Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-12-18 13:36:50 UTC
in Has hell been found? Post #78980
It is a hoax. The priest made the whole thing up. The story just simply isn't true.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-18 12:34:51 UTC
in Freakish TWHL dream (long writing) Post #78970
Hey, you'll never belive this, but lastnight my dream was very similar to WCD's. Everyone who posted were completely new. The atmosphere seemed very opressive.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-18 12:32:29 UTC
in Has hell been found? Post #78969
I heard this story ages ago, and I can tell you its just religious propoganda to make their faith seem believable.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-18 12:29:46 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #78968
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-16 09:38:37 UTC
in A little riddle Post #78630
Very brave new world...
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-16 09:37:06 UTC
in Freakish TWHL dream (long writing) Post #78629
...I always imagined Seventh to look like a rhesus monkey...
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-14 18:01:19 UTC
in A little riddle Post #78349
Bah, not when you had to do it at school. I see it as a load of boloney.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-14 13:52:48 UTC
in A little riddle Post #78266
Bah, shakespeare never wrote any of his plays, it was Francis Bacon.

(Some of the best evidence I found on the web to prove this. Infact, there is hardly any evidence other than speculation that Shakespeare wrote 'Shakespeare's' plays.)

> He lacks the background, breeding, and education to write such astounding lyrics. His plays have a depth and a magnitude so great that only a university-educated man of high status could have. As a matter of fact, his parents and daughters were probably illiterate, let alone able to send him to a university.

> On Shakespeare?s birth certificate, his name is spelled "Shaksper," and six signatures undisputed to be authentic are all spelled differently. Moreover, those six signatures are written in a horrible, virtually illegible scribble?one appearing much closer to that of an illiterate than to that of the most renowned writer ever.

> Shakespeare retired to Stratford in about 1613, at the pinnacle of his career. Why?

> There are portraits of Shakespeare, but none that were done during his lifetime. Why was he not painted, as other authors at his time were?

> His death entry in the parish registry lists him as a "Gent." Not a dramatist, not an actor, but a "Gent." Originally a sack of grain was pictured on his headstone; in 1747 (when Shakespeare was gaining popularity), the sack was replaced with a quill pen. There was not even a eulogy for him the day he died. (Epstein 277-281)
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-13 19:23:25 UTC
in JOIN THE AAL NOW! Save TWHL Post #78178
Yeah, how do you feel now, huh buddy? :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-13 18:44:13 UTC
in Freakish TWHL dream (long writing) Post #78165
"Hey babe... ---[kisses n stuff]--- Hey wait a second, I think it's compiled"
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-13 17:58:23 UTC
in JOIN THE AAL NOW! Save TWHL Post #78158
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-13 16:24:43 UTC
in Freakish TWHL dream (long writing) Post #78136
/me means 'in 3 weeks.'
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-13 16:18:39 UTC
in 1993 'Demolition Man' Movie... Post #78132
I watched the one about the err, 'Rapture' guys, or whatever they call 'emselves.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-13 16:17:40 UTC
in JOIN THE AAL NOW! Save TWHL Post #78131
People from the 'AAL' are perfoming another persecution of witches and a large part of the regulars are proclaiming the unchristianity of the heretic anonymous scum.
Then you are an Al Qaeda sympathiser sir. We'll have you red-flagged.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-13 13:28:55 UTC
in 1993 'Demolition Man' Movie... Post #78102
1993 'Demolition Man' Movie: Schwarzenegger As President

Prison Planet | Updated November 23 2004

Movies and television often pre-empt reality. Whether you believe this is coincidental or planned, the track record is there.

In this video clip, Sylvestor Stylone's character, a time-traveling cop from the past, is told to his disbelief that Arnold Schwarzenegger had become president after the Constitution was amended.

Comment from the great reader who sent us this clip....

What once was a joke in a futuristic science fiction movie has once again caught up with reality. Viewers of Arnies and Sly's movies will remember the 'in-jokes' put into their movies to poke fun at each other.

I guess in 1993 when they made Demolition Man they figured 'Lets go for the most ridiculous futuristic prediction for Schwarzenegger and make him a President, oh yes he'll like that!'

How well they knew him I guess. Not only is Arnie's dream of being a US President a frightening possibility, the futuristic New World Order which mirrors that depicted in the 1993 movie is also on the cards.

I'm glad that they didn't predict Michael Jackson would be the British Prime Minister in the near future!

Joseph Skelton
RELATED: Elite Push For Schwarzenegger Presidency Gains Momentum

RELATED: Schwarzenegger Behind Group Seeking to Repeal Constitutional Rule Baring Foreigners from Presidency

FLASHBACK: The Lone Gunmen: Pilot episode of X-Files spin off an insider 911 warning or sick conditioning?

FLASHBACK: 1996 action film provides yet more anecdotal evidence of government complicity in 9/11
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-13 12:14:55 UTC
in Freakish TWHL dream (long writing) Post #78096
...and weed?
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-13 11:49:44 UTC
in Freakish TWHL dream (long writing) Post #78090
Did you know?

...Atom's planning on issuing Darth Vader-like outfits to the moderators in the coming future...

...This is the New TWHL Order folks, I see it all now...
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-13 11:40:40 UTC
in JOIN THE AAL NOW! Save TWHL Post #78089
Anonymous is in fact the_6th_monkey, this was uncovered by our secret AAL investigation codename 'Operation Swastika'.

Our next step is to introduce new 'tougher' anti-anonymous laws which recognise anyone who critisizes TWHL policy as a potential terrorist.

...dropping chewing gum is no exeption. You are likely to be an Al Qaeda sympathiser for doing so...
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-12 14:43:28 UTC
in We have to do somthing! Post #77961
OK, heres the correct answers. You didn't do too badly 7th...

1 - Finland

2 - 4th July 1776

3 - Plastic

4 - Bless you.

5 - 100

6 - George Orwell

7 - Train, car, coach, bus, tram, ship, boat, motorcycle etc.

8 - England, Ireland, USA, Canada, India, Kenya, Singapore, Barbados, South Africa, Pakistan etc.

9 - Chest, leg, arm, shoulder, foot, knee, fingers, toes, thigh, shin, ankle etc.

10 - Vasco de Gama

11 - Drachma

12 - Canada

13 -Waiter/Waitress, taxi driver, hairdresser

14 - Christmas, Easter, St. Valentines day, New Years day, Thanksgiving day etc.

15 - Proverbs

16 - Nothing!

17 - Abraham Lincoln

18 - Volga

19 - 1966

20 - Mars
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-11 16:25:43 UTC
in JOIN THE AAL NOW! Save TWHL Post #77709

Email: (

Make sure you provide your name, and you will be an official AAL member listen in the table. Let's save TWHL!
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-11 15:41:05 UTC
in We have to do somthing! Post #77692
Oh, and one more thing. There will be a new TWHL Bill of Rights which forbids Anonymous persons under the constitution of Half-life.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-11 15:30:05 UTC
in Avatars Post #77685
Rileymo's av = :zonked: :confused:

Posted 19 years ago2004-12-11 15:26:35 UTC
in We have to do somthing! Post #77681
A (random) quiz that must be answered correctly to enable members (noobs) to:

1. Post more than 6 words in ANY post.
2. Have access to the Map Vault.
3. Have a journal.
4. Exist.

Benefits of new quiz system

1. Un-intelligence will no longer be a problem.

2. No crap no-description/screenshot maps will be posted, filling up the map vault with absolute rubbish.

3. Only the foolhardy will have access to the site.

4. And there will be no skulduggery.

Any suspicion that members may be consulting Google will be subject to harassment and possible exclusion.


1. In which country did the ?sauna? originate?

2. On which day and which year did America declare itself an independent country?

3. Which is lighter, gold or plastic?

4. What should you say in English if someone sneezes?

5. How many cents are there in an Australian dollar?

6. Who wrote ?Animal Farm??

7. Name five methods of transport?

8. Name ten countries where English is an official language.

9. Name ten parts of the body lower than the neck.

10. Which explorer discovered the sea-route to India by rounding the Cape of Good Hope?

11. What is the currency of Greece?

12. Which country is popularly called ?The Land of the Maple Leaf??

13. In Britain whom would you give a tip to?

14. Name three festivals celebrated in English-speaking countries?

15. ?A good husband should be deaf and a good wife blind?. What are these sayings called?

16. What do English people say before a meal?

17. Which U.S President was assassinated in 1865?

18. Which is longer the Danube or Volga river?

19. When did England last win the football world cup?

20. Which planet is named after the Roman god of war?
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-11 15:10:30 UTC
in We have to do somthing! Post #77670
Hey buddy! You leave my family out of this, OK? :x
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-11 15:05:14 UTC
in We have to do somthing! Post #77664
/me looks back at ZK's toon impression of Anonymous...

I say we develop HL questionaire that stops noobs. You have to get good results to become a member!
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-11 12:08:29 UTC
in Freakish TWHL dream (long writing) Post #77644
It probably WAS the future of TWHL. Maybe if it suddenly converts to HL2, we all leave because we are pissed off, and in come a load of noobs who think they own the place, spamming and whining about everyone. And the map vault becomes a rubbish tip for shitty, no picture or description, aim_ and fy_maps. Man, I'm scared...
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-10 13:04:30 UTC
in Kol = Nazi? (hope not) Post #77407
...same principle I guess (Manx are a bunch of nutters!)
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-09 18:42:09 UTC
in Kol = Nazi? (hope not) Post #77290
The Nazi swastica is actually the reversed swastica, which is actually considered a positive symbol. It was used by the ancinet greeks, it is also a symbol used in martial arts, representing peace.

Just like how the satanists reverse the crucifix - taking a positive symbol and reversing it to become negative.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-06 17:46:30 UTC
in Big Bro is watching you through your.... Post #76697
The Next Stage of the New World Order:

- Micropchipped population.

It's what has been said for years, often laughed at as science fiction, and "oh, they'd never do that to us". Well they will and are. If you've ever read George Orwell's 1984 he gives an accurate portrail of future society -- today's. Big Brother surveillance in order to 'combat crime and terrorism' (...whilst removing human rights, civil liberties, and infringing public privacy)

They are trying to sell this 'implantable microchip' concept as a good one, first selling it to us as a great way to keep track of our houshold pets, then a great way to keep track of our children, and now a great way to combat crime and terrorism.

The microchip must be prevented if we want to be free from a global Nazi Germany. So too must be Biometric fingerprint ID cards etc. This is all part of an Orwellian fascist state inwhich everyone becomes an unthinking, unquestioning consumerist yuppie zombie unaware of the truth. In other words, The Matrix.

Read the info here:

I can't believe this is happening. No longer is the NWO just some conspiracy kook rant. People are allowing it to happen as we are all being conditioned on a mass scale to believe that we are insecure and need better homeland security. They're even putting cameras in toilets in Michigan! For god's sake, this isn't freedom, this is Nazi dictatorship unfolding infront of us.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-06 16:48:36 UTC
in Big Bro is watching you through your.... Post #76675
Good point raised there ministeve. Big Brother is a complete and utter insult to human intelligence, both in concept and ideal.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-06 16:09:43 UTC
in Big Bro is watching you through your.... Post #76669
....cable boxes!

Can my cable company really hear me through my TV speaker?

"The answer is yes and no. Let me explain. The TV is comprised mainly of two sensory related technologies, specifically sound and sight. One is audio (sound) the other is video (sight). Let's first examine audio. Audio technology, or the telephone, was first invented by Alexander Graham Bell. During his experiments, Bell found that the microphone part and the speaker part of the telephone were nearly identical as both use vibrations to work. The microphone uses a membrane to detects sound vibrations from our voice and converts it to an electrical signal; then the speaker also uses a membrane to convert the electrical signal back to sound which we hear. because of this , a microphone can be used as a speaker and a speaker can be use as a microphone. To prove this, all you need to do is plug any external computer speaker into your microphone jack, and speak in a chat room or record. Now you know it works. Getting on to the question of can your cable company hear you through your TV speaker. It depends. The first question is whether you have a cable box or not. If you do not, you in all likelyhood have nothing to be concernd about. Were the cable company to attempt to listen in on any TV speaker-microphones just by plugging into their cable, they would hear every speaker transmitting from every one of their subscribers' TVs, resulting in nothing but a great homogenous noise or whoosing sound. That is useless to listen in on. On the other hand, if you have a cable box, the story is quite different. With a cable box, the cable companies have given you an "address". This address is needed to differentiate you from every other sunscriber on their network so they can know where to send an 'on-demand' movie that you may have just ordered. Inside that cable box is a chip that allows the cable company technicians to pinpoint and single you out of the thousands of other subscribers. If they want, as they do with 'on-demand' movies, at a moments notice they can create a selective connection between their main office equipment and 'their' cable box which is connected to your TV and your TV's speaker. Remember what we learned earlier about a speaker being used as a microphone. Now, with their selective connection using their cable box, they can listen in to your room using your TV's speaker as a microphone. So be careful what you say, "Big Brother" may be listening."
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-06 14:48:12 UTC
in TWHL: The Toon Post #76652
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-06 14:46:10 UTC
in ...And they told me I was mad Post #76650
Any cult or religious movement or religion in general is used to brainwash and fabricate a load of untruths designed to supress the free thinking ability of human kind.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-05 11:11:13 UTC
in ...And they told me I was mad Post #76418
...ah, he's a good kook though, don't knock him ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-04 13:10:57 UTC
in Please Watch Post #76284
They have to do 'something' in order for us to accept them. Unfortunately it's the small print that gets ignored. I.e. Human rights are a no-no.

It's not really propoganda, propoganda would be Michael Moore. S'funny seeing Alex Jones trying to get a word out of Moore in that NY protest.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-04 10:34:51 UTC
in TWHL: The Toon Post #76262
...'hundrud' buck, or else, kook.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-04 10:33:21 UTC
in Please Watch Post #76261
You should listen to Alex Jones. He delves into the facts. He can't be called a conspiracy kook for investigating the scandels of the elite. He shows us the facts, the evidence, the documents, and it is up to us to regard what he is saying. He even managed to infiltrate Bohemian Grove in California, the giant redwood forest full of log cabins and stuff where the world's elite go to watch 'The Cremation of Care' ceremony inwhich there is a mock sacrifice to the deity Molech, the 20-odd-foot owl statue (which the owl is also the Bohemian Club's logo and can be seen clearly on the road patterns in Washington DC.) Arnold went to Bohemian Grove recently, and also met with key figures at the Rothschild estate.

Alex also gives us the information of the Patriot Act and Homeland security. Most people havent got a clue what these 'anti-terror' proposals will enforce and blindly accept them because "they're makin' us safe". Bollocks btw. The new anti-terror laws (which are to be introduced in this country - which is why you better learn about what they are doing to the American people) will proudly remove our human rights, civil liberties and privacy. Alex also shows us the official documents that state the new FEMA concentration camps being set up all around the country to house 'suspected terrorists'. Suspected terrorsist now range from anything from 9 year olds having a scuffle in the playground, those who have accidently dropped litter on the floor and been snapped by undercover police, people who critisize government policy, people who are firmly against the war, those who are having a drink in a restaurant or bar with their families and friends who are in danger of 'being drunk and possibly about to drive' even though they may not be drinking or dont have a car, and women who 'fail to remove their rubix cubes from the shelves of the toystore they own'.

Laughable, all of these cases did infact happen, the woman was visited by 'Homeland Security' officers who drove many miles just to tell her to remove te Rubix cube copies from her store.

So thats why we need to stop the UK being raided with these laws which make everyone a potential terrorist, a police state which states 'guilty until proven innocent'.

..wwwwwwhat that has to do with anti-terrorism, I dont know.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-02 15:02:23 UTC
in ...And they told me I was mad Post #75996
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-01 20:54:40 UTC
in Please Watch Post #75861
Watch this trailer of a new Alex Jones documentary '9/11: Martial Law'.

It's important that people should understand the corruption and lies surrounding the 9/11 disaster: (Windows Media Player Broadband)
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-01 19:18:28 UTC
in ...And they told me I was mad Post #75837
...weeell, we shouldn't have gone to war, or indeed any war, ever again, that's just common sense, but this 'Rael' guy is a serious kook.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-01 19:11:37 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #75830
Think about it, an old trashed car barely drivable, desperate to escape the huge zombie hordes, busting through - not even going all that fast, trying to get to a safe place - an old building... ...maybe even make sure you can keep the car in a safe warehouse in order to take it on a run again for future missions... It will be terrifying, an intense atmosphere where you are not safe anyware. If its not the other rufless criminal gangs on the run, its the hundreds of flesh eating zombie hordes waiting to devour the living... ...and when you discover there's an 'Upper Hand' controlling the underground city/tunnel/sewer/subway network, things take a turn for the worse.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-01 08:21:48 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #75725

1. The huge perimetre wall can now be possible and realistic witht he new HL2 3D skybox. The walls will look totally real and in the distance. So too will the various guard towers and whatnot.

2. Fallen Wing city will look totally realistic with ruined car models and rubble scattered around. Mounds of concrete and debrie can be created with the new tools available with Hammer 4.0.

3. Vehicles?

4. More revelations to come, when this 'Alex Jones' interview finishes...
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-01 07:55:02 UTC
in ...And they told me I was mad Post #75724
Check this out:

'The Raelian Movement'

These guys really are a bunch of kooks! :lol: :D
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-29 13:54:05 UTC
in The Wonders Of Displacement! Post #75455

/me shuts up and rushes to buy HL2! :P :P :P

(In debt, and student, do valve make baked beans?)
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-29 13:50:29 UTC
in Leaving TWH for a week Post #75454
California will soon completely fall off the continent and drop into the sea y'know...

( Let's hope WCD gets there when it happens :lol: only kidding.)
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-29 13:47:56 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #75453
Certainly. All those who have contributed so far will have their position. We need to recruit lots of other people from different places. That's why we need to set up a P-R-K website. I must apologise for my absence - uni is really getting in the way of fun stuff, and it actually might be very difficult for me to be heavily involved with this mod (which is a real piss off - for me, anyway.)

P.s. Anon, I'm afraid your in the wrong place if you want to make this an off-topic spammed-to-sh*t place, this thread is 98.9% idiot-proof.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-25 15:00:32 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #74696 topic... :

...heh, oh well :D
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-24 12:20:24 UTC
in TWHL: The Toon Post #74515
Hehehe, the chistian conservative/patriot
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-22 11:49:45 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #74253
T'is yes.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-20 16:44:58 UTC
in Occult Numerology and 911 Post #73964
I know, at least these mapping newbies have a personality, all-be-it n00bish.