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Posted 7 years ago2017-03-16 08:05:36 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333977
I remember when i first started mapping in Source and it took 30 minutes to compile the map. That was bad enough, but 15 days? How complex is this map?
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-06 08:58:47 UTC
in sven coop mapping compile problem Post #333881
Hammer always does that, it'll run the compile tools and if you click anywhere Windows thinks it's frozen. To avoid that you can use Batch Compiler instead:
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-05 15:44:13 UTC
in Endgame question. Post #333870
I think a multisource should work here.
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Posted 7 years ago2017-02-28 15:28:31 UTC
in Monstermaker Apache Path Post #333787
Changing a monster's target will clear any patrol routes it's following, and will not set a new one; it stays cleared:

There are 2 exceptions: Apaches and Ospreys will both reset their target entities to the current "target" keyvalue if it's null, so using changetarget on them will reset their paths.

I can implement a feature in HLE to make this set a new patrol route for any monster, but i doubt you're using that for your map.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-26 19:30:52 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333762
If that's GoldSource i'll eat my hat.

I used Prison Architect to map out the underground area:
User posted image
Most of it is underground, but the part to the right will probably be level with the above ground area. To add more paths i'll blow holes in some of the walls, maybe randomize which holes get made to shake things up a bit.

The area at the top is a tram station, which will be sealed off so it's just there to show the area continues and connects to something else.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-26 11:43:49 UTC
in Monstermaker Apache Path Post #333750
Try this:
  • Set up the monstermaker to spawn the Apache and give it a unique name
  • Create a multi_manager to be triggered by the monstermaker
  • Add a trigger_changetarget that changes the target of the Apache to your first path, delay trigger by a small delay like 0.01 (as long as it's delayed by a single frame it's enough)
  • Your Apache should now follow your path
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-22 22:18:04 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333703
I checked VHLT v44 and it looks like it just takes all used textures and embeds those. Just a simple "for each texture write texture data" loop.

Some progress:
User posted image
I've blocked out the interior for the original rubble map, going to start designing the new underground areas next.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-21 22:53:12 UTC
in no Gibs BUG? func_breakable Post #333689
I looked into this further: it doesn't work because the gibs are spawned using a temporary entity message. They are dependent on networking settings, and those settings limit coordinates to a range of 4096 units from origin in every axis.

Specifically, this:
MSG_WriteShort(&gMsgBuffer, ffloor(flValue * 8.0));
It writes a signed short, which is any value in the range [-32767, 32768]. 4096 * 8 is 32768, so anything greater is just not going to be written. This is unfixable without engine access.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-21 18:24:31 UTC
in no Gibs BUG? func_breakable Post #333684
It should, yes. I'd change it to 16384 though, that's the maximum for vanilla GoldSource IIRC.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-21 17:20:44 UTC
in no Gibs BUG? func_breakable Post #333680
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-21 14:58:43 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333675
Alright, i'll just use the WADs while i'm working and merge them when i'm done.

The map i'm making will take op4_rubble and take elements from Blue Shift's Power Struggle coolant areas.

So far i've got the exterior courtyard wall done:
User posted image
I'm calling it cryostruggle, since it'll take the original rubble map and turn the lab into a cryogenics storage facility. The exterior and upper areas will be rubble, the lower areas will be based on Power Struggle's areas to double the map's size. It'll also let me extend the damaged portion of the map to include a much larger area. Maybe i can include a crashed Apache somewhere too to indicate what caused the damage.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-21 14:23:44 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333669
I've started on my entry, hopefully i can finish it in time.

I have a couple questions:
  • Can we mix concepts from multiple maps together?
  • Can we include content like WAD files from other Valve games (e.g. opfor.wad)?
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-19 16:04:50 UTC
in Justin Dejong Post #333633
Sure, let me just resurrect myself because death is a slap on the wrist.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-19 14:17:29 UTC
in Justin Dejong Post #333626
Just like with a pipe system, I could run all kinds of chemicals down my drain and risk degradation or even failure of the whole system, not to mention environment pollution, just to to clean it up.
But why do that when the system already has self cleaning properties? too cool - :cool:
Tell that to people with untreatable brain cancer.
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-18 17:07:44 UTC
in Thank you people!! Post #333600
My last name is just one word "Vanheer", not separate.

Nice job finishing your mod :)
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-18 13:04:31 UTC
in Justin Dejong Post #333591
Humanity before the discovery of modern medicine knows the power of the human body's ability to heal itself.

Posted 8 years ago2017-02-18 11:07:53 UTC
in Half-Life Model Viewer 2.0 Post #333589
I haven't worked on model viewer that much lately, i've been focused mostly on HLE. If i can figure out what the model format is like i might be able to do it, but i'll probably need to rework the viewer's implementation for that.
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-11 17:16:00 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #333437
I decided to install Far Cry 2 again, hoping that somebody figured out how to enable cheats in it. Nobody seems to have found any so i took a stab at it myself. I found that cheats do exist in the engine but are disabled in a manner that i cannot find.

The one thing i found was that the command line parameter -zombieai disables most AI behavior. Seems that only scripted AI are still active.

I suppose one could somehow interface with the engine using its map editor hooks, but then Punkbuster will ban you. Another game that falls victim to overly protective systems.
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Posted 8 years ago2017-01-30 14:14:01 UTC
in vehicule map problem Post #333247
Oh sure it is, just use the Linux libraries to get everything:
User posted image
You can get the complete source code for every engine and game library that way.

It won't include everything and it's optimized code so it isn't identical, but you can get pretty much everything you need.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-29 22:01:29 UTC
in vehicule map problem Post #333234
SC has a scripted version that won't be reset automatically by round restarts that mappers might have added. Kinda need more information first.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-29 20:51:43 UTC
in vehicule map problem Post #333232
OP never said which game he's making a map for.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-27 21:34:41 UTC
in Monstermakers doubt.. Post #333200
This looks good, i think this is a bug in the SDK. I'll have to check that out, see if that's the case. If not, i'll figure out if this is the best solution or if a better one is available.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-27 15:44:59 UTC
in Monstermakers doubt.. Post #333197
That's still conditional, you shouldn't make it check that boolean. I'm not sure why that's there though. It should really be checking if the monster called DeathNotice before, but that requires the monstermaker to track the children.

If that's needed i can give you some code to create intrusive linked lists of monsters for monstermakers to use, then you can check if the monster has alraedy called DeathNotice before. As a bonus, you'll have a list of all monstermaker children.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-27 14:15:56 UTC
in Monstermakers doubt.. Post #333194
It's probably calling DeathNotice over and over and decrementing m_cLiveChildren too often. Having the child's owner nulled out unconditionally (as you've done) should fix that.

Note that UTIL_Remove will call UpdateOnRemove already (unless your version doesn't) so you don't need to call it manually.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-26 18:12:10 UTC
in Monstermakers doubt.. Post #333190

If you don't want it sticking around forever, set an expire time.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-26 17:50:18 UTC
in Monstermakers doubt.. Post #333188
You should show us the entire monstermaker class, then we can see if anything looks off. Put it on Pastebin.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-25 13:57:25 UTC
in Monstermakers doubt.. Post #333180
You can do that, but it's expensive to loop them every time. It might be easier to track entity creation and destruction and store the number somewhere. Unfortunately the messy way that the SDK uses to handle this makes this non-trivial to implement.

In HLE you should be able to store a global map of classname->entity count that gets updated in OnCreate and OnDestroy, respectively.

In the SDK you'll need to do it in GetClassPtr and add the NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS::pfnOnFreeEntPrivateData callback, because that's where OnDestroy gets called. The vanilla SDK does not implement it, though it is used by Ricochet IIRC.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-25 11:29:33 UTC
in Anyone have Steam Svencoop? Post #333176
Well it's free so anybody can download it if they want/need it.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-23 16:36:53 UTC
in Monstermakers doubt.. Post #333153
No i just mean incrementing the variable itself to track the number of spawned children.

It sounds like what you want is all of the monstermakers to obey the same spawn restrictions so they pull from a pool of spawn-able monsters. That requires a large scale redesign that i can't explain on a whim, so if needed i can implement that in HLE first (it's a useful thing to have) and then you can integrate it into your own mod.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-22 23:01:18 UTC
in Monstermakers doubt.. Post #333147
You defined SF_MONSTERMAKER_GROUPED improperly, it should be like this:
You'll have to choose a proper value, 16 is the first one that isn't in use as far as i can tell.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-20 10:30:30 UTC
in Removing HL Steam option menu tabs? Post #333125
You might be able to use the VGUI2 interface to remove the panels, not sure.
I just sent another mail, maybe this one will convince them.

vgui2::IPanel::DeletePanel is probably your best best. If that crashes, vgui2::IPanel::SetParent with NULL_HANDLE as the parent should remove the panel IIRC.
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Posted 8 years ago2017-01-16 18:01:19 UTC
in lights.rad Post #333077
Could you show us a screenshot of what the map looks like right now, as well as a complete compile log?
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