Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 12:58:11 UTC
in Story 2 Post #93123
whilst watching an episode of 'Minder'
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 12:12:06 UTC
in Story Post #93118
fish fingers
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 12:11:28 UTC
in Story 2 Post #93117
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 12:10:26 UTC
in Questions I Wish More People Ask Post #93116
I am afraid everything you are saying would be virtually impossible. There is no escape from a global fascist state. People will try to escape as rebel groups, but unfortuanelty gestapo like tactics will be considered by the Globalists. There is already a secret police in place at the moment, usually monitering the activity of civil rights groups, anti-war protestors, and freedom activists. (All of which will be considered a form of 'terrorism' in the newly formed totalitarialist state.) The only way to stop this New World Order is to spread the word and let people know what's really happening. People must be encouraged to turn to other media sources, rather than the mainstream media, whose lies and propoganda are polluting the atmosphere so to speak. Prison is a good site to go to if you want information. The site is maintained by a wide range of people and covers a wide range of issues regarding the emergence of a global fascist state. And despite much ridicule, David Icke also adds some great content on his headlines page.

Blasting off into space and exploring new worlds is not within our capacity. Funding of such a project would be denied, only globalist-run NASA has the capability to do so. Eventually, we may reaslise the truth in that we are all the facilitators of our own creative consciousness. In other words, reality is what you make it, and according to one man in the Whitehouse, "We create your reality." (Actually said in a Whitehouse speech when questioned about his errors. "It doesn't matter if what we said was wrong because we create your reality". When I heard that I nearly threw up. We now have the globalists telling us that they create our reality, isnt that nice. This world is such a charming place... :
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 11:00:08 UTC
in Questions I Wish More People Ask Post #93108
Technology That Cares?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 10:55:39 UTC
in Questions I Wish More People Ask Post #93107
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 10:53:50 UTC
in Questions I Wish More People Ask Post #93106
...exactly. And in the future, and believe me it seems to be getting closer, we will all be given compulsary 'implantable 'VeriChip' microchips' in our shoulders 'to fight terrorism and help us purchase goods and help prevent children and pets from getting lost' - the usual claptrap these creatures sell folks with when they want to remove our rights.

/ Have you seen those new chipmobiles or whatever they are called touring round. I think they are sponsered by VeriChip, but they are letting people get microchipped because "it's trendy and you don't need to use a credit card"...This whole thing makes me physically sick. Folks, word of advice, if your authorities ask you if you want a VeriChip, please SAY NO. We are human beings, not cyborgs. They already use the VeriChip system at clubs in Barcelona. So remember; SAY NO TO THE IMPLANTABLE MICROCHIP OR ELSE IT'S 'BYE BYE' TO FREETHINKING, INDIVIDUALITY, PRIVACY, AND BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS.

And also, SAY NO TO THE ID CARD, sign petitions, anything, we can not allow these creatures to do this to us all. We are all human beings, we are not their slaves, and we will not submit to dehumanisation.

And, I recommend you read 1984 and Brave New World to get a picture of what the future is going to be like if we do not act now. This is our only window of oppotunity, it's now or never.

I mean for christ sake, I've dreamed about this stuff, I dreamed about authorities going round door to door putting everyone on backs of lorries to be taken away to 'compact cities' (Just like the ones FEMA has already set up incase of a code red emergency). In this dream the army arrived and everyone had to wear the same orange jumpsuit and have their hair shaved. This may have been my dream, but in the not-too-distant future, this will become a reality.

...Oh and the UN wants to 'restrict' the internet, so soon it will be a criminal offense to gather alternative news sources because it would be 'aiding terrorism'. It will also be an offence to criticise government policy because by doing so it would 'aid terrorism' -- you starting to see a pattern here? It's called 'problem-reaction-solution' or 'order out of chaos'. In this case,'terrorism' is being used to threaten us all into submittion. And there are some idiots out there, without mentioning any names (which these people dont actually have) who try to discount this and rubbish it off as a conspiracy theory without actually bothering to look into it and make their own reasonable oppinion.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 09:15:03 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #93090
Zombiefied zombies!

Yeah, DotD style zombies is a must...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 09:13:20 UTC
in Whats the weather like there? Post #93089
too hot
...Grrrrr :x
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 09:12:09 UTC
in IM DESPERATE!!! Post #93087
lol payment :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 09:09:57 UTC
in The Rise of the Machines? Post #93086
...actually I heard something about this, the new 'Robocop anti-terrorism enforcers armed with machine guns and tasers' - the ones that got stuck in the snow a few minutes after they were tested, yeah, those ones... ( :lol: )
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 09:06:50 UTC
in Questions I Wish More People Ask Post #93085
Doesn't mean bullshit? What does mean bullshit can be considered to be the 'official' line of events during September 11th and the motives for starting a war.

If you fail to see what kind of world we are heading towards, then, I am afraid to say you must be drinking too much diet coke...

A total police state has been on the books for a while, and what we are now seeing is the beginning of a next chapter in a fascist dictatorship; propoganda. Same ole '...our country needs to be kept safe...the only way to do this is to remove your civil liberties...blah blah blah'

Tony Blair even said in his ludicrous speech the other day that our civil liberties need to be 'balanced out' in order to fight terrorism... (those infamous terrorists that seem to be virtually non-existant)

The truth of the matter is, as you should by now know, the real terrorists are those that call themselves world leaders.

Oh, and by the way, been as though I'm off on a rant, in the future there will probably be a nuclear war reducing the world's population. The reason I say this is because:

1. America, Britain, North Korea, and other countries have nuclear weapons stockpiled. And yes, the war in Iraq was based on an innitial 'investigation' and search for weapons of mass destruction that could lead to terrorism. Isn't it funny that the very people who accuse other countries of harbouring WMD's have them stockpiled in their own country and sell them to 'enemies'. (This of course seemed to be reported for a few seconds on mainstream media - drowned out by other menial issues such as fox hunting or prince charles. It was literally like; 'Yep, there's nuclear weapons stockpiled here in Britain and America, but oh well, here's Tom with the weather)

2. America has armed North Korea. The 'goody' countries of the western world seem to be arming and training the 'baddies' and the 'terrorists' in the eastern world. That's like Batman selling cocaine to a bunch of druglords and then accusing them of being druglords and hence justifying any action against them.

3. Underground bunkers and other such 'nuclear attack-proof' subterranean settlements do exist. (Miles underground) There are subterranean settlements underneath every major city, airport, etc, each is linked directly with each other by a nework of underground transit systems capable of reaching high speeds. The entrances to these cities exist all over the place, be it in a calm and tranquil countyside to a shopping mall or corporate/government building. And no, we the joe bloggs public dont get a look-in, only the rich and powerful survive in a nuclear war, just like the roaches they are.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-23 15:57:17 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #92893 don't say? :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-23 12:11:00 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #92818
John Lee Hooker - Drug Store Woman
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-22 12:54:35 UTC
in Favourite Game 1990 - 1998 Post #92565
The Doom series, and all those 'you are God build a city or empire' type games... speaking of which, I just obtained an Age of Empires II demo, which I am pissing about with... I may have to go out and buy it because I like making stuff.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-22 12:51:58 UTC
in Poll: Half-Life or Half-Life2? Post #92563
Tomatoe Ketchup: Source :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-22 09:02:02 UTC
in Whats the weather like there? Post #92519
...snowing, badly.

...very cold, and basically, shit.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-22 09:01:21 UTC
in Poll: Half-Life or Half-Life2? Post #92518
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-18 08:24:34 UTC
in Members Spotted Post #91438
...I actually make them btw ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-17 12:44:02 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #91233
John Lee Hooker - The Right Time
T-Bone Walker - Sail On
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-17 10:32:53 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #91200
John Lee Hooker - Mad Man Blues
Muddy Waters - Whiskey Blues
Howling Wolf - Backdoor Man
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-17 10:04:47 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #91193
Muddy Waters - I Feel Like Going Home
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-17 09:20:27 UTC
in Members Spotted Post #91183
:lol: ministeve
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-17 09:18:26 UTC
in Members Spotted Post #91182
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-17 09:16:53 UTC
in Strangely Realistic UFO Post #91181
Jesus christ, blame it on the nutter why dont you :D

...hey I didn't say I am responsible for it, it was just something I came across. Anyway, it's not the worst UFO hoax ever, the worst is that Billy Meir guy with his little 'flying vimenas' or whatever the f**k he calls them. Basically, they are these badly made stereotypical flying saucers (probably made out of cooking equipment) attached to fishing rods infront of the camera. Honestly, you should do a search for this guy, you'll laugh at his foolishness
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-15 14:16:22 UTC
in GRR MICROSOFT! Post #90781
...theres more to life than msn you know :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-15 14:00:00 UTC
in Members Spotted Post #90776
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-15 12:41:01 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #90751
Alex Jones - Infowars (GCN Radio Network)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-15 12:34:06 UTC
in Members Spotted Post #90746
...after that statement, you're next pal! :badass:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-15 12:33:24 UTC
in Strangely Realistic UFO Post #90745
...aren't UFO's generally pieces of metal with lights on? :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-15 12:24:41 UTC
in Strangely Realistic UFO Post #90740
Meh, its one of the better 'fakes' though I must say :
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-15 09:39:33 UTC
in Strangely Realistic UFO Post #90695

Look at this picture of a UFO spotted on a webcam in Washington. It seems to have a unique look unlike any other aircraft. It appears to be genuine, it does not seem to show a plane in fast flight, overall it's the wackiest UFO I've ever seen. The 'boogers' who built it must have had a laugh...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-15 08:59:23 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #90692
...well, she could be a lone sniper who seems a little hard to get on with at first. Maybe she even tries to kill you at one point, but then later on she saves your bacon?

She could even belong to the Upper Hand. Or maybe she was part of the Upper Hand but decided to make her own way.

Maybe she was sent to the city because she assassinated someone important?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-15 08:46:56 UTC
in Members Spotted Post #90691
I make these in photoshop. I just do google image search for random people etc, make a collage out of them (but be realistic) and I add final adjustments, a background etc.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-14 16:58:33 UTC
in Members Spotted Post #90518

I posted the ones of habboi on the Snark Pit but I guess they are too 'mature' to get the jokes :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-14 15:27:08 UTC
in Members Spotted Post #90504
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-14 14:51:16 UTC
in Members Spotted Post #90501
Cant stop laughing at ministeve :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-14 14:48:44 UTC
in Members Spotted Post #90499
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-14 14:02:04 UTC
in Members Spotted Post #90463
Hehehehe :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-14 13:57:15 UTC
in Members Spotted Post #90457
P.s. rofl good one ZL! :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-14 13:56:22 UTC
in Members Spotted Post #90456

...this is the new TWHL Gallery of Horror :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-14 13:40:26 UTC
in Members Spotted Post #90448
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-14 13:01:36 UTC
in Members Spotted Post #90429
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-14 11:19:46 UTC
in geek jokes Post #90420
"Not yet available in Iowa."
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-14 09:21:51 UTC
in geek jokes Post #90383
<Ich> Why are you hosting on port 666?
<Texasdex> just for the hell of it
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-14 09:18:41 UTC
in What do ya think, improvements? Post #90382
Make it a burberry pattern :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-14 09:12:56 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #90380
Bob Dylan - Tangled Up In Blue :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-13 19:08:26 UTC
in This is the Final END Post #90280
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-13 18:31:10 UTC
in This is the Final END Post #90277
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-13 17:33:29 UTC
in This is the Final END Post #90248
Yeeeeeah but that was only aimed at habboi.