Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-04-12 06:22:26 UTC
in 1337 H4xX0r Post #173680
That button thing didn't work =(

I tryed to make a func_breakable and set it on "trigger_only" It worked, but not if the wall was to thin so i guess it didn't work either. But making very thin walls and place then close to each other worked, but that would create lag on bigger maps...
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-11 15:42:10 UTC
in 1337 H4xX0r Post #173559
BL, does that really work? The last one
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-11 14:58:20 UTC
in 1337 H4xX0r Post #173528
Oh i will! I was just checking if there already is an obvious way to do this.

A func_wall won't block the bullets anymore than a usual solid wall huh?

I don't really play cs, that's why im asking
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-11 12:57:45 UTC
in 1337 H4xX0r Post #173496
sounds like it will make a big map lag :/
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-11 12:53:30 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #173495
WTF aren't you guys done YET?!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-11 11:51:47 UTC
in 1337 H4xX0r Post #173482
Is there any way to make the walls non-shoot-throughable in cs?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-06 09:14:27 UTC
in RIP inc. A MOVIE LIKE TIM BURTON Post #172651
Dude, i can't make any sence of your words
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-06 01:07:30 UTC
in Dm_Orithia Post #172608
Here's a plan, there will be a lower level, but i didn't include that. Now this isn't the final layout, just what i had in mind, and this will probably change as time goes by, everything doesn't work.
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-05 21:25:10 UTC
in Dm_Orithia Post #172599
Making progress! :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-04 09:05:20 UTC
in One liners Post #172323
"when we got back to the boat, the boat was gone"

House of the dead.

how can they get back to the boat if it's gone?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-31 18:33:11 UTC
in Dm_Orithia Post #171772
In the "room" it's the right textures, they arern't precfect yet, it's just basics, but it's those textures
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-31 17:30:46 UTC
in Dm_Orithia Post #171763
I made the first room as a test room, testing arcitecture. it ended up like that. Then i thought out a whole map in my head and started mapping the Orithia, and you will get the big areas and the shotgun friendly hallways, some room for gauss jumping and rpg's. The idea i have is according to be a good idea. but it's one of those ideas that either end up boring or really fun, im hoping it will end up fun.

EDIT: it's mostly the small rooms with lots of greenery that's "dark" ingame it's brighter than the screenies, but some rooms will be brighter than others, it's hard to use the crossbow in dark areas.

2nd EDIT: It's a little unfair, you haven't seen enough to judge it yet, i was hoping for some comments on the theme and the arcitecture
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-31 17:08:12 UTC
in Dm_Orithia Post #171758
Those walkways are small for a reason, you see. On that pillar i will place a gun, and i don't want it to be easy to reach. But on the rest of the walkways are almost to big.

And another thing, i don't know if you noticed it but by using the "grass" texture on both floor and celing the room get's a closed feeling. it has 4 exits so at first it didn't really come off as a room, but now it does.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-31 13:21:41 UTC
in Dm_Orithia Post #171739
It's not textured as i said =) And thanks
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-31 12:46:49 UTC
in Dm_Orithia Post #171729
If you didn't read my last attempt to post the screenies i will say the same thing again!

Ok guys, here is some screenies for you.

This is a very early stage of the map, a very very early stage, so yesterday i took a few minutes to add some textures on the "most finished" room on the map. here you go.

This is not that room, this is the beginning a gateway, the gateway design will be used on many places in the map.

note: not textured.
User posted image
this is that room, remember it's only the basics. There will be greenery hanging from the celing and plants on the ground. and the green dot's is a sprite i made, it's spores created by the greenery, they emit light.

This is the celing in the room (i think it is, don't remember wich [IMG]bla bla bla im posting)
User posted image
Same room, and the symblos on the pillar is a kind of runes, used by the last vicings, so they means something.
User posted image
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-31 12:26:59 UTC
in Dm_Orithia Post #171726
Nope hunter, the pics are that small, im making bigger once now, forgot to make them smaller so photobucket made them smaller, much much smaller.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-31 12:22:42 UTC
in Dm_Orithia Post #171723
Ok guys, here is some screenies for you.

Keep in mind that this is a very early stage of the map, only one area is enough to take screenie on, i had to texture it quickly to be able to post the screenies.

User posted image
This is the foundation of a gateway, the "gate design" will be used in many places in the map.

User posted image
This is the room i textured to be able to get the screenies, it's not done by far as you can see, it's only the basics. there will be greenery hangin from the celing and better texturing, and maybe some plants on the ground.

User posted image
the celing in the same room.

User posted image
a better angle of the room, and those "signs" on the pillar is a form of rune's used by the last vicings, so it accualy means something, runes will be used at more places in the map, and those green dot's is a sprite i made, it's supposed to be some sort of spors created by the greenery, they emit light and add atmosphere to the map, but it will look better once the greenery is installed.

Sorry about the size of the pics, i will make them bigger after posting this
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-30 15:53:23 UTC
in Dm_Orithia Post #171634
True, kasperg. I map on my laptop, faster campiling, this computer, the one with the internet is a real pice of crap, anway, i think i just fixed my usb, so i'll post an early screenie in a few minutes

EDIT: compiling to be able to get some screenies. remember, early stage.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-30 14:43:19 UTC
in Dm_Orithia Post #171623
Dm_Orithia is a new map im working on, i've been working on it for quite some time now and will be working on it for quite some time. And it's a concept i've never tryed out before so im learning in the process as well, and that's also a reason why it will take some time + the fact tham im busy a lot of the time.

It is a HL1 map, DM offcourse, with custom textures, custom sprites and if i can get my sound working on my computer there will also be custom sounds.

But im facing some technical problems, such as no usb at the moment, that's why i can't post any screenies, but they will come, that's a promise. and im also having some problems with the software, not major problems, they only slow me down and don't prevent me from mapping.

anyway, dm_orithia is a temple, and old but intact temple so it's no cracks in the walls or such, but there is a lot of greenery everywhere. the temple is very moist so a lot of plants, grass and such had no problem growing.

But this ain't a normal temple, and it's not placed in any sertain time, place or planet. and that is to give me a lot of freedom in making the map good looking, it doesn't have to be realistic. so the architecture is so far very cool.

And im also learning how to make textures, rimrook gave me a lot good advice at that point, and he also let me borrow the grass from dm_poisongarden. So all the textures but the grass will be made by me

(thanks rim, your grass is making the map beutiful)

Im done with about 50% of the textures
30% on the mapping part
50% on the sprites

and if im going to add custom sound it's on 0%

I will post screenies as soon as my usb is fixed.

what do you think?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-26 17:17:02 UTC
in cs_xmas Post #171049
the time it would take to download it wouldn't be a problem, 24mb :D
But i've got a 49gb hard drive and no source. And the map didn't look that good.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-26 16:57:07 UTC
in Help me out, movie tips. Post #171048
You all should watch "house of the dead" so bad you can't stop laughing!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-24 20:50:56 UTC
in Themes of Rim Post #170740
Stop licking his balls and give him some constructive critisism (got lost the spelling while typing)

I didn't get the point in that harem theme, sounds like something the net nerds would jerking off to while playing. Don't think it really fits in a game such as HL. But Nereid and Novera sounds real good, i like beutiful maps. If the textures are nice, and you usualy make nice textures, but one thing i have noticed while looking at your maps is that the textures is the key to the beuty. But all in all, many of those theme's would end up allright.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-24 20:28:23 UTC
in Help me out, movie tips. Post #170736
Kubrik movies are good movies, rule.

Seriously, i could watch movies all day long, my girlfriends father is downloading movies all the time, he's got like 400 dvd's and somewhere between 400 - 600 avi movie's. He gave me 25 (avi)movies, and then 14 dvd's. I watched them, many times over. and when im at there place, i watch movies when ever i get the chance (when my girlfriends is sleeping or just tired)
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-24 13:09:47 UTC
in Help me out, movie tips. Post #170694
Thanks guys! seen most them but i can always see them again. :heart:
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-23 20:09:28 UTC
in Help me out, movie tips. Post #170576
thanks everyone, seen most of them but they are all so great i'll see them again just becaus you took your time posting tips!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-23 20:06:53 UTC
in My last week. :( Post #170574
Didn't know you urb, but good luck.

but you'll get so depressed when you always offline, never get to visit TWHL, download porn, check out new mods etc. etc. All you'll have is your girl and your flat, you'll go nuts. And you'll most likely break up with her real soon. You know, when you're always with someone it's easy to get fed up and maybe kill that person, and then you end up in jail doing some good ol' hard time, getting cornholed and other fancy stuff. Looking forward to it? Are you?

but seriously, good luck
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-23 19:53:26 UTC
in Your Source of Inspiration Post #170569
I get my inspiration from everywhere. It really could be anything from thin air to a red elephant, and then i map.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-23 19:51:44 UTC
in Help me out, movie tips. Post #170568
Give me the plot, please =) But don't give away the end
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-23 19:41:56 UTC
in Help me out, movie tips. Post #170564
I am a genuin movie freak, but im running out of movies to watch.

So i want some backup from TWHL, give me some tips on good movies, or movies that are so bad that they are fun to watch.

And i just love "monster" movies, like vampires, zombies and that kind of stuff.

thanks, Tosse
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-22 18:54:09 UTC
in Which Pulp Fiction character are you? Post #170315
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 20:28:48 UTC
in picture classics Post #169189
Come on now, don't be shy
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-12 14:26:13 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #167955
Aren't you done yet?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-12 11:55:14 UTC
in picture classics Post #167928
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-12 11:18:40 UTC
in picture classics Post #167921
Come on now guys, there must be more funny pictures among us than this one's! post damn it post!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-11 19:32:35 UTC
in picture classics Post #167811
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-11 18:56:30 UTC
in picture classics Post #167801
I still can't stop laughing! HAHA im using the internet!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-11 16:31:32 UTC
in Deep thoughts..... Post #167776
If i married a multi personality girl and have sex with them all, am i cheating on all of them or am i not cheating on her/them at all?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-11 16:04:10 UTC
in picture classics Post #167771
It's not real man! And yes, it's mean, and that's what makes it so funny ^^
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-11 15:58:32 UTC
in picture classics Post #167769
You're off-topic Elon :P

Now this one is a classic: :heart:
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-11 11:20:57 UTC
in picture classics Post #167712
Well then you just lack a scense of humour :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-11 11:06:45 UTC
in picture classics Post #167709
Post funny pictures, not just any funny picture, classical one's... Or pictures you think is EXTRA fun
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-11 10:52:29 UTC
in picture classics Post #167706
Hahaha, Great one monkey! :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-11 10:37:48 UTC
in picture classics Post #167698
You know those fun pictures that just wont stop being fun?
Real classical ones that have been seen and laughed at for years!
and the memories they bring up... ooh man ^^

Lets share uor classical humor pics!

btw, you seen that "mustard retard" guy? I can't seem to find him anylonger, he aways comes up when you google for "mustard retard"
but not anymore... Well i found him at the airport, maybe he's getting away, help me track him.

Last seen here
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-10 22:05:38 UTC
in Emo kids Post #167602
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-10 21:07:08 UTC
in Emo kids Post #167596
@saco: fair enough...

then you can stay down there all mature and all that and i'll stay up here on my high horse thowing shit all everyone standing under me pretending to be better than them.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-10 19:14:22 UTC
in Emo kids Post #167560
That one was to good Mephs so insted of trying to silence that im going to say what i meant in other words and wait for the right moment to kick your ass in words :P

Im gonna try this again

@saco: I HATE BLACK PEOPLE (plz nobody get ofended by this)

Hope you get my point...
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-10 19:06:28 UTC
in Emo kids Post #167557
@Saco: FUCK HOMOSEXUALS (plz nobody get ofended by this)

Hope you get my point...
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-10 17:39:05 UTC
in Emo kids Post #167527
My whole point in this thread is that i dislike FAKE people or people who are acting a certain way because its fashionable!
Exactly. I dress how I want to dress, I dont dress to fit in with any particular group. Most emo people are fake. I dont have any problem with them liking that kind of music, but when they have to dress a certain way, not bathe and "act" depressed, theyre not being true to themselves. They change who they are just to fit in. I have never really followed any fashion trend, I buy the clothes that I like, not what others want to me wear.
Most parts of that post could come from some emo guy telling his point of view in this discussion. Just change a couple of words like this:
Exactly. I dress how I want to dress, I dont dress to fit in with any particular group. Most "normal" people are fake. I dont have any problem with them liking that kind of music, but when they have to dress a certain way, be rude and "act" cool, theyre not being true to themselves. They change who they are just to fit in. I have never really followed any fashion trend, I buy the clothes that I like, not what others want to me wear.
Your own words, right back at ya!

Don't you get it? We buy the clothes we like to wear not because we want to fit in or because other people want us to wear them, we buy them because we like them and so does the emo's.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-10 13:18:58 UTC
in Emo kids Post #167445
Q nr1 : Why do people in black clothes look depressed? "uuuh, im so depressed, must put on black clothes!" Stupid....

Q nr2 : Why do you judge by clothes? that IS DUMB. I know a lot of EMO kids, a lot of hip-hoppers, a lot of "normal" people and so on, and most of them are allright, the ones that aren't allright is just a stupid person, like some of you guys, the clothes doesn't matter!

Of all the emo's i know only one is depressed. I know atlest 10 emos. And ONE of them are depressed, her mother is beating her, calling her names and constantly making her feel bad about herself, that would make me depressed to.

I dress in black, im not depressed... And i shower :P And why don't you call johnny cash depressed? After all, he is "the man in black"

and only because i dress in black doesn't mean im a emo. Im not a goth either...

.... :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-10 11:48:20 UTC
in Blast From The Past Post #167423
the dat that the evil midget was born!

And the Jimmi war! :glad: