Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-09-05 09:37:34 UTC
in Mappers everywhere!!! (hopefully) Post #56684
West Midlands!
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-04 11:45:41 UTC
in lmfao! Pictures Post #56505
What the hell?! :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-04 09:55:40 UTC
in omg new hammer!! =D Post #56493
The reason I say 'can you animate world brushes?' is because a while ago I read in this article that 'you'd be able to make rock monsters made out of world brushes as enemies' (rock being like boulders) I remembered this and I thought it sounded too good to be true.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-04 09:52:29 UTC
in Mappers everywhere!!! (hopefully) Post #56492
hahaha! :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-04 08:47:38 UTC
in omg new hammer!! =D Post #56479
Maybe that's an option, I dunno.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-04 08:46:23 UTC
in Mars Base name suggestions! Post #56478
Or why don't you make a really blatant rip-off 'Total Recall' and call it 'Motal Mecall'?
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-04 08:44:22 UTC
in ahhhh that was scary Post #56474
Zombies might seem slow and dumb, but you can be easily outnumbered.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-04 08:41:16 UTC
in omg new hammer!! =D Post #56473
Even still, that would be great to be able to plan the sequences in hammer
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-04 08:40:26 UTC
in 1996 action film provides yet more... Post #56472
or wrong when the government is right...
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-04 08:38:53 UTC
in Mappers everywhere!!! (hopefully) Post #56471
Southampton? Never been.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-04 08:34:51 UTC
in lmfao! Pictures Post #56468
Why isn't the image command working? It didn't work for another pic before this thread ??? :badass:
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-04 08:33:13 UTC
in omg new hammer!! =D Post #56467
You know the 'amimation' thing, could that mean that you will now be able to 'animate' world brushes or models in hammer?
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-03 13:55:30 UTC
in Anonymous Post #56244
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-03 13:54:34 UTC
in 1996 action film provides yet more... Post #56243
To say that the gov never lies is ludicrous, there is a history of gov deception. The Watergate Scandel, the so-called WMD etc.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-03 13:07:48 UTC
in 1996 action film provides yet more... Post #56214
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-03 12:40:03 UTC
in Anonymous Post #56203
Well, s'just a theory.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-03 12:37:52 UTC
in Anonymous Post #56201
Anonymous = Prickly_Pimple
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-03 11:19:14 UTC
in 1996 action film provides yet more... Post #56171
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-03 10:36:43 UTC
in Weird Missing Time Experience Post #56162
She probably pulled over to smoke a joint, forgot about everything cos she dozed off then wondered why everything seemed odd. I bet it was the guy in that van, he was the deeler.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-03 10:20:06 UTC
in lmfao! Pictures Post #56158
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-03 10:00:53 UTC
in Weird Missing Time Experience Post #56154
In true 'me' fashion, heres a glimpse of a strange but entirely true story someone experienced.......>>>
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-03 09:48:53 UTC
in Favourite THREE bands Post #56151
My god! It's supernatural I tells ya! :P
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-03 09:43:57 UTC
in MY MSN Contact Post #56146
Just to let you know that I now use MSN (now, lol) so if any of you use it, this is my contact:
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-03 09:37:19 UTC
in 1996 action film provides yet more... Post #56142
Warner Brothers is controlled by Rupert Murdoch, the man who controls most of our media. Rupert Murdoch is also controlled by the Illuminati. It is not unfamilliar to suggest that the Globalist's favourite tactic is portray their plans and ideas before us probably for their own amusement or probably to see the strength of their manipulation of mankind. The freemasons gladly use symbolism in the public because they know that no-one understands, believe they are war memorials, or believe that no-one actually cares or wants to care. Obeliscs are supposed to be war memorials or 'decorative', but they are the symbols of the male phallus (the you-know-what). The dome is a symbol of the female phallus (titty), hence the close proximity of the two structures in most areas.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-02 09:31:57 UTC
in 1996 action film provides yet more... Post #55911
And they say 911 was just a terrorist attack.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-02 09:30:27 UTC
in 1996 action film provides yet more... Post #55910
1996 action film provides yet more anecdotal evidence of government complicity in 9/11
(Click to Hear the Audio)

Steve Watson | 14 April 2004

In a similar vain to the episode of the Lone Gunmen aired on Fox in March 2001, the action film The Long Kiss Goodnight, provides yet more revelations of the method of government complicity in attacks on the World Trade Center. The clip featured on this page not only hints at government complicity in terror attacks in order increase budget spending and ratchet up control, but it also NAMES the World Trade Center as a target.

Referring to the 1993 bombing of the Trade Center, Samuel L Jackson's character is told that the CIA were complicit in the bombing. This is almost accurate, it was in fact the FBI that were COMPLICIT in that bombing . The character is then told in explicit detail by the shadowy government official that 4000 people will be killed in a fake terrorist event on American soil in order to "get some money out of congress". Of course this event will be "blamed on the Muslims, naturally".

Not only is the 4000 eerily accurate, this clip virtually mirrors the Lone Gunmen episode where the shadowy government official tells the "hero" that a large scale fake terror attack will be carried out to create mass fear and total government control. In the Lone Gunman episode, the detail is extremely accurate, as the "attack" is to be a Jet flown into the World Trade Center's North Tower.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-02 09:08:29 UTC
in Anonymous Posts Post #55909
No, you don't think you're a bird, you just think that you can be likened to the bird population.
User posted image
The VUE also causes sufferers to speak in invented languages. The VFI scholars say there are a total of 92 VUE languages. Dreaming of water is not uncommon.
User posted image
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-02 08:58:54 UTC
in The second test... Post #55908

Do not think. It might sprain y' brain.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-02 08:57:28 UTC
in Superior jam hotline! Post #55907
I think it's disgraceful I do, what with all these fat people maoning about being moaned about. What about all those poverty-sticken people around who aint got a pot to piss in let alone a large tub of lard!
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-02 08:54:34 UTC
in -=Download Sizes=- Post #55906
I alwasy get put off if the d/l size is greater than say, 180 mgs. I just think, 'man, fck it.' Having said that, I do sometimes try and grab larger d/l's when I'm busy with homework or a good film is on etc.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-02 08:52:31 UTC
in Favourite THREE bands Post #55905
The worst thing that ever happened to the world was manufactured pop music and chart music. Talentless, unintelligent, brainwashing for the kids. It allows kids to be brought up in one single mind set, materialism. They are brainwashed to believe that materialism is the only answer, and anyone who disagrees is 'old fashioned' 'strange' 'unworthy of knowing' etc.

Chart music is one big mind control industry fuelled by materialism.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-01 12:12:43 UTC
in Anonymous Posts Post #55760
The VFI recommend that VUE victims stay away from mind-altering drugs as extensive research into the calibration with VUE symptoms is sufficiently lacking.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-01 09:09:25 UTC
in A Peter Greenaway Film To Watch Post #55726
It's taken from the flag of Ethiopia, the flag adapted by the Rastafarian culture. It's usually depicted with the Lion of Judah, but I decided to get rid of that after I learned that the Lion is in actual fact symbolism of the Serpent Cult/Illuminati, which is why the lion can be seen in many Coat of Arms etc (See Royal Family COA), along side the Symbol of a Unicorn wrapped in chains (A symbol of the Nordics/Humanity)
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-01 09:04:15 UTC
in Confirmation Of What I already Knew Post #55725
Einstein and Al Biek, Nicolas Tesla etc worked on a highly secretive project known as 'The Montauk Project' at Montauk Point just off Manhattan. This involved 'The Philidelphia Experiment' where a huge US Navy ship was successfully teleported for a certain amount of time, noticeably dissappearing into a strange green 'gas' cloud in the ocean. The only trouble is, when the ship eventually re-appeared most of the crew were either embedded into the steal hull of the ship, turned insane, set on fire or dead by unknown causes. I'll detail this story on a later date.

Also, I had sleep paralysis one time when I was young. I suddenly woke up during the night absolutely terrified as to what seemed to be sitting on my chest preventing me to breath. At the time I really thought something was doing this to me and I yelled "Fuck off!" to whatever this thing was and it stopped.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-01 08:15:04 UTC
in Confirmation Of What I already Knew Post #55706
Exactly. But notice how every 'official investigation' has always over-ruled any possibilities that it could be something far more than just a mere halucination or the popular 'mirage of Venus' or electromagnetic disturbance. Every official explanation has always been far more paranormal and unlikely than the actual events themselves.

It's insulting to peoples intelligence when eyewitnesses are debunked who I'm sure would be able to distinguish from what they see from the every day. It is not at all unlikely or insane to suggest that given the infinate capacity of the universe intelligent life exists and that those intelligent lifeforms may visit our world using non-conventional methods rather than 'fuel'. (I.e. Teleportation)

Remember, the technology expanses we the public see being developed are almost always a major step behind the black operations that are funded by the billion $$$. We still use space shuttles for god sake! Not only that, but we believe that just because we (supposedly) believe that no other method of space travel is as yet possible, then no other lifeform could therefore exhibit the use of any other advanced method.
We (they) also waste thousands of peoples money on searching for ETs with radio waves. Dont we realise that other lifeforms may not harbour such equipment to respond to these signals!? Not only that but why? And what about the fact that that technology may well be considered 'old hat' or ancient to any ET? Also the fact that many of the ET's are amongst us anyway. There already was an invasion, and they are here to stay.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-01 07:56:21 UTC
in Confirmation Of What I already Knew Post #55697
Symbolism, not literal espressions.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-01 07:47:37 UTC
in Anonymous Posts Post #55693
I blame the VUE for these occurances.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-01 07:46:51 UTC
in Confirmation Of What I already Knew Post #55692
Most of the UFO issues are usually disinformative and created propoganda to lead curious people astray. Having said that, a significant number of reported cases are genuine and as yet unresloved.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-01 07:44:26 UTC
in Confirmation Of What I already Knew Post #55688
Yes, 'V' is based on the truth. So too is John Carpenter's 'They Live', and if you follow this guy's film career it is obvios this guy knows the score.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-01 07:34:19 UTC
in A Peter Greenaway Film To Watch Post #55683
In the last clip, yes.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-01 07:30:27 UTC
in A Peter Greenaway Film To Watch Post #55678
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-01 07:23:40 UTC
in A Peter Greenaway Film To Watch Post #55671
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-01 07:04:30 UTC
in Confirmation Of What I already Knew Post #55664
The Professor says:

"You do not eat toothpaste, however any contact to the gums by any substance can produce effects. This is why cocaine users sometimes rub the powder on their gums, which induces numbness and tingly sensations. This then gradually builds up to heightened effects. Any contact to the gums is direct contact to the bloodstream, which takes very little time to take effect.

The Coca Cola Company uses aspartame and they continue using the artificial sweetener despite controversy. The company insist that it is safe yet investigation has proved that the artificial sweetener can cause medical defects as well as reduced intellectual capabilities during childhood.

There is also research into the genealogy of the world elite and it does appear to be the case that most, if not all, members of the elite are interconnected by the same bloodline of King Henry 1st of England. May I point out that Henry 1st also derives from the same bloodlines of the Ancient Babylonian and Sumer races who are thought to be direct descendants of the Annunaki, an ancient, 'god-like' race who are said to be of extra-terrestrial reptilian origin. This ancient interbreeding is also likely to be the main cause for the development of the R-Complex, or 'reptilian brain' in the human evolutionary process. It is also why some children are born with tales, which are usually removed by doctors during birth. Our DNA contains a significant amount of reptilian DNA and is thought to be highly concentrated in the bloodlines of the Elite.

Our links with the Serpent Race are also confirmed by the significant amount of reptilian symbolism throughout our entire lives."
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-01 05:33:48 UTC
in steam lovers Post #55633
The VUE (Violent Unknown Event) is responsible for any possible outcome as a result of the introduction of Steam as recommended by the VUE Commission. However, it has come to my attention that the VFI has conducted a reasonable investigation into the possible responsibility of the FOX society, those who are in favour of the extermination of the bird population. WON on the other hand, remains entirely unaffected by the VUE and is most likely due to a response in the Abersoch Audubon Ornithological Society.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-01 03:42:50 UTC
in A Peter Greenaway Film To Watch Post #55610
Here is the link to a very short, surreal Peter Greenaway film called 'Windows'. It's on Quicktime so it's not very large screened.

Basically it is about a number of people in a English parish who have fallen out of windows.


(In case you dont know, I am a very big fan of P. Greenaway's films because they are so absurd)
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-01 03:39:23 UTC
in Confirmation Of What I already Knew Post #55606
Ahh, yes, I believe you're right. ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-31 15:37:01 UTC
in The second test... Post #55490
But in all seriousness, what was that all about anyway?
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-31 12:29:45 UTC
in Crystal Ball Post #55472
Well today everyone I bought myself a crystal ball. Unfortunately I had to take it back because I couldn't see any future in it.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-31 10:58:11 UTC
in Confirmation Of What I already Knew Post #55458
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-31 10:57:15 UTC
in Favourite THREE bands Post #55457
Well f*** you too!

I consider the shit you like to be exactly that, shit.