Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-10-11 07:16:52 UTC
in Daily routine Post #140823
Garbage man! :D
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-10 16:38:19 UTC
in Daily routine Post #140775
-Wake up
-Get out of the coffin I sleep in
-Eat a few children for breakfast
-Fly to school in bat-form
-Fly back home after school
-Sit around

Yep, that about covers it..
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-10 03:50:18 UTC
in Windows Installer Post #140606
I Can't uninstall because the .dll is corrupted!
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-09 16:35:27 UTC
in Now Playing Post #140557
Akira Yamaoka - Silent Hill
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-09 10:04:37 UTC
in Windows Installer Post #140491
i'll try that alex. but the prob is that i have no WinXp cd :P

and evilsod, i've tried that. it says that the .dll file is corrupted
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-09 07:29:40 UTC
in Windows Installer Post #140449
Is there Any way to totally reinstall Windows installer without reinstalling the whole OS?

My Win installer is borked and i can't install/uninstall anything at all :(
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-08 12:58:35 UTC
in Rather odd laser/beam problem Post #140320
My advice is to remake the beams. stuff like this has happened to me as well :zonked:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-08 11:14:29 UTC
in Now Playing Post #140306
Rotten Sound - Nation
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-07 14:36:52 UTC
in Half-Life Sentences.txt Editor Post #140106
Yes, 'tis jolly good. Good job Daubster
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-07 11:15:44 UTC
in Education Post #140066
she calls you habboi? :D
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-07 05:07:28 UTC
in Avatars Post #140016
Haha i knew it :D
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-04 09:25:46 UTC
in buyin a computer soon and... Post #139263
stop spamming twhl
Look who's talking..
Depends what resolution. Even a 9800xt + 3.4GHz P4 + 1GB of RAM should be able to play HL2 with everything at max (bar AA and AF, and at 1024x768.) with 2xAA and 4xAF
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-04 04:19:09 UTC
in Discussion of Half-Life's Crowbar Post #139191
While playing a deathmatch game of Half-Life, I find it very odd indeed when I see some players running through open fields of play with nothing more than "their trusty crowbar". These are usually the people that end up at the bottom of the score sheet
I disagree. I use the crowbar all the time and i'm always at the top. The crowbar is extremely useful, because people are so afraid to get killed by someone using it. And if you corner someone when you are using the mighty crowbar, your victim is as good as dead. plus, its so fun to use because of the sounds :)

I use the crowbar after I die until i can find a shotgun or better. I never use the 9mm pistol..
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-03 16:39:26 UTC
in Your instrument Post #139059
I play drums,guitar, bass, piano and I sing..
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-03 04:17:25 UTC
in TWHL in FireFox Post #138910
make sure you aren't trying to access it through the old
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-03 03:30:20 UTC
in Now Playing Post #138905
Vesania - Mystherion Crystaleyes
Still... :heart: :heart: :heart:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-02 08:55:27 UTC
in Now Playing Post #138745
Vesania - Mystherion Crystaleyes
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-01 15:27:11 UTC
in Now Playing Post #138587
Ah the world's crappiest movie :glad:
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-30 04:48:40 UTC
in Now Playing Post #138344
Nasum :heart: :heart: :heart:

Nasum - Information is Free
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-30 03:32:09 UTC
in Now Playing Post #138333
Nasum - Illogic
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-28 16:05:10 UTC
in Now Playing Post #138131
Gojira - In the Forest
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-28 12:13:59 UTC
in bad computers Post #138039
I played HL too on my first comp. res 320x???, smallest screen and software mode

I even mapped on that crappy comp :D
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-27 12:38:27 UTC
in bad computers Post #137818
tell me about it :cry:
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-27 12:30:07 UTC
in OpenGL vs. Software Post #137814
especially when you're drunk :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-27 12:27:05 UTC
in bad computers Post #137812
my old was a 233 mhz Celeron :D

It sucked so utterly..
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-27 12:25:08 UTC
in OpenGL vs. Software Post #137809
OpenGL pwns. End of story.
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-27 04:40:08 UTC
in Now Playing Post #137700
Vader - Wings
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-26 11:19:09 UTC
in Now Playing Post #137581
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-25 16:35:16 UTC
in My Comeback Post #137518
everybody = 1 word.
It's really not your place to be a word nazi since...
...isn't even a real word.
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-25 13:15:12 UTC
in Path Of Neo Post #137430
ur mum sucks.... literally
running out of your great comebacks now? hahaha. seriously :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-25 12:56:34 UTC
in Path Of Neo Post #137417
Point proven, Neo just die ok? :D
he wears eye make up....
Great comeback, haha
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-25 11:58:04 UTC
in first impressions Post #137404
- Saribous: Creepy-looking but nice.
Thanks Hrny!! :D
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-25 11:55:16 UTC
in Path Of Neo Post #137402
No mr Neo-Thewannabe, because i like half life. And this is a half life community, maybe you haven't noticed (you being retarded and all).

Since you clearly don't like half life, do yourself a favor and fuck off. again, maybe you're just too stupid to see that NO ONE on this site likes you. Just give up you pathetic little shit :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-25 11:23:33 UTC
in Path Of Neo Post #137398
At least I play other things other than fucking half shitty life
How about you go find a Matrix community to bother then..
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-25 11:20:53 UTC
in Your desktop Post #137396
give it up Neo.
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-24 15:52:00 UTC
in Smile! Post #137225
Why did you change your avatar to that horrible one habboi?
Cloud is the shit! FF7:A.C pwns btw
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-24 12:50:45 UTC
in Now Playing Post #137175
Vesania - Rest In Pain
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-23 08:50:12 UTC
in Favourite lyrics Post #136776
Cradle of Filth - The Twisted Nails Of Faith

"Mirror, mirror on the wall
Shouldst not grave pleasures be my all?
For if I shall see thy Will be done
Grant Me the Witchcraft of thy tongue"

Three moondials froze in the shadow of six
As another soul passed to the grasping Styx
Clutching their trinket crucifix
Bats blew from eaves in a dissonant surge
Omens of corruption from within the church
A fetid, dank oasis still clung to fool rebirth

Alone as a stone cold altar
The castle and its keep
Like faerytale dominion rose
A widow to the snow peaks
Wherein reclined the Countess
Limbs purring from the kill
Bathed in virgin white and like the night
Alive and young and unfulfilled

Was it the cry of a wolf
That broke the silver thread of enchanted thoughts?
Of Her life as a mere reflection
(As the moon's in narrow windows caught)
That opened like dark eyelids on
The sigh of the woods that the wind fell upon

Like a Siren weaving song
From the lilt of choirs choking
Where the vengeful dead

To the Sorceress and Her charnel arts
She swept from ebon towers at the hour of Mars
'Neath a star-inwoven sky latticed by scars
To unbind knotted reins that kept in canter, despair
Shod on melancholy, fleet to sanctuary there,
In netherglades tethered where onyx idols stared

Was it the Kiss of the mist
That peopled the air with the prowess of absinthe?
Lost souls begging resurrection
From Gods upon their forest plinths
Whose epitaphs read of re-ascending to win
Remission from despair through a holocaust of sin

In a tongue hilted in invective rectums
Over signs and seals the sorceress prayed
To Death, to rend the slender veil
That Ancient Ones might rise again

As shadows swelled
The Countess fell
To masturbating with Her dagger
As the Witch gabbled spells
Cumming heavy roses all the way to Hell
As sudden thunder's grue harangue
Announced two pincered worlds

Exuding bane, something came
With the stench of necrophiled graves
To these clandestines
Who shrank from glimpsing horror
That the growls of mating houls inclined...

In pendants
(Natal trophies torn from bellies of desanctified nuns)
A demons, bewinged, bedight
In scum, prowled their circle seeking entry to run
An arctic tongue upon Her vulva
Where rubies smeared to alabaster thighs
Glittered like a contract in the purse of a whore
Receiving sole communion from the body of christ

"If blood is what thou carves, foul fiend
I will yield this witch to thee
If thou wouldst draw a veil for Me
O'er lengthening scars of age and grief"

As the Demon slavered foetid vows
And bore His prey away
In talons itching to perpetrate
The nausea of eternal rape
The Sorceress screaming in His grasp
Spat a final curse to stain
The Countess with the promise
That Her lord at war would be cruelly slain

And She would rot.
On the twisted nails of faith.
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-23 08:30:10 UTC
in Now Playing Post #136761
Gojira - Wisdom Comes
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-23 07:37:26 UTC
in first impressions Post #136733
I saw the movie without reading the book first.. Not recommended! it felt like i pissed away 2 hrs of my life, didn't understand anything
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-23 07:36:03 UTC
in Bash my work in progress!(again!) Post #136731
oh thank god :D

nah not NV, just make it a bit brighter
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-23 05:07:18 UTC
in first impressions Post #136716
I was going to edit but Hunter made it impossible :furious:

Anyway, I always thought that Anthony was like 30 years old or something, so there's proof that first impressions are unreliable :D
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-23 05:02:51 UTC
in first impressions Post #136714
And i'm 18 so stfu Ant :biggrin:

I don't think e-first impressions are reliable though.
Except when it comes to ZL, i'm pretty sure he really is an anti social person with no friends. ;)
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-23 02:53:11 UTC
in Smile! Post #136695
:aggrieved: <------- wtf is that 7th?
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-23 02:52:25 UTC
in Bash my work in progress!(again!) Post #136694
Dark, too square for my taste, and a it's city map...
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-22 10:35:09 UTC
in Turkey in Europe Post #136435
wow.. sweden is a penis :D
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-22 03:29:41 UTC
in Truth? Post #136353
The silly music in the background says it all, it's fake
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-21 11:04:28 UTC
in Omfg Its Pwnage!!111 Post #136179
That shirt should have

"Equip: Reduces chances of getting laid by 200%"
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-21 05:13:35 UTC
in Omfg Its Pwnage!!111 Post #136114
no, 1337 you dumbass :D
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-20 11:48:58 UTC
in ASCII ART Post #135945
This has got to be one of the nerdiest threads ever :D