Full Name: Olivian ########
Age: 17
Hometown: #######
Born in: Romania
Self Classification: Mad Scientist( nah, not really, but I like to do experiments). I'm probably half-geek.
Education: High School( still in)
Favourite Films: Sunshine, You don't mess with the Zohan, The Road, Terminator 2 and... probably I've got other favorites that I can't think of.
Favourite Meal: Lamb Steak with french fries and garlic sauce.
Favourite Actors: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Silvester Stallone, Jim Carey, Keanu Reeves
Favourite Actress: nope.
Favourite Game to Date: Starcraft 1( altough I don't play it anymore, only rarely just for... good ol' times).
Game you're most looking forward to: Grid 2
Favourite Bands/Musicians: I listen to a lot of different genres, I don't have favorite bands although some bands/musicians are clearly better than others.
Favourite Drink Hot/Cold: Hot: Milk with coffee. Cold: Any good orange juice will do.
Favourite Alcohol: Wine.
Hobbies: I have a few... like DIY, experiments, photography and filming, gaming, reading about our world and technical stuff etc.
Girlfriend/Boyfriend Yes/No?: No
Past Girlfriends/Boyfriends: No
Things that make you smile: When I succeed in making other people smile, animals, affection, classic music, nature, people that share my enthusiasm or are just good listeners.
Things that make you really laugh out loud: Funny accidents, FAILs, 'COMIX's and stuff like that, friends telling good jokes.
Things that annoy you: Stupid people that limit themselves and think I'm weird if they see me so curious about all things.
Things that well and truly piss you off: Politicians, people who talk about racism and actually have no fucking idea what's racism,