Forum posts

Posted 21 years ago2003-03-26 20:07:56 UTC
in to andy Post #1210
Atom does all the work, I just add some misguided comments now and then, Oh, and e-mail him at least fifteen times a day with ideas....

I stumbled into this site from a link someone sent me and couldn't believe my luck. Finally there was a place you could ask questions without being flamed, and everybody was really helpful, and I keep learning things every day. So I wrote a few tutorials based on the original WorldCraft help files, and help out where I can. I know a good site when I see one, that's why I stick around.

Did you get the scripted_sentences working?
Posted 21 years ago2003-03-24 19:21:47 UTC
in Cool ideas for levels? Post #1327
Cool Ideas?

I still think that anything is cool in HL. There is heaps of reference stuff out there on how to design and detail a level. I believe the main thing is that as long as it's fun to play, then it's a winner. No need to work hard to produce stuff that hasn't been done, when the game engine still has so many possibilities that haven't been explored (Or looked at recently).
Posted 22 years ago2003-02-17 20:13:12 UTC
in NULL Texture? Post #939
Once again, I am guessing here, but the files you have listed look suspiciously like the ones from the first issue of ZHLT 253. I am not sure of the custom build version but there were quite a few out there, I ran into CB 1.6 the other day.
All versions of zoners seem to mention the Null texture feature, but from what I can gather the actual true implementation of it has only come with 253 custom build 1.7 as it is included in the zhlt.wad, although I remember it being there early on ZHLT, but no information being supplied.
Is there a newer version of ZHLT than CB 1.7 out there? If so let me know.
So, when you say Radiant, are you using Qradiant to map.... Excuse the ignorance, but I don't know any thing about radiant, I just saw the Qeradiant website and it had a great tutorial on Sky's, although it wasn't any good to Hammer users as the Q fgd is different.

Glad that the info helped, keep mapping.
Posted 22 years ago2003-01-19 00:16:21 UTC
in Blood on glass func_door? Post #957
Brilliant outside the square fix... love it.
Also my suggestion about the decal flag wasn't right, to have the blood remain on the glass it has to be checked on... Silly me.
Posted 22 years ago2003-01-18 11:52:08 UTC
in Blood on glass func_door? Post #955
I played around with this and used an env_blood entity, or several, triggered by a normal trigger_multiple (in your case trigger_once would be better). It threw blood onto the glass, but not directly in front of the player. So the glass looked great everywhere else. I had it set to Blood Stream, so I wonder if that makes a difference? All I do know is that increasing the amount of blood above the default 100 doesn't seem to produce more.
Maybe the Decal flag needs to be unchecked? Let me know if you find out.