Forum posts

Posted 8 years ago2017-01-12 19:59:58 UTC
in Floating Weapons - Is it Possible? Post #333046
The controller keyvalue is actually a list of 4 numbers, and controls the bone controllers of the entity's model. It's stored as an array of 4 bytes, which are unsigned 8 bit integers:

If you want to set such a value, you'll need to convert the decimal value to the unsigned integer representation first, then offset those so it's in the right position in the array. You'll probably have to compute and set the values for the other controllers as well, unless they're unused for the model.

That's because the Touch method for weapons is only set once it falls on the ground:
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-11 15:59:45 UTC
in Floating Weapons - Is it Possible? Post #333029
To add to vluzacn's suggestion, this is effectively a list of all entity keyvalues that you can set manually:

This function handles them:

The types under the "default:" label are not supported. So if it's a string, a number or a position/angle, you can set it.

Be careful though, not all keyvalues will be handled properly and some may be overridden by entities.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-11 07:44:03 UTC
in Building an aquarium in HL2: Water probl Post #333019
You'll probably need to use a func_water_analog here. See this tutorial for how to do that:
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Posted 8 years ago2017-01-03 17:00:30 UTC
in How to teleport an Grunt? Post #332960
That makes sense, if a scripted sequence tries to possess an entity and it can't, it'll cancel itself (and all other scripts with the same name) instead. So triggering an active script just cancels it.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-03 11:18:11 UTC
in How to teleport an Grunt? Post #332957
Try using another scripted_sequence that has walk or run to mark that instantly ends, i think that's how teleport was intended to be used.
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Posted 8 years ago2016-12-31 10:39:15 UTC
in player_weaponstrip without taking bomb Post #332920
The weapon strip entity has no option to exclude the bomb.

I looked for more information on's forums, their mappers did stuff like this in the past. Here's what i found:

Unfortunately not much help, you'll have to handle the assignment of the bomb yourself i guess.
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-29 12:59:24 UTC
in What causes dark shadows? Post #332893
I think it needs ambient lighting to light those shadows properly. Not sure if light_spot has that option though.
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Posted 8 years ago2016-12-28 19:50:45 UTC
in Sledge (Hammer Alternative) Alpha Build Post #332879
MFC has a structure that is very similar to wxWidgets, but it's an obsolete library for a reason. It uses outdated design practices like absolute positioning so try to avoid it if you can.
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-28 09:17:02 UTC
in How to add a particle effect or sprite t Post #332872
As far as i know this isn't possible. You can trigger muzzle flashes, but sprites and particles are something that must be handled by the game's code.

The Gargantua handles this by creating a sprite and attaching it to the monster's eye attachment.

You can use event 5002 to generate spark effects at attachment 0 though:

The options string is the number of sparks to create.
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-28 08:18:48 UTC
in Sledge (Hammer Alternative) Alpha Build Post #332869
Hammer doesn't use wxWidgets, it uses MFC.

I actually investigated the wgl error, it happens when multiple maps are open and Hammer tries to shut down OpenGL multiple times. I think i fixed that in Sven Co-op's Hammer as well.
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-24 19:33:36 UTC
in game_player_equip Post #332847
The game will automatically apply all game_player_equip entities to spawning players if they don't have the "USE only" flag set:

Try setting that flag, it might be triggering them twice.
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-24 19:28:19 UTC
in Chat messages question Post #332846
The SayText network message is used to send chat to all players. On the client side, the CHudSayText::MsgFunc_SayText method receives that message.
See for more information, the CHudSayText class takes care of chat history and drawing.
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Posted 8 years ago2016-12-18 15:39:01 UTC
in Files for HL mod? Post #332784
If you're using the Github SDK you can just use Visual Studio 2013 Community, which is free. I'd recommend using that one over any older version because it has SDL support in it.


To set up a mod directory, create a directory in common/Half-Life with the name for your mod directory. This is usually a one word name, an abbreviation of your mod.

The bare minimum that you'll need is a liblist.gam to point to your server dll, which will reside in Half-Life/modname/dlls. You'll probably also want a client dll, which will reside in Half-Life/modname/cl_dlls.

Your mod will be able to use Half-Life's files by default (with a few exceptions), so you won't need to copy any content over. Files like wads, models, etc can be be used automatically.

You'll need to configure Visual Studio to copy the compiled dlls to your mod directory; you can hardcode the path but then anybody else that uses your codebase will need to have Half-Life installed in the same place, so i suggest adding a PATH environment variable that points to your Steam common directory.
Then you can just copy dlls to ${STEAMCOMMON}/Half-Life/modname/dlls (or cl_dlls for client dlls).
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-17 18:54:47 UTC
in Maximum texture size Post #332766
@Cd5ssmffan: Id Software limited it to 256², Valve never changed it. It's hardcoded in such a manner that it can't be changed without patching the engine, which will likely trigger VAC bans.
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-17 17:27:57 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #332759
Some render modes only work for some types of models. It could be possible that some are outright ignored as well, i see that only a few are handled directly in render mode changing functions.
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-17 16:59:25 UTC
in Maximum texture size Post #332757
The engine hardcodes the OpenGL image size (R_LoadSkys):
Where pImage is the image data, and the value 256 is used for width and height.

Quake equivalent:

I guess you could request the maximum be increased, so i did that:

It's not very likely to happen though.
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Posted 8 years ago2016-12-11 10:10:59 UTC
in Sledge (Hammer Alternative) Alpha Build Post #332665
@Instant Mix

I really don't have time to work on yet another project :P
I can offer some assistance for debugging and perhaps some reverse engineering of Hammer, but beyond that i really don't have time.
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-10 19:37:33 UTC
in Half-Life Model Viewer 2.0 Post #332659
Thanks for the bump :)

So as i said in the engine thread, i added fullbright support and fixed a depth test bug. I'll be refactoring some code first before releasing a new version.
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-10 19:13:20 UTC
in Sledge (Hammer Alternative) Alpha Build Post #332656
To nitpick a little, Valve doesn't have 3.5's source code. The SC team received the 3.4 source code.

Hammer's source code has comments from developers that encountered some weird looking code that a previous programmer put in there, it's also written in VS6 and uses MFC, so it doesn't even compile due to non-standard code that causes fgd parsing to fail silently when fixed.

If i were them i'd open source this old stuff so people can keep it going themselves, they could use the publicity.
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Posted 8 years ago2016-12-10 16:42:42 UTC
in Sledge (Hammer Alternative) Alpha Build Post #332649
Unrelated to the other comments, i added floating point export support to SC's Hammer as well; i made it an option in the Options menu. Seems like i was following the same train of thoughts.

Nice work on this editor, too bad you aren't working on it anymore though. Is there a list of GoldSource features that are still needed? I couldn't find anything on the site nor on Github.

Regarding SC's engine being old, it's the latest build from the 2013 update. I remember seeing some patchwork code translating OpenGL into D3D code, but it didn't appear to be functional and was removed.
Their engine is using SDL like the vanilla engine.

It's unfortunate that Valve doesn't reply to anybody's requests to open source or license the engine out, because that would also include Hammer. It'd be a lot easier to make a new editor if you had the original's source code, even if some of the code is hard to understand.
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-08 16:49:34 UTC
in monster_generic resets when shooted Post #332625
Something like this:
int CGenericMonster:: TakeDamage( entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType )
return 0;
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-07 21:50:02 UTC
in monster_generic resets when shooted Post #332616
If you want monster_generic to not respond to damage you can override the TakeDamage method and just provide an empty implementation. Return 0 so it knows that it didn't do any damage.
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-07 15:16:10 UTC
in Adding Bunnyhopping to a Mod Post #332612
pm_shared.c is in the folder pm_shared in the game codebase.

Valve disabled the _special command, which was used for bunny hopping. You can't change that because it was blocked in the engine. You might be able to add a new command that isn't blocked though, assuming it doesn't need engine level support.
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-06 19:06:12 UTC
in Error spamming in console Post #332595
Ok, it doesn't look like ambient_generic is doing this.

Are there any other entities in the map that are constantly playing sounds, like vehicles? If so, can you check their volume settings?
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-06 18:06:15 UTC
in Error spamming in console Post #332593
Are you using any ambient_generic entities in your map, and are their volumes set to a valid range? (1-10)
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-05 08:59:02 UTC
in strange phenomenon occuring in half-life Post #332570
I experienced this in CSS circa september 2004. Half-Life 2 wasn't even released back then.
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-04 17:53:30 UTC
in strange phenomenon occuring in half-life Post #332553
I remember seeing that in CSS back when it was first released as a beta. I think that was the engine wrapping your coordinates around when you went past the maximum map size, maybe it glitched the entities because it's only visual.
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-03 15:52:58 UTC
in catch ESC key/GameUI Post #332528
Sorry, didn't notice this thread before.
The GameUI007 interface is only retrieved from the GameUI library in "valve/cl_dlls/GameUI.ext".

This is the engine code for it (reverse engineered):
char szDllName[ 512 ];
snprintf(szDllName, sizeof( szDllName ), "valve/cl_dlls/");
this->m_hStaticGameUIModule = Sys_LoadModule(szDllName);
CreateInterfaceFn gameUIFactory = Sys_GetFactory(this->m_hStaticGameUIModule);
this->m_FactoryList[this->m_iNumFactories] = gameUIFactory;
if ( gameUIFactory )
staticGameUIFuncs = (IGameUI *)gameUIFactory ("GameUI007", nullptr);
staticGameConsole = (IGameConsole *)gameUIFactory ("GameConsole003", nullptr);
staticCareerUI = (ICareerUI *)gameUIFactory ("CareerUI001", nullptr);
You cannot override GameUI because it will always load from valve/cl_dlls, and it will always load the interface from that library.

I've created a new issue requesting that GameUI be open sourced so it can be overridden by mod developers:

I don't expect a response from anybody.

One thing you can try - and this is an epic hack - is to try to overwrite the vtable for the class so it redirects calls to your own implementation, and then pass them through to the original afterwards. To do this, you'll need to implement the interface in a class with only virtual function implementations and no member variables, then memcpy an instance of the class over the instance you get from GameUI.

I did this in my prototype engine to redirect filesystem calls:

You'll need to create one instance to memcpy the original vtable from first, then memcpy yours in. Make sure all calls end up in the original eventually, because if GameUI's version calls its own methods using the vtable entry, it'll call yours instead. If it expects its own method to do something, this could cause crashes.

Also make sure you reverse this when the client shuts down so GameUI doesn't crash trying to call the client after it has unloaded.

Pseudo code:
//vtable points to original methods
CGameUIWrapper g_OriginalGameUI;

IGameUI* g_pGameUI = nullptr;

void RedirectGameUI()
g_pGameUI = (IGameUI *)gameUIFactory ("GameUI007", nullptr);

//sizeof( CGameUIWrapper ) is just the vtable pointer
memcpy( &g_OriginalGameUI, g_pGameUI, sizeof( g_OriginalGameUI ) );
CGameUIWrapper wrapper;
memcpy( g_pGameUI, &wrapper, sizeof( wrapper ) );
//g_pGameUI now calls CGameUIWrapper methods

void RestoreGameUI()
memcpy( g_pGameUI, &g_OriginalGameUI, sizeof( g_OriginalGameUI ) );
I can't guarantee that it'll work, it worked for me but my code completely overrides the original engine so there's no chance of code calling it beforehand.

It's your best chance at gaining control over the GameUI implementation without support from Valve.
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-02 13:47:59 UTC
in Xash3D and muzzleflashes. What´s your ex Post #332518
You'll have to add events for all 4 attachments to do that. You should be able to define multiple events for the same frame; the code is set up for it, at least.
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-02 11:24:28 UTC
in Xash3D and muzzleflashes. What´s your ex Post #332516
Muzzleflash sprites are handled by the events we talked about before. Add debug output on the client side to show if it's triggering the events like it should, and whether it's getting the right options from them.
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-01 20:05:40 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #332509
Can we make our own mod (including custom code) for this?
Posted 8 years ago2016-11-30 07:30:23 UTC
in model and modelT, what does this mean? Post #332490
If you ever have problems loading a model that's located in a subdirectory of the models directory, and the model has a T file or sequences files (model01.mdl, etc), you'll have to recompile them with the files in that subdirectory.
The engine will try to load those files based on the path they had when they were compiled. It's pretty easy to fix in code, but you can't change the engine unfortunately :/
Posted 8 years ago2016-11-27 20:06:46 UTC
in Qc file and sprites. Post #332475
Yeah, there are only up to 4 attachments supported. That's a hardcoded limit that cannot be changed without breaking compatibility with all mods, so it's stuck that way. The muzzleflashes are also hardcoded, like every other thing in existence.
I suppose you could add more attachments if you expand the studiomodel format with new data structures, but that's going to be a mess even in the best case.