Forum posts

Posted 12 years ago2012-12-03 00:55:12 UTC
in HL1 zombie models question. Post #311313
I believe it is submodel files,
if you look scientist model there is 7 files; 4 head model 2 needle submodel (normal and needle) and 1 main model

I think there is some use for that but its mystery for me
maybe they are connected with dll/VHE each other so we can select heads hmm..

its possible to recompile and add them in one file as far as I can remember
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-02 12:30:50 UTC
in The cat in the banner Post #311293
so cute..
so it is monster_alien_cat? lol
its cool..
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-02 03:25:48 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #311280
oh..I see now..
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-02 02:01:28 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #311278
how did you make sea like that? its vanilla goldsrc or modded?, when I make a sea, you can see the edge of the map so I think its huge..
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-02 01:46:30 UTC
in What's the difference between half life Post #311277
maybe it is easy system, but more function/feature = more time to work

thats what im trying to say, when you make big scenes etc, its start confusing specially if you are new with source sdk..

architecture is same, but source have more potential to make the geometric surface's.. and source is actually old for this new age so you have to work more for fine map. aggree with terror, you will never run out of resources in source so sometimes it takes a lot of time for modding and mapping etc.. thats what I'm trying to say
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-01 23:36:19 UTC
in What's the difference between half life Post #311273
HL1 much easier to make maps but it is have some limitations, source is fine but consume a lot of time to make something good.

there is a lot of entity changes between source and goldsrc mapping, if you are going for source, you will see complicated and different entity system but once you learn it, its peace of cake

also you have to use your architecture skills more harder because hl2 not blocky like hl1 much, there is displacamant more limits and compatibility's. (thats why I'm working with goldsrc now, easier..)

thats all I can say..
Posted 12 years ago2012-11-28 01:42:55 UTC
in requesting team members for platoon mod Post #311220
too busy for this stuff I guess :) no problem thanks anyway
Posted 12 years ago2012-11-28 01:39:15 UTC
in Fluorescent flicker - the good old probl Post #311219
vhlt rocks..
Posted 12 years ago2012-11-15 20:58:07 UTC
in requesting team members for platoon mod Post #310999
its a easy to make animations (prepared mp5k for that already lol) but I don't know coding.. I wander if you can make iron sights, you can make configurations like "add accuracy when aiming, walk while aiming, zoom a little bit while aiming etc.." or something like that?
Posted 12 years ago2012-11-15 20:35:24 UTC
in requesting team members for platoon mod Post #310997
its ok if you can add ironsight's and new monsters maybe weapons :D
Posted 12 years ago2012-11-15 19:55:03 UTC
in requesting team members for platoon mod Post #310993
there is a storyline (maybe its kinda weird) but i need to translate it somehow, if I try, it will be funny or non understandable so..
Posted 12 years ago2012-11-15 18:25:32 UTC
in requesting team members for platoon mod Post #310990
I'm uploaded gameplay video, its have a very bad quality hope you like it
Posted 12 years ago2012-11-15 13:21:20 UTC
in requesting team members for platoon mod Post #310981
First im looking for coder's, this is the main problem
I know maybe this mod not updated much but its stopped not dead..
after a years im still working for new things, like models, maps, storyline etc.. if you don't know about old work look here:

and now i want to show you what i did for a while;
I'm connected few maps togather (intro maps (2-3) with other maps (10+))

now using some files that enables bloom, blur and glow the game (some cg and opengl32 files) my friend found them and I guess its rare, it says "tron" in the web I don't know who is developer yet

this is the latest single map made with lots of brushwork:

this is the xen like map:

baby spider:

used this model from paranoia, but changed a bit:
(please tell me if its okay to use paranoia mod models)

this will be used in scene:

some unknown model:

fish model without animations:

and for the last, I did few models without texture, only mesh
used milkshape:

I can publish the mod with stable files if still can't find coder after this post
Posted 12 years ago2012-10-04 13:57:40 UTC
in Xash3D & XashXT - the next step in H Post #310229
already did some work in gs thats why I cant do with source and Im not too familiar with it much(source modelling, advanced mapping, scenes etc.) just stuck and sometimes feel like "forever alone" guy
Posted 12 years ago2012-10-04 05:50:35 UTC
in Xash3D & XashXT - the next step in H Post #310225
I know its very old engine that halflife use but I need a new advanced engine but same interface with hammer, you can say "use source" etc.. (i have it too) but its not enough, like what you guys said, its a junk by today's standards and people want impress others like me and when I create a maps for goldsrc, others says its junk you know?.. still can't find a coder but I guess its not important anymore

god why I'm not born when goldsrc popular? ahhh...
Posted 12 years ago2012-09-29 04:53:02 UTC
in Problem with save files. Post #310133
try to look into console with "developer 1" command next time
it help me sometimes.. just a idea
Posted 12 years ago2012-05-20 05:46:12 UTC
in searching for coder Post #306324
like what i say, searching everywhere...

you can find "list of need to do" and all information is here:
and check images if you are interested...

I will not proceed to work if I don't have a coder, I don't want it become dead mod.
Posted 13 years ago2012-01-16 19:33:34 UTC
in making a check point ? Post #302784
im not sure why its don't work you cant open rmf file with VHM? you can check design of entity's and maybe get a idea
Posted 13 years ago2012-01-15 01:39:11 UTC
in making a check point ? Post #302714
I didn't understand; I think there is a possibility to turn everything default after finish the round, if that's what you mean.


I added kill triggers if you want to test its works or not.
Did you activate "checkpoint 1" by walking through "one sign block" and opened door?(you need to see text "checkpoint x activated!")
if yes,
then I need to ask what mod are you using?
counter strike 1.6? half life?
Steam or won version?
Maybe some entities can't be recognized with your mod.

also you can't test it with "singleplayer" you need open the game with "multiplayer" i mean don't use console or shortcut to open the map
Posted 13 years ago2012-01-14 23:36:11 UTC
in making a check point ? Post #302705
Posted 13 years ago2012-01-14 22:33:55 UTC
in making a check point ? Post #302701
i have a idea! he can use teleporters...
move player spawn points outside of the world where you cant see anything.
you can use "null" texture to close all sides.

remember this is only team 1 and you need knowledge of teleports:

now make a 3 trigger_teleport, 2 multi_source, 2 trigger_relay.

place trigger_teleport where players first spawn(outside of the world).
this trigger_teleport will instantly teleport players to your world.
name: instant_teleport_kill

you will kill this teleport (deactivate) when you complete objective 1.
place trigger_teleport where players first spawn(outside of the world)
(this entity is not activated yet)
name: checkpoint1
master: pointcaptured1
put the multi_source somewhere.
name: pointcaptured1
target: instant_teleport_killer
put trigger_relay somewhere.(This entity kills instant teleporter)
name: instant_teleport_killer
killtarget: instant_teleport_kill
when you trigger "pointcaptured1" (players completed to capture checkpoint1) players will spawn near checkpoint1

another check point:
place trigger_teleport where players first spawn(outside of the world)
(this entity is not activated yet)
name: checkpoint2
master: pointcaptured2
put the multi_source somewhere.
name: pointcaptured1
target: checkpoint1_killer
put trigger_relay somewhere.(This entity kills checkpoint1)
name: checkpoint1_killer
killtarget: checkpoint1
when you trigger "pointcaptured2" (players completed to capture checkpoint2) players will spawn near checkpoint2

if you don't understand i will make a example map for you
Posted 13 years ago2011-12-26 04:04:15 UTC
in MP3 startup problem Post #302016
well i have same problem but a little different..
I'm moved all half-life files to my another hard drive after that i cant listen any default half-life mp3 files in game(example "Half-Life01.mp3 or Prospero03.mp3") and i found this error message after that
i can hear when i use them with some other mod its strange

i can't get it work to my maps anymore, its annoying...
any suggestions?
Posted 13 years ago2011-10-07 15:04:02 UTC
in moving tanks Post #299828
can you give more detail how can i use it?
Posted 13 years ago2011-10-07 11:02:33 UTC
in moving tanks Post #299824
jeff thats what is my problem, we just cant go through them i know how to activate deactivate hide and show turrets etc.. no other way?

more info,
it will be hot battle with player,
but sometimes tank will be attack and destroy defensive positions for kill the player,
there should be health for it
Posted 13 years ago2011-10-06 20:27:50 UTC
in moving tanks Post #299810
i use vanilla
thats why i ask,
my job it is, trying hard things to do
Posted 13 years ago2011-10-06 17:34:11 UTC
in moving tanks Post #299806
there is any way for make random-moving tank and fire to player or something?
it will trigger moving func trains, activating tank turrets and lots of scripts

i know there is a way for hide the turrets with env_render entity
but its still over there and its a problem

there is any other way to do this without coding?

example how we will see it in game:
User posted image
Posted 13 years ago2011-10-03 19:34:48 UTC
in hammer is broken :( Post #299745
i have amd athlon 64 x2 dual core processor 5000+
2 GB ram direct x9.0c
and i have integrated graphics card (ati radeon x1200)
and its works perfect, i can select 3d window too
no issue with anything and it run smooth

so i think the problem about drivers or intel graphic card
Posted 13 years ago2011-10-02 08:38:31 UTC
in VHM sprites Post #299695
hi guys
I'm recognized there is some sprite directory in my fgd file
but it never be used,

it is the string lines(example):

@PointClass iconsprite("sprites/xxx.spr") base(Targetname) = xxx : "XXX"

because i don't have the sprite file,
i cant find it either anybody can send them to me?

here they are:

i understand and liked the idea very much
i will add more sprite directory to my fgd file,
new sprites for entity's is so cool isn't it?

if anybody can find new sprites for hammer send them here..(multi maneger,trigger auto, spark etc.. etc..)


here is the one of the new sprite i added for monster maker:

here is the ambient generic:

it is so cool


now used some counter strike sprites, here is what added so far:
User posted image
also added info_node options to fgd
Posted 13 years ago2011-10-01 16:12:44 UTC
in "Enemy Type" keyvalue for &quo Post #299677
something like this need for halflife too :( sad..
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-30 06:43:31 UTC
in Fix Pitch Black Spots? (pics) Post #299611
i know this problem before but never heard what needed to do

i don't know, but you can try something
make a brush with "invisible" texture to inside that crane
or make a wall (blue-invisible) and insert it to crane
remember you need walk on that wall not crane object
maybe it can solve the problem

i think it happens because there is no "ground object"
so it think you are in the out of the world something..
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-29 04:51:36 UTC
in Lightdata Post #299564
as far as i know compiler log is not short like this

anyway you can try backup your map, than slice it to half, close the big leak and try again,
if it don't work, try other half

you can find the error with this method when you don't know anything about any error

if you exceed the halflife limitations, you need reduce from everything a bit
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-28 08:20:13 UTC
in How to make a dark sky texture? Post #299524
try -1 and -2

it should be dark
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-27 09:45:02 UTC
in Ways to fix map lag ? Post #299478
yea its hard to find goldsrc tutorials really,
when you search on internet you will find source tutorials every time and its make me crazy
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-27 05:25:59 UTC
in Ways to fix map lag ? Post #299469
its for source, but you can get some ideas i hope..

and here is the other good one:
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-25 15:04:00 UTC
in hammer is broken :( Post #299393
try my atioglxx.dll, its valuable file because you cant find this version anywhere
User posted image
how to use:
bring this file near hammer
restart the hammer

if this don't work, try another versions of this file,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=6c1b5f5f1abc47e8&biw=1024&bih=565

if still don't work
you may have driver problems

check your video card status
follow this instructions:
and look for errors, or send the informations here
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-24 03:41:23 UTC
in monster maker properties? Post #299337
I'm not talking about door man, i already know that

I'm talking about info_node options
i remember there was a options for "what is there in that spot" "a door?" "a window?" "a human blood?" something..
after use that options for info_node monster can recognize "there is a door" and open it himself etc..

i think its old fgd file i see before and that option strings for "info_node" deleted at new fgd file for no reason. It's a helpful you know, i just cant find it anywhere
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-24 00:50:12 UTC
in hammer is broken :( Post #299333
you tried download latest hammer version? it can help i think
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-23 09:15:34 UTC
in monster maker properties? Post #299307
guys i need some help,(new question)

i remember i can add info_node_hint or something, but its long time ago
i see there is no entity for it, its lost or something?
maybe i see it in worldcraft because its old times
i forgot about that and cant remember much but there should be some options in it:

Blinking Light
Human Blood
Alien Blood

maybe im using wrong fgd i don't know but i know im used them in goldsrc and they are helpfully

i cant find them and i remember them now :(
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-23 06:30:53 UTC
in General Problems Post #299299
if you want to copy object to same position, don't touch any settings

default settings:

number of copies to paste = "how many copy you want to?" (default=1)

"start at center of original" = this will paste objects to same position(should be checked (default = checked)

"group copies" = it will group your objects together (default=not checked)

offset = all offset options should be 0 if you want to paste objects in same spot (default = x=0,y=0,z=0)

if you change those values you need make them default again yourself
because if you forgot about them everything can be go wrong

make a practice with paste special, because it save too much time
try change the clone value, (number of paste) try change rotation, and offset I'm sure you will understand what is this things

sorry my shitty English, just tried help..
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-22 03:25:52 UTC
in General Problems Post #299240
you can bring all scenes to one if you want it, use trigger auto's and multi manager's , if you can make the good timing you can get good results

anyway you can use them with map change of course..


here is what you need to know:
you can copy the landmark same position with paste special ability to other maps (it will fix the "dimensions" problems)

when you start the trigger, you can control the effects with multi manager (sounds, beams, sprites, teleports)

use trigger auto to start the other scenes for other maps(multi managers), it will automatically active the events
also you can activate the change level too...
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-21 23:19:02 UTC
in General Problems Post #299235
true and plus you need compile the 2 maps first than try it, sometimes it can crush...
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-18 20:57:47 UTC
in storms Post #299088
thanks guys..
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-18 20:27:41 UTC
in storms Post #299084
i have simple question;
how can i make a realistic lightning in the night? (outdoor area)

i want give 1 second light to everywhere when lightning appears,
but it doesn't seems working for me, i tried few things
i want random beams appear on the air, it will give good sound, good light...

also how can i make rains without take too much size in the map? i know how can i make rain but i need something better (i don't want use spirit please)
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-11 16:05:28 UTC
in GoldSrc is powerful Post #298833

I'm definitely talk about goldsrc

about architecture;
look this thing i made long time ago:
used my own technique to make it, this is what i mean, if we can do it with goldsrc, this kind of things possible to do..

about textures, i think its scratched a bit high (slided) moving down some edge's can help
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-11 15:54:47 UTC
in GoldSrc is powerful Post #298830
@the mighty boy

it can be done with rotate the texture from texture properties pretty easy man...
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-11 15:52:16 UTC
in GoldSrc is powerful Post #298829
If making terrain is possible, it's possible to do this stuff, why you guys liked it too much? I can't understand.
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-07 16:28:24 UTC
in Env_Render sequence help Post #298717
i cant download megaupload links :S
just wanna try it :)

you tried make a minecraft world for halflife? lol...
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-06 23:14:43 UTC
in animation problems Post #298706
well i am always use original half-life files (expect self-made files)
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-06 14:05:18 UTC
in animation problems Post #298695
i did it,
after all of that hours i did it
you can check changes, worked for make it looks good much

used 3 gman with lots of scripts but its work fine now
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-06 03:18:41 UTC
in monster maker properties? Post #298686
well its the hard way,
need to prepare targets,names and stuff
it can be cool if there is any prefab for that, like a ready to go 50 monster trigger lol..