it is labelling a race or a disability, go troll somewhere else
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 12:00:31 UTC
in Osama bin Laden uses Linux! Post #178182
Woah xyos I feel exactly the same sexist bigotted way, all women are emotional bags of shit
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 10:11:13 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #178154
I bet "evil genius" works for microsoft. Or dell.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 10:09:46 UTC
in Our path to destruction Post #178153
One thing I found an interesting parallel the other day was how we still do not plan or prepare for the inevitable peak of oil capacity, the subsequent explosion in demand (and skyrocketing prices) and the eventual loss of the oil supplies could cripple every westernised nation in the world, causing absolute chaos. Our fundamental reliance on oil is one of the biggest threats we face yet the oil companies still focus mainly on how to get more oil (despite BP claiming 'greener' alternatives are being developed) rather than in planning for the future.

The parallel is this, for the disposal of nuclear waste we must plan for future generations perhaps as much as 100,000 years into the future, there are strict rules and guidelines that govern this in the western world and everything must be stringently tested and proven (as much as can be) that they will last for such an extended period of time. Why is it that we can plan for something so far away, let falter in something that every day seems so close.

(as a final note, if anyone mentions hybrid cars I will hit them, they are only a stop gap)
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 09:59:03 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #178151
Or we could start a new thread, I'll try that now
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 08:56:55 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #178140
you cant possibly be suggesting that man created god, how dare you!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 07:59:48 UTC
in Crysis Post #178127
Why am I a fool? The point was that it gets harder to produce good looking maps as technology improves, however with a lot of modern engines you can prefabricate good looking maps using the tools supplied by the developer. Yes its harder to create original maps as we did with HL, but thats obvious.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 05:46:00 UTC
in XP Key Post #178117
I choose being a hopeless Linux fanboy, each have their merits
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 03:19:03 UTC
in XP Key Post #178106
stop yiffing and phone microsoft already
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 03:18:45 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #178105
Of course you cant prove or disprove it, thats why any reasoned debate where one person takes the side of God cant really lose.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 02:47:49 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #178099
God made everything very cleverly in a certain way so that it would be absolutely impossible to prove his existence
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 02:39:27 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #178097
surely believing he created them is as crazy as believing a flying spaghetti monster did
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 02:34:14 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #178094
God and Science are mutually exclusive because God is inherently non scientific. Please stop using the 'because we dont know it must be god' argument, its grating.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 17:58:00 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #178057
how is it possible to be riled by someone that believes a man died for all our wrongdoings, came back to life, then ascended on a cloud to live with his dad forever
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 17:07:18 UTC
in Half Life Deathmatch Source Post #178044
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 17:06:37 UTC
in Crysis Post #178043
With each technological step, more effort is needed to make a game. You know it if you've made maps for HL1 and HL2. Mapping 5 years from now will be a lot harder and more people will be needed for level design.
If anyone here is going to be a level designer, you will never be unemployed...
Utter nonsense, you can create a brilliant looking hl2 map using nothing but prefabs, only mappers would really be able to show them up for being as original as your average pop song.
Oblivions forests and grassland are entirely procedurally generated so the line between programming and mapping is made much finer, making it possible to make something that is beautiful and also very easy to 'place' in a map.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 17:03:52 UTC
in Avatar Contest Post #178039
(I shoudlnt know this)

Not necessarily, those are 'fur suiters', furry is essentially a hijacked term like 'gay' anyway and its so hard to distinguish between artists who enjoy the anthropomorphic style and those you enjoy it in some bizzare sexual mannor
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 14:51:51 UTC
in Crysis Post #178003
All the different elements are so co-dependent I cant see how anyone can make such a sweeping statement, the maps would be nothing without models populating them, textures to make surfaces more than just blank faces, sounds to fill the air, and so on
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 13:53:40 UTC
in Crysis Post #177989
Looks rubbish

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 11:27:16 UTC
in Osama bin Laden uses Linux! Post #177967
It isnt funny satire though, even knowing that it is doesnt really improve the site beyond any other crazy misinformed republican blog.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 10:44:15 UTC
in Valve with XBox 360 Post #177960
Even though its fluffing obvious what he meant
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 10:18:50 UTC
in XP Key Post #177950
He was probably a linux terrorist
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 08:47:04 UTC
in XP Key Post #177937
No content here.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 08:10:24 UTC
in Going InSaNe! Post #177930
I do that all the time browsing here, you all make me so MAD
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 05:26:45 UTC
in XP Key Post #177860
erm seventh its probably not a good idea to post xp cd keys on this forum unless you enjoy legal action
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 05:26:04 UTC
in Headcrab! Post #177859
Come on, its funny and its cute. If you can't honestly say that you wouldn't want one then you can't call yourself a true Half Lifer. You know you want one, even if you won't say it here, you know you want one.... you want one.... you want one..... you want one..... you want to made me a moderator.... you want to.... you want to....
A true valve fanboy you mean
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 05:24:52 UTC
in Osama bin Laden uses Linux! Post #177858
you wishy washy liberals cant even define what side of the political spectrum you are in
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 03:03:53 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #177830
"on closer inspection his condition has been upgraded to alive"
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 03:02:56 UTC
in Osama bin Laden uses Linux! Post #177829
hugh is cruising for a bruising, if this forum had any women on it, which it most likely doesnt
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 03:01:07 UTC
in XP Key Post #177828
phone microshaft, someone may have somehow used your product key despite it being a COMPLETELY INFALLIBLE SYSTEM
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 17:39:46 UTC
in Osama bin Laden uses Linux! Post #177772
A week old?? You have 'all your base' in your avatar fgs!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 17:36:26 UTC
in Headcrab! Post #177770
as you cant fit it over your own head its somewhat pointless
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 17:35:19 UTC
in Avatar Contest Post #177768
If half of you knew how fucked up the whole 'furry' thing gets you'd be keeping some distance from rimrook, I'd post it here but I'd get banned for it being more nws than most jap hentai.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 15:19:22 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #177715
Do you think if Earth was visited by Aliens we would attack, wait, or try to talk peace?
Thats so far off topic I dont know why im dignifying it with a paragraph answer.
Hollywood has so warped our ideas of first contant most peoples reaction would be that the aliens would be evil and that we would fight back valiantly, they'd also all use macs and a single virus would destroy all their ships for some reason.
This needs a new thread, i'm not bothering any more with it here.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 15:15:48 UTC
in Osama bin Laden uses Linux! Post #177714
m0p get a life please, its only old if its old to the particular forum and not an internet 'fad'
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 12:41:12 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #177702
At least you believe there were primitive forms of man and not two people that the entire human race descended from, nature would've kindly killed our species out after a few generations of birth defects.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 12:39:49 UTC
in Osama bin Laden uses Linux! Post #177700
American satire is 'say the exact opposite of what we mean and dont even give a subtle hint that we dont mean it'
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 11:58:44 UTC
in Osama bin Laden uses Linux! Post #177691
You could argue that some abstract greek scientist invented the idea of the computer or that the englishman charles babbage had the idea that formed the basis of computerised calculation, in terms of today's machines the main Brit that was involved is of course Alana Turing, all computers are based on his concepts. Of course the Americans did pretty much everything after that though.
Hah...Who invented the WWW? Then we can make threats...