~What made you start mapping in the first place?
From memory, I began after watching my brother creating some maps for Half-Life (pretty basic stuff). I'd also seen him make one or two things in Duke Nukem 3D, which probably caught my intriege. It seemed interesting enough, so I eventually tried my own hand at it.
Going from my crappy memory, after realising that I didn't really know what I was doing, I started looking for some tutorials. I believe I pretty much stuck with the ones I found either on Vlatitude69 (or whatever the site was called) and here, TWHL. Eventually I stopped visiting Vlat and just came here, even after I pretty much stopped mapping. I still dabble.
~What was your first map?
Never really released any maps. I never quite make anything I'm happy enough with.
~Where did you get inspiration for your first map?
Probably a mix between my brother, Half-Life, and whatever popped out of my brain.
~To who did you show it & how did they react?
No-one. My mapping has pretty much just been for me.
~Your advace to future mappers/current mappers?
Take things one step at a time.
Have some idea of where your map is going before you make too much.
Not being a tool is an amazingly effective way of getting better help.