Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-13 17:15:49 UTC
in Could I get some help from the experts? Post #41105
de_rats, awp_map? no room for relative there guy. you just did'nt have an answer.

anyhoo,, I just made a copy of the map, and started deleting buildings, etc.
giving a slight increase in fps. heh.. So I started adding huge vis blocker walls, one by one tested. 1fps improvement for each blocker added..

My conclusion. It must be by outide Hull demensions.
I am officially starting over for the third time. 2nd try was good. learned alot, hopefully I'll learn alot more on this third try. I'm going to go very slow, testing everything before getting all "into the map". Going to what seventh monkey adviced- experiment.

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-13 16:15:28 UTC
in Could I get some help from the experts? Post #41097
ERRRR!!!!!! I read a little bit more about large areas and the HLengine. Most say it can't be done. If that is true my "great Idea" is not possible. I am waiting for the HLengine supporters to speak up here. How are maps like awp_map, de_rats, etc. possible if large areas are not?

Please give me some good news..
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-13 15:39:47 UTC
in Could I get some help from the experts? Post #41090
Ok. I ran a "full" vis last night. top fps of 4 while looking across long end of map. like 50 or up while looking at wall..

What I want to know is why when I run a CSG-BSP-RAD I get a fps of 20 -30, but when I run a CSG-BSP-VIS-RAD I get 4?

This is really confusing me, I though vis was supposed to render everything so the machine running the map does'nt.

I have a question. does things that are hidden(using the hide button in hammer), show up and/or used in compiled maps?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-12 19:40:09 UTC
in Could I get some help from the experts? Post #40826
O and have hint brushes all through out?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-12 19:38:08 UTC
in Could I get some help from the experts? Post #40824
at anyrate.. I still want to get more fps out of it. what is the avg. fps you guys get in rough spots in maps that are:

bigger then usual
outside maps
1:1 texture scaling
no mdl's
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-12 19:35:27 UTC
in Could I get some help from the experts? Post #40820
After some help from rabid with hint brushes, the map seems to have a stable max fps of 20 - 30 with no vis.

I run cs(hl) in OpenGL mode.

the fps problem I'm having(kinda not anymore from hint brush help) is when in game and map is loaded fps drops to steady 4fps. like I said above it is now 20 - 30 with no vis. so after vis runs tonight I hopefully should get more fps. But I don't know. my friend you is just starting to map like me says vis helps with fps. but whenever I'd run vis(on this map anyway) fps drops below the max I get when not running it.. not sure why. Vis is ran in full mode aswell. most if not all of my texture scaling is 1:1 or more, which I hate cause I want more detail out of these maps..

In all of my friends maps I've played. the fps is tops 30. Maybe I'm learning some bad habits from him? In my maps I want the 80 - 100 like I get like in most standard cs maps out there.. (de_dust, cs_assault, de_nuke).
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-12 16:49:20 UTC
in Could I get some help from the experts? Post #40752
OK. sending rabidmonky777 my map( with aim to name "hatboy1". 7/12/04

but anyone else is interested in giving it a go.. please respons.. plz.... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-12 16:32:59 UTC
in Could I get some help from the experts? Post #40746
I don't use aim however I can install it.. can I send you a email with attachment?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-12 15:52:15 UTC
in Could I get some help from the experts? Post #40734
I have been working on a map here for a couple weeks. It's a good idea which I intend to to finish, even if I have to restart. It's a bigger outdoor map that the players can usually see from one end to the other. I've read many threads in here talking about that = a bad idea. True as that may be, maps for cs such as awp_map, de_rats(and all the diff ones) seems to be able to work o.k. I am having a FPS issue. :)
With a csg,bsp,vis,rad = 4 - 6 fps.
with a csg,bsp,rad = 25 - 40 fps. <-no direct lighting.

When I started the map with no buildings just the bridge, I could see a fps issue. So I'm fairly sure it's distance related and not mainly r_speed from textures and/or complex brushes.

Like I said, this is a good idea that I really really want to see finished so I can run it on my cs server and others servers too. I did'nt post here the last two days becuase I did'nt want to just post the map for anyone to download. (the good idea) For the last two days I've been reading and reading, but turns out I need some expert advice/teaching. If there is a way to keep the map exchange through IM's that would be best. However I am now to the point where anything will do. :(

If someone is willing and up too helping me , please post a response and I can begin the upload of map process.

Thanks in advance..