Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2009-08-04 14:31:57 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #271403
It's not like they attract people to the server anyway. The only time people play is when people from here join.
You have absolutely no basis for saying that.
From monitoring the server over NFO's control panel, I've recorded plenty of other players connecting and staying without any TWHL memebers connected. And they sure as hell get you guys to join.

But if you really want to go back to an empty server where you have to organize every single match and have maybe 3 people on a good day then I'll revert back to it.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-04 14:25:01 UTC
in This is fucking wrong Post #271402
?400 million ($668 million) will be spend on installing and monitoring CCTV cameras in the homes of private citizens. Why? To make sure the kids are doing their homework, going to bed early and eating their vegetables.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-02 16:52:33 UTC
in Modeling - Next step Post #271358
Indeed. V_<model> is what you want to replace.
V = View
P = Player
W = World
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-02 16:50:42 UTC
in Using models Post #271357
Only with the HL fgd. It's a well known bug, so what I do is use monster_generic as a placeholder, then go in with the CS fgd and change all the monster_generics to cycler_sprites right before the final compile.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-02 16:49:16 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #271356
dm_falls (updated)
Be sure to delete dm_falls if you've played it before today so you can get the updated version.

And I added/updated bot names to match requests.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-31 12:31:24 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #271264
Whoops, I forgot.
Uploading it now...
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-31 12:11:59 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #271262
Trying to have some fun with the bot names. They're pathetically lame :P
Urby's Trilby
Tetsu0's Guitar
Atom's French Lust
Penguinboy's Future Cubicle
Huntey's Girlfriend
World Crafter's Hair
Satchmo's Last Patient
Rimrook's Moleglasses
Zeeba-G uses q-tools
Hotdog's Motorbike
Luke's Bucket Hat
Discostu's Discoball
JeffMOD's Dial-up Connection
Captain Terror's Banthumb
Madcow's MOOO!
Trapt's Sarcastic Retort
PM me with your idea if your bot name sucks too much, if it offends you, or if you just aren't listed :o
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-31 11:53:38 UTC
in Who the Hell are you again? Post #271261
You still have that tumor?
How's that working out for you?
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-31 11:37:04 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #271257
Just made a few changes:

Changed bot from HPB to Parabot. There were some stability issues with testing them on a LAN, but we'll see how they work out.
These bots are smart and fun to fight, and they make their own waypoints.
ALso, we won't be getting that extra player slot that I wanted. To get it I would have to pay the difference between the new, reduced price and the extra slot ($11) instead of the higher price that I payed initially counting toward it. Bleh.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-31 11:21:23 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #271256
What if you have a bunch of trigger teleports that are only active after you shoot the button. The trigger teleport drops you into another sealed room in the map which drops you above the trigger_changelevel, and thus into the correct orientation every time.
It'd be even better if there was just one teleport and a few trigger_changetargets.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-30 14:53:21 UTC
in Using models Post #271211
Don't let the name fool you
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-30 14:37:22 UTC
in Using models Post #271208
Cycler_sprite doesn't make "glow" effects, why would you think that?

Cyclers bleed when you shoot them. Bullets go through cycler_sprites. You wouldn't want a bleeding telephone pole, would you?
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-30 14:35:54 UTC
in impenetrable walls Post #271207
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-30 05:44:24 UTC
in Using models Post #271189
cycler_sprite exists in all Goldsrc games.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-30 02:04:55 UTC
in Using models Post #271177
Use cycler_sprite and build your own clip boxes around the model. Do't let the name fool you, cycler_sprite is the entity to use for model props.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-30 01:33:02 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #271174
I'll update the maps this Friday. Everyone's map requests will be added, and unless Tetsu0 fixes dm_cliff, I'm removing it [sorry].

Whenever those models are ready, I'll go find a simple model prechache plugin so everyone downloads them on connection.
Just keep in mind that even with fast downloads, there is such a thing as forcing clients to download too much.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-29 15:40:34 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #271139
It's the massive amount of flickering lights.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-26 19:51:38 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #270929
I put big_city on the server for the sake of nostalgia. It's not coming down, but nobody is forcing you to play it :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-26 15:55:45 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #270912
The Mario models came with DocRock's mario maps.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-26 15:44:33 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #270909
The next payment is due January 21st, 2009. No rush :P

Urby: We could. Do you really want to?
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-26 14:42:54 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #270900
I'm trying to work out some stability issues with parabot. They're fantastic until they crash :|

Tetsu0, check your PMs.

NFO reduced their price on Goldsrc servers a little bit as of yesterday. I can add another player slot for the same price that we payed initally.
Yeah, it's 9 players, but it's a free player slot and I'm not getting refunded for the difference of the new server cost.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-26 10:31:26 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #270895
Nah, it was just a bad location. 8 players bottlenecking bandwidth happens on weak servers, I mean like single core 55MHz weak.
Our server, along with a few others, is hosted on a quad core machine that barely sees 1% CPU usage on a bad day. Seriously, I can monitor the system that the server is hosted on.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-26 03:33:29 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #270888
The server's been back up.
The IP changes with it's location, but the DNS stays the same. Add it to favorites again by the same address.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-26 03:05:01 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #270886
Ugh, I'm moving it once more and if it's still bad then I'm moving back to Denver where it started.
Edit: Tetsu0, I told you in your PM. amx_help in the console. Also try amxmodmenu.

Srry: rate 10000 and cl_rate 9999.

Does anyone feel like making a nice picture for the MOTD?

We've got stats:
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-25 23:27:38 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #270876
A few notes:
I just moved the server to Dallas. Australians should see a slight improvement in ping.

I'm looking for a replacement bot for HPB, since it's so buggy and generally stupid. I've stumbled across a very smart bot called "Parabot" that engages players in a much more convincing manner. They'll strafe, jump, take cover behind walls to reload, etc. And they move. A lot.

Edit: They also supposedly generate their own navigation files by "exploring" the map over time and pick favorite routes.
And they don't like to glock spam
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-25 02:02:35 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #270821
Soup Miner
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-24 23:58:28 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #270819
Dude, you were totally hacking his keys so that he couldn't shoot back :biggrin:
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-24 23:26:28 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #270816
Maps on the server as of today:

Map cycle as of today:
As you can see, the normal map cycle alters between TWHL and official maps. Remember that you can start your own map change poll with "amx_votemap [mapname]". If you're the only one in the server, you can change the map to where ever you want with amx_votemap.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-24 13:59:16 UTC
in Bored. As. Hell. Post #270787
Blacking out in sewers and fucking the brains out of giant fish. What else? Oh yeah, and bombing the Russians.
And chopping your balls off.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-22 21:53:11 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #270717
What a coincidence, ATD! My master password is 12356! I use it for everything, even TWHL!

Notice: The Australians seem to be getting some very undesirable pings, so I want to move the server closer to the west coast. So do me a favor and go back to here:
and post your pings (particularly those of you near the UK) in Chicago, Dallas, and Los Angeles(Value).
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-22 00:42:43 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #270682
Bots are go, but with no waypoints so they'll run around aimlessly in the meantime.
There's a max of 3 and a minimum of 0, which means if you're the only player then you'll be fighting 2 bots. They don't talk and use the default names for HPB bot.
Adding Carbaseus, dm_undergroundlab, and my own maps now :)

Again, I can request a relocation if the current location (Denver) isn't up to par.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 23:34:03 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #270678
I hate to break the news to you, but WON was abandoned in 2001. You have to use Steam if you want to play online with anything.

Edit: Fast downloads are go. I didn't even have to use my personal ftp, NFO provided us with a domain with unlimited space and bandwidth with the 6-month plan.
I'll set up HPB bot to get 3 bots in there. Then I can start adding your custom maps.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 23:23:36 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #270676
You don't play much online, do you?
Are you even using Steam?
I've connected several times already, and it's fine for client connections.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 23:06:58 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #270672
A necessary server addon for any public server.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 21:52:15 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #270668
Sure thing. And a note to others: I'm taking map requests now. Post links and map names in this thread.
You can request as many maps as you want, as there is an unlimited amount of space. Just keep in mind that more maps means less chances of the ones you really want to play being played.

Edit: Would anyone object to 3 bots if they left when players joined? (IE: 1 player = 2 bots, 2 players = 1 bot). I'd just like to have something to shoot at 24/7 so everyone can actually play everyone else's maps.

Edit Edit: All users may use amx_votemap, amx_votekick, and amx_voteban. Vote map and vote kick require at least 50% in favor. A vote ban requires at least 75% in favor.

If your ping is bad, I can request a relocation later.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 21:32:48 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #270666
Nuclearfallout is creating the server package as of right now...
I'll be spending a while setting up AMXX and uploading maps and whatnot.

Edit: Basic server is online. Connect to it through
Starting to configure...
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 00:06:15 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #270599
There is, but nobody uses it.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-20 16:52:04 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #270583
mp_allowmonsters 1
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-19 22:10:09 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #270545
I just don't want to have to switch my card between my paypal account and the TWHL server's. What a pain in the ass.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-19 20:44:56 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #270541
Well I wanted to get the server up today, but there's this whole mess of bullshit that I have to wade through for Paypal to actually register my subscription. For one, I can't just pay with the money in my account; Paypal requires a card to be linked to an account to send money that's already in your account for some ridiculous fucking reason. That's going to take at least 3 days because they take their sweet time.
What a fucking mess.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-19 16:47:36 UTC
in Polygon Counts in HL2 Post #270533
mat_wireframe 1 is the command you're looking for. I don't know if there's a way to read world poly counts in Source, though.

I wouldn't worry about the Source budget, though. With massive maps like de_wanda, it should be safely assumed that nobody will hit the cap any time soon.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-19 16:44:04 UTC
in The "Official" Competition 27 Post #270532
Low priority is the way to go :)
I compiled Blue Paradise in the background and played TF2 thanks to low priority compiling.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-19 16:19:03 UTC
in The "Official" Competition 27 Post #270529
I hope you actually submitted it to the compo instead of just releasing it in the vault.

Edit: Couldn't upload puzzle.wad.

Edit Edit: Just submitted my entry and realized that I forgot to mention what game it is for, and now my included comment is probably looking pretty damn stupid.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-19 03:39:54 UTC
in The "Official" Competition 27 Post #270503
No, it's HL2DM. I built it using CSS materials, so I tested it in CSS before moving the materials over.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-19 02:14:46 UTC
in The "Official" Competition 27 Post #270498
Combine common, brush based entities into single entities. I don't know if point entities like triggers affect visible entities, but you should move any relays and whatnot out of the offending area and into a hollow box outside the map just in case.

See every brush in the map? I don't see how that could happen unless vis isn't running for some reason.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-18 23:52:39 UTC
in The "Official" Competition 27 Post #270490
Yeah, I picked the worst possible spot for a screenshot but I wanted a shot of the windmills and the clock tower.
The rest of the map is quite different.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-18 23:48:38 UTC
in The "Official" Competition 27 Post #270482
Don't have time? Just rename your models, sprites, and sound folders to something else and make new ones for testing your packaged stuff.

Edit: My deceptively blocky map is 99% good to go. I'll be running the final when I go to bed, and will let it keep running until it either finishes, or the deadline starts approaching. If it doesn't finish in time, I've got a fast-vis-compiled backup ready to go :)
User posted image
^That clock tower moves in realtime.
The map, with content included, is over 50MB D:
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-18 23:34:10 UTC
in Half-life: Guard Duty Post #270487
Think "insect eye" when you think of a houndeye.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-18 20:58:40 UTC
in compo map not compiling Post #270476
Log from Hammer? I thought you were using a front end compiler now. Stu's got the solution to your out fo world error.

Edit: Mixed face contents means that you're putting two or more textures on the same brush that shouldn't go together. EG: mixing concrete, water, and sky all on the same brush.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-18 20:20:23 UTC
in The "Official" Competition 27 Post #270477
I've found that a good way to be sure you've packaged all your custom content is to delete all custom content in your HL directory, so that it's toally vanilla, then unpack your map's files and run through it.