Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-01-10 02:42:18 UTC
in The Fraud - Exposed Post #157213
Oh, for fucks sake. You're just being fucking stupid now.
I dont think calling people idiots, morons and assholes is in the communities best interest.
Read the first post: did I call anyone an idiot, a moron, an asshole? No. It was only when people started attacking me that I started. Why? BECAUSE I'VE DONE NOTHING FUCKING WRONG.
And I am only disagreeing with you cause in my mind habboi is innocent until proven guilty...and I have yet to see any proof...just accusations.
No accusations from me, but from the informant. So get the fuck off my back.

Due to the pure noobiness and stupidity of many of the members in this community, I refuse to give you a name. I fear that habboi and his supporters will all email him with goatse, gay porn, and silly threats.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-10 01:36:44 UTC
in The Fraud - Exposed Post #157211
Quite frankly your "Im right and your wrong" attitude is really getting on my nerves.
I have never had this attitude. In fact, it was everyone else who had this attitude. 'No, I believe habboi 'cos he never lies! He must be right!11' and my opinion is discarded completely because for some strange reason, the population of idiots far outweigh the population of intelligent people in this community.

Anyway, you have no argument, J3r3my. The point stands that stealing someones work IS a big deal, and the community's best interest was in my mind when I posted. You're just being ignorant.
if there are people sending death threats through pms... than twhl should seriously consider an age limit required to create an account... and if its not a matter of age... GROW UP damn e-thugs
Don't think that'd do anything. Some people are mature for their age, some aren't.

Anywho, I got a dumbass PM from slightly_insane, who seemed a bit fucked in the head. It contained insults and silly threats, and I laughed it off and showed it in IRC for a bit of a laugh. He has since been banned, and anyone who persists with stupid PMs will continue to be banned.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 23:00:24 UTC
in The Fraud - Exposed Post #157193
Quite frankly, J3r3my seems to have no idea what he's talking about.

Even if there is 'no proof,' as you say, I felt it best for the community to know.

Right now, you're just making yourself look like an ass.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 22:19:08 UTC
in The Fraud - Exposed Post #157175
Trapt has to come in here and be a big crybaby about it and make a huge deal about it when it really isnt.
I'm sorry, but taking someone's work and claiming it as your own is a big deal, and YOU are a pathetic fucking moron.

Please, refrain from making yourself look stupider than you really are in the future.
What struck me was your rude summary of Habboi's explaination. Anyone who treats someone like that, I would have to oppose...
Meh, I'm just a very blunt person who speaks his mind. I don't see anything wrong with telling people what you think.

Thanks for the apology though, it means a lot. :)
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-08 23:22:47 UTC
in counter-strike. were can i DL v46 of CS Post #156977
v46? :x wtf

And no, Steam is free.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-08 22:57:53 UTC
in The Fraud - Exposed Post #156973
Well, you lied about Habboi, tried to ruin his reputation, hurt his image, turn people against him, and now just openly insult him.
a) No evidence that I lied, except his word. How is that any different to the informants word.
b) I tried to warn TWHL after what I'd heard. My heart was in the right place
c) People turned against him at their own will. I didn't take over their minds and go 'rawr habboi is evil'
d) Meh, just a summary.
Now, I don't really know Habboi, or you, but from what I've heard here, you're just trying to be some kind of an asshole toward him, for some reason I really don't know, nor care about.
Once again, I was just warning TWHL on information that I'd heard, and trusted. No proof that it was right, no proof that it was wrong.
You were wrong, and hurt someone in the process.
... gg. You're jumping to conclusions by saying I was wrong.
The appropriate thing to do would be to apoligize. I just asumed you were man enough.
Once again, I will not apologise because I've done absolutely nothing wrong.

As fourthgen said:
He's done nothing wrong, he reported what he found out to TWHL. He did the right thing.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-08 22:38:20 UTC
in TWHL Source Server - Its here! Post #156970
South West USA, Mr. Satchy. Quite close to you, I dare say.

Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-08 22:36:39 UTC
in The Fraud - Exposed Post #156969
You'll be waiting for a while. He's done nothing wrong, he reported what he found out to TWHL. He did the right thing.
Alas, someone in this community has a brain.

It's the informants word against habboi's word, and in the end he can't be proven guilty or innocent.

I will not apologise, for I have done nothing wrong. Can somebody point out what I did wrong? Please, I want to know. I told the community what I heard, I haven't lied, and I haven't really been an asshole about it.
We're waiting for Trapt's apology, now sit there and be quiet!
... You'll be waiting a while. I don't apologise when I've done nothing wrong.
i also bet trapt wont read that whole post. he'll just find things he can contradict.
Yeah, nice one dickface. In fact, I'll summarise the whole post in a couple of sentences, ready?

'I'm habboi and I'm a little emo boy who wanted to cut himself because I was working too hard and so much blood sweat and tears went into my work and my marks were bad but i worked hard and they turned good and my family and friends were all emo about my mod work and then i joined this naughty mod and then i didn't work and got booted and then i voted for nightfall and joined ganglife cos the leader was amazed at my 'beautiful' work and i didn't steal screenshots look in this picture and you'll see a folder which i could've just created a couple days ago and you can't see anything in it and ignore the porn folder and the pirated game folder and the current projects folder.'
Handy little folder that I add map pics too when i apply for mods...back then Nightfall never asked for BSP files...
... hrmm. :confused:
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-08 08:02:57 UTC
in The Fraud - Exposed Post #156823
Bleh. Whatever.

It seems your homosexual love for habboi has taken over whatever intelligence you used to have.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-08 07:48:12 UTC
in The Fraud - Exposed Post #156821
Oh, Hunter. How ignorant you have become.
so you assumed they were from TWHL screenshots... huh?
I happen to know. thats right KNOW.. thats when its actually a fact and not an assumption, that most of the guys from Nightfall were being total asses to Habboi. He was producing sloppy work, but only because he didn't like the mod... I think what he told me (cant remember exactly.. it was months ago) was that he was really excited about the mod and had showed them his first map for the project... That very same day, i'm on msn and he is just in one fuck-off bad mood. Eventually he tells me that all they had done was flame his map to hell and he was really dissappointed cos he'd worked hard on it. Anyways, from then on, he didn't have his heart in the mod at all... He continually had arguments with the Nightfall project leader and was booted.
Its very possible that they were talking bullshit..
How does habboi 'not having his heart in it' have anything to do with him using OTHER PEOPLE'S SCREENSHOTS TO GET IN THE MOD? Your irrelevant information startles me.
The only content that I know of habboi stealing from nightfall was the graveyard map which he used for 'Dedication' .. however, can that be called stealing when its his own freak'n map?
... sigh. You obviously don't understand.
its so convenient that the e-mails were deleted. Such a shame that the only evidence you have is from an informant of whome which we know nothing about. He/she might not even exist.
He/she DOES exist, as Rabid, Ant, most IRCers and indeed Worldcraft Dude can confirm. I still refuse to give out the name, because knowing the antics of The Hunter and habboi, they'll spam his email with death threats, gay porn, tubgirl, goatse, and anything else which they might find jack-off-worthy.
(yeah, the ghey schex was REALLY good last night, Habboi)

You really shouldn't be taking this as a joke.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-08 05:10:11 UTC
in The Fraud - Exposed Post #156812
We do not know his identity, and for reasons I stated earlier, his word should not be trusted in this case.
Dude, I know the informant on a personal level. He didn't seem to have a grudge against habboi, or anything of the sort, and I really don't see why he'd make up such a serious accusation.

Think before you post people, think.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-07 22:51:15 UTC
in The Fraud - Exposed Post #156788
Believe whatever you want, but I trust the informants word. I know him on a personal level, and he is on the dev team of the mod. He's just like a witness to a crime.

Witness = evidence.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-07 21:39:48 UTC
in The Fraud - Exposed Post #156784
As such, we attempted to find out which screenshots were used. Our efforts, however, were to no avail as the leader of the mod had deleted the emails.
Besides, I was told from a fucking member of the mod team. I'm quite sure his word can be trusted.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-07 21:29:08 UTC
in The Fraud - Exposed Post #156782
As I said, I REFUSE to name names here, because I don't want to get the informer in trouble. But I can tell you that it was in fact a member of the NightFall mod team.

Last night, it came to my attention that habboi was in fact booted from the NightFall team. No, he didn't leave as he told us, he was booted.

The reasons were simple: his mapping was not up to the standard in which the modification would have liked, and he was being an idiot.

I was also told that he used screenshots of maps which were not his own to get onto the team. The informer also stated that the screenshots were of a map quite beyond habboi's level designing skill. It was that statement that had me thinking: hang on, has he stolen a TWHLer's map screenshots and claimed them as his own? I was concerned, and came here to let you all know.

It also came to my attention that he used the custom models provided for him from the team in OTHER PROJECTS.

I was appauled, and immediately showed it to my good friends in the IRC channel. We thought it was best to warn TWHL about these events, as they were quite serious and very concerning.

Again, I stress that this information was told to me by a MEMBER OF THE NIGHTFALL MOD TEAM, and therefore I believe every word of it.

I rest my case.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-07 10:35:49 UTC
in The Fraud - Exposed Post #156641

Oh, and to people who thought I was 'stirring up crap,' well... you're all idiots. ;)

Those are some SERIOUS fucking accusations, you can't just make that shit up and get away with it.

I assure you that it is real, and I'm not fucking about.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-07 09:56:08 UTC
in another compile error.. Post #156631
... wtf?

Are you mapping for Half-Life 2 or Half-Life 1?

Only use ZHLT if you're mapping for HL1! HL2 has it's own tools (vbsp, vvis and vrad).

Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-07 09:52:39 UTC
in Access Denied ? Post #156630
You are the master of subtlety, Mr. Hunter.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-07 09:04:17 UTC
in The Fraud - Exposed Post #156618
It has recently come to the attention of myself and two of the moderators of TWHL that a certain member has proven himself to be a giant fraud. This particular member engaged in activities such as claiming other mapper's screenshots as his own to aid his request to join a modification team. Furthermore, once on the team, this member proceeded to steal prop models requested by the member for use in projects not in any way connected to the modification.

Once these claims reached myself and the moderators, we reacted with concern over the misuse of other mapper's hard work and property. We immediately thought of the possibilty that members of TWHL might've been affected by the actions of this individual, considering our slew of high-profile mappers. As such, we attempted to find out which screenshots were used. Our efforts, however, were to no avail as the leader of the mod had deleted the emails. After this, we came to the conclusion that TWHL had to be warned, for the good of the community: we do not wish to see your hard work being used to such a pathetic extent.

Although we were quite shocked to discover that screenshots had been used, we were mortified and appauled to discover the efforts of the modification team were also going to waste.

The modification team acted responsibly on this issue by removing the individual from the modification team. Since we do not know the source of the screenshots, we cannot find out who was personally affected, but we felt that TWHL should be warned: habboi is not to be trusted.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-07 05:49:41 UTC
in sky Post #156599
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-07 05:36:44 UTC
in Competition 18 Post #156597

Not a very popular compo you've got going here.

I think next compo should be map from base + deathmatch compo again, but not a map from layout compo... something else.

It seems to prospect of making a WHOLE single player map is too much, nowadays. :<
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-07 05:33:04 UTC
in Goodbye. Post #156596
Woah, insane.

What you really need is to get a position in a popular mod. That way you KNOW your work will be recognised.

Anywho, it's been nice knowing you. Goodbye. :)
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-07 05:25:56 UTC
in TWHL Source Server - Its here! Post #156594
Satch, that's 6AM on Sunday morning for me! That's like... 6 hours before I even THINK about getting up.

Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-06 07:44:32 UTC
in TWHL Source Server - Its here! Post #156401
We should set up a time, which hopefully MOST people are happy with, in which we can join the server and know there will be people in there.

You know, like a weekly session with a set time, or something.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-05 02:24:15 UTC
in Mystery of the small buildings in Source Post #156276
Was the ';)' implying sarcasm? I hope so, or you may need to get your eyes checked, Satch. :<!

.... seriously. I fail to believe how you can actually pimp such poor work, habboi. It's like you WANT to show people how much you suck.

Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-04 10:32:41 UTC
in TWHL Source Server - Its here! Post #156139
I'll be an admin. ;>

Could a moderator please go and edit all posts in this thread with the incorrect IP address, and change it to the new one? Also, add the IP to the first post, with a message saying 'It's up!' or something, so people can know straight away from the very first post.

Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-03 08:49:42 UTC
in TWHL Source Server - Its here! Post #155964
This better work or I'll eat your brains.

Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-03 08:47:56 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155963
lol. I don't even have the RMF for Abandoned anymore. Just turn your HL brightness up and restart. That's what I did. ;>
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-31 03:56:24 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155398
Server crashed during killbox today (get rid of that shit, anyway), and whatever you are running to get it to restart again made it restart with all default maps. It's currently running crossfire, and was running other maps before.

I'd like the server to have TWHL only maps, no official maps and such, anyway.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-30 09:40:32 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155280
Hooray! Thanks.

Any reason why dm_abandoned isn't on the map list?
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-30 02:42:23 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155260
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-28 10:47:43 UTC
in chicken_man? Post #154974
For those of you interested, me and my mate discovered this whilst typing random crap in google (chicken man) during a boring Italian lesson. It's become a running joke now.

Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-28 10:19:30 UTC
in Who the f**k are you? Post #154958
Oh, Dorian. How I love you, so, so much.

You see, many people are quick to judge me as an arsehole prick, but most people who actually know me know that I'm quite a humorous and somewhat polite person.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-28 10:16:36 UTC
in chicken_man? Post #154954

Just god damn hilarious. Kinda feel sorry for him though. :<
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-27 22:23:34 UTC
in Who the f**k are you? Post #154907
I can't believe no one has done this yet...
User posted image

ANYWHO, a slightly more recent image of me, rather excited.
User posted image
Jessica Alba (but its not her acting skills that I'm interested in ;) )
I concur.
User posted image

edit again: oh poo, the gif isn't working.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-27 09:51:02 UTC
in Now Playing Post #154767
... It's a cover.

rolls eyes
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-23 21:43:28 UTC
in A Very Merry Message! Post #154228
Very good but If every1 hates me , why didn't you stick me in the list!!
Oh, but for this, I love you.


Words cannot express how much I want you to BURN IN HELL. - Ant
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-23 00:57:03 UTC
in ChMod Post #154052
User posted image
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-23 00:55:30 UTC
in Looking for online sound bite archive Post #154051
User posted image
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-23 00:54:41 UTC
in 1337z0r c1!pz0r!!!1!~!~!shift+1 Post #154050
User posted image
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-23 00:52:16 UTC
in Can't Run Away From Your Past! Post #154049
User posted image
YAY: STOLEN! - Seventh
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-22 10:30:16 UTC
in Can't Run Away From Your Past! Post #153924
for god's sake The Hunter shut up! seriously! because Trapt really is the only person arguing here, and habboi isn't arguing either!!1 wah!!!

Now, lets see the problem here:

-I don't have a grudge against habboi
-I don't like habboi
-I believe habboi is an arrogant, ignorant, stupid and unintelligent spammer
-I believe you are his bitch, because you're a faggot and always defend him like 'omgz trapt u dikhed i sux habboi cok fuk u!!!'

For the record: I don't believe I would like habboi if I met him in real life. I'd probably try to beat him up, quite honestly.

Oh, and that site sucks. Fucking annoying music and that clock and date thing sucked donkey balls.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-22 10:16:31 UTC
in Animals? Post #153920
@Stider: He gets the testicle from Moon Hitler.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-22 10:14:18 UTC
in Can't Run Away From Your Past! Post #153919
er... who got tempbanned?
I don't talk like that anymore
You still can't speak English properly.

AND you're a nub.

I think I owned you there.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-22 00:06:05 UTC
in Morning Everyone! Post #153832
(Right, m8?)
Right, mate. ;)
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-22 00:00:49 UTC
in de_TWHL Post #153831
Hrmm. I was going to do this last year. It was just gonna be a retextured version of my Weebl map. ;>

Never got around to finishing it, though. ;<
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-21 23:59:50 UTC
in The Trenches : Cavern Post #153830
Good boy. :)
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-21 23:41:54 UTC
in Can't Run Away From Your Past! Post #153827
Heh. Verrrrrry interesting.
Hrmm, you really haven't improved much from your early days. And I guess I'll just give up hope that you'll stop pimping your horrible shit.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-21 23:35:48 UTC
in Morning Everyone! Post #153824
Hello. I'm the local arsehole.

Pleased to meet you.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-21 23:33:30 UTC
in Animals? Post #153823
ZL cats are for smart people
You obviously don't have one, then. And if you do, you just proved that your own theory is incorrect.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-20 21:47:08 UTC
in The Trenches : Cavern Post #153619
Considering numerous people have stated that they can't see a thing, I do believe that it'd be your monitor settings which are fucked.

Trapt Traptlegend