Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2003-10-30 22:57:51 UTC
in brush outside world (liar) Post #3702
Did you actually verify that by using the 'Go to Brush number' command? If you compiled with visible objects only, make sure that you check 'Search visible brushes only' or it won't find it. And even if it doesn't look like the brush is screwed up, try hiding it and recompiling.
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-29 14:41:55 UTC
in multi-textured brushes Post #3573
yes you can ungroup a box! Just open up the .map file in notepad and manually delete all the sides of the box except one, then open the .map in Hammer. Too bad it won't compile :P
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-28 18:07:33 UTC
in Teh form needs an ediot! Post #3529
I just noticed that I misspelled, misspell! SHEESH! :nuts: :confused: :D
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-28 00:22:37 UTC
in Teh form needs an ediot! Post #3480
Why doesn't the forum doesn't have a edit feature? Is this some kind of sly conspiracy to help us improve our typing skills? From now on I'm going to mispell atom's name atm. And with no edit feature, pretty soon everyone will be will be hittin' him up for cash!
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-28 00:13:24 UTC
in Texture lighting Post #3479
Entity lights aren't affected by using texture lights; they both work together. Let's see your compile log.
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-27 23:20:09 UTC
in Couple of questions Post #3478
Any .wad you use in your map must either be in the mod directory that your map was copied to, or you must compile the .wad(s0 into the .bsp.

so for counterstrike, your map gets copied to cstrikemaps which means any .wads not included in the .bsp must be located in cstrike
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-27 14:48:46 UTC
in multi-textured brushes Post #3429
Zombie, you know about creating rotating lights, but you don't know how to texture a brush!?!?!

Did I misunderstand your question??
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-27 14:44:55 UTC
in multi-textured brushes Post #3428
Use Hammer's Texture Application tool. Read about it in Hammer's reclusive help File: Help>Help Topics>User's Guide>Texturing Solids.

Also, I would highly recommend the 'In the Beginning' tutorials on this site.
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-27 14:36:58 UTC
in De-compiler And other programs Post #3427
Denny's has pretty decent milkshakes :P
The program is called MilkShape by chUmbaLum sOft, and it's available here:

As for a decompiler, I assume you me for .bsp files. I've never used it, but you could try WinBSPC, available here, among other places:
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-25 00:08:53 UTC
in elevator question Post #3215
Have a look at this tutorial on the Collective:
Elevator No.2
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-23 03:41:49 UTC
in Trying to earn some compiling time... Post #3036
Also, don't CUT your complex object out. Just select it and click View->Hide Selected Objects. Your thingy will be put in a VisGroup and then hidden. Now when you compile just check the box "Run with visible objects only" When you want your thingy back, unhide it (View->Show Hidden Objects), and recompile.

P.S. What's a VisGroup? Click Help->Help Topics->User's Guide->Grouping and VisGrouping
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-16 23:36:05 UTC
in the sky texture... Post #2761
D4rKM4tch, sky textures are not like regular textures, the little 16x16 light blue texture called SKY that you use in Hammer simply tells Half-Life to load the environment map that is specified under Map Properties (Map menu>Map Properties...>Environment map(cl_skyname)).
A list of the default skymaps included with Half-Life is here:
The ACTUAL environment map is composed of 6 TGA bitmap files which are stored in the directory 'modnamegfxenv' and have the names blahup, blahdn, blahlt, blahrt, blahft, blahbk, where blah is the name of the environment map that you specify in Map Properties.

If you're using Steam, the environment maps, like the rest of map resources have been hidden inside a cache file, and aren't accessible anymore. BUT you can still add new environment maps like always by creating the gfxenv directory in 'SteamSteamApps<youremailaddress><GAMEname><mod_directorygfxenv' and copying whatever environment map TGA's you want into it.

It's fairly difficult to make a good looking sky map, but if you search the web, there are plenty of good ones you can download:

P.S. the terms 'sky map' and 'environment map' have been used interchangeably here.
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-12 13:11:57 UTC
in func_train problem Post #2557
I wouldn't say you're screwed. You should be able to just change your func_train and path_corners into a func_tracktrain and path_tracks.
Refer to the entity guide for help filling in all the tracktrain properties:
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-12 13:00:15 UTC
in Vis problem! Post #2556
takes a deep relaxing breath
I am in control...I am in control...

OK then, your problem is two fold:

First, your level has a leak, as evidenced by the first 5 lines of the bsp log:
qbsp2.exe v2.2 (Dec 28 1998)
-- qbsp2 --
Check out this page for descriptions of virtually every single error you may encounter:
Go ahead and bookmark this invaluable reference now.

Second, you're using the OLD OLD OLD qtools that are with out a doubt the single-biggest source of compile problems that new mappers have. You need to use Zoner's tools, the latest version of which can be found here:

Happy Mapping
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-23 05:54:40 UTC
in Doors and Trains Post #738
env_render is on the right track, but that wouldn't work using a func_wall_toggle, since you can have ANY entities move with another in standard HL. Instead, you'd have to make two trains, one completely sealed, with no door, and one stationary with a door opening and a separate func_door. then use env_renders on the trains. Of course I haven't tried this yet, so their may be other problems with the solidity of the invisible train still blocking the player. Darn it, now you made have to go try it out! :)