Forum posts

Posted 9 years ago2015-04-24 20:56:10 UTC
in Competition Proposition Post #325366
A simple ms paint to it could scratch out and replace the turnout "If you want me to suggest a solution..."

Here's an example.
User posted image
User posted image
Obviously it's redundant if <2000 wins anyways, but just saying.
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-24 18:40:01 UTC
in Competition Proposition Post #325363
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-24 16:34:22 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #325294
Edit: When I find time soon i'll redo my fraps vid as it was too long to upload to youtube.
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-24 15:57:45 UTC
in Competition Proposition Post #325361
Two things.

1. Remake is split, because both remake HLDM and pre 2000 are remakes. I'd vote for either or so I think if they average more than "now and then" we should vote between pre 2000 and remake HLDM. Split vote=bad. Actually I voted for my theme "remake HLDM" but tried re-voting for "<2000" as it would include "remake HLDM". Couldn't re-vote so, Moaby can you subtract one vote from remake and add one to pre 2000 from zeeba? :) Thanks.

2. What on earth is Now and Then? (I suppose I could go back and find it but i'm too busy to read everything right now.) I agree with Urby that we could just make a remake SP style. So...

Edit: Reads Captain's post and learns what Now and Then means. :D This is a really cool idea, perhaps pre 2000 remake would include a map you've submitted over 15 years ago... Yea nevermind lol. But perhaps we could consolidate pre 2000 remake with now and then and per now and then would go back ~3 years and pre 2000 would go back 15...

To sum it up: The competition brief is "Remake". What you can remake is any level from any game ever made <2000, or a level you made yourself that dates back at least a few years. It would make sense to in the best way possible reference what you remake in your submittal. I'd include a video of the original or something to that nature. If it's for the same engine as your remake, you could include the original level in the submittal and have the player change level from the original to the remake if you chose to. Or just include the original map or whatever.
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-21 00:58:50 UTC
in Recommend me how to make a map (house) Post #325330
Are you new to mapping? Follow along all the basic tutorials on this site. Play with making things that will go into the house e.g. func_door_rotating, glass (func_breakable or func_wall(non breakable glass)) etc. etc. The more you know, the more you have at your disposal. Just decide what you're trying to make and then figure out how to do it and if doing it in goldsource is possible. I personally prefer goldsource to source because source overheats my lappy...
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-20 11:59:35 UTC
in Competition Proposition Post #325321
Time is always a cool factor in video games, can be so nerve wracking though.
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-18 03:55:41 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #325291
Before I scrounge up the bsp. from a dusty external hard drive i'll just make a fraps vid.
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-17 03:31:35 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #325279
I did the same thing Instant, except I made each door panel a func_train following respective path_corners.
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-16 14:51:15 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #325275
Oh, bad a** that's freaking awesome that you did the iris doors on your own as did I before. I'll see if I can dig up the files and i'll let you know when I host them.

Wow, (looks back) awesome work Alberto! ! ! ! !

Haha, fuck you Stu! Saying that is like the equivalent of punting a kitten over a fence, but it felt right. ;)
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-15 16:07:07 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #325270
Have you played this before Instant Mix? My crack at M.P.'s Iris doors along with some brushwork(copying the Hunter Ship)

Of course I could do it much better now a days that I design graphics. Yours look wonderful!

I was so novice when I did this that I made the entire ship without mirror command...
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-10 21:02:05 UTC
in Looking for all your SP maps and mods Post #325236
My Somewhere in Time series of levels. I might redo this mini mod some day.
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-27 20:41:06 UTC
in Coding/ Programming help. Post #325052
I've been following along code academy and it's been a lot of fun so far. I will check out angular.js as soon as I get somewhere.

One example was to type in a field that if equaled true that my name equalled 7 or more characters then it says a message that your name is long. Of course I wanted to program the code to actually ask you to enter your name in and it to decide if it equalled Boolean true or false and had multiple answers to respond with. I feel like I'm creative enough to learn a lot with js and then possibly other languages. Thanks for the help so far.

My friend showed me processing and I installed it but instantly lost interest in it since it's not entirely directly js.
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-27 20:33:19 UTC
in Competition Proposition Post #325051
I don't think there should be any rules, for example if you want to remake bounce which I would most likely be doing, as long as there's bounce pads of some sort it should work. It would be up to the judges to determine the winners.
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-26 15:33:31 UTC
in Competition Proposition Post #325023
To be honest, i'm just looking for a good excuse to somewhat force me to remake bounce or another equivalent; something I've wanted to do for some time.

That, or others like Crossfire, Subtransit or even something I've done before but could do better i.e. Stalkyard.

Archie, that idea of Urby's reminds me of some of NIPPER's maps where each area/room has different music reflecting the atmosphere visually represented by it. For example, techno music is played in a dark room with red lasers, happy music is played in a colorful room with grass and moving blinking light boxes and cloudy hallways have tranquil music.
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-26 00:33:48 UTC
in Competition Proposition Post #325005
That's a good idea. I thought it would spark much interest with the select maps though. But that allows for tons of more options.
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-25 20:41:07 UTC
in Competition Proposition Post #324992
Remake an original hl1 death match level.

This had been suggested before. I would SO be on board for this.
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-25 20:37:04 UTC
in Top 5s (Final Form) Post #324991
Oh boy this is a good'n.
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-22 20:50:03 UTC
in TWHL Tourney Post #324933
Wish I could have joined but was hung over all Saturday. Also, my laptop practically melts while playing GO.

I have a cs 1.6 server until the next billing cycle so if I still have it next weekend maybe we could have a tournament in it...
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-18 12:08:06 UTC
in TWHL Tourney Post #324762
Sweet, sounds fun! I'll try to join for some action even though i'm a 1.6 boy.
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-11 18:34:14 UTC
in Built a Website, w/ WP Post #324637
Thanks Disco, I will begin work on the new logo this week. :D I appreciate the input.

@Jessie, the lettering will merge into single lines as it is laser cut.
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-11 12:06:43 UTC
in Built a Website, w/ WP Post #324627
For how flat the design is it actually is semi comfortable. The bent wood back is really comfortable. Scale wise, it is actually really big, much bigger than I thought it would be. It looks bigger in real life. The only possible scaling issue is that the arm rests are a little low.

Thanks for the input, I agree that I need to fix the ordering. And thanks, I didn't know the logo looked too cluttered. I have another version I was going to use for laser cut business cards that I might be able to work with.

The shopping woocomerce functionality I added cluttered the home page a little but I will try and fix by consolidating tabs or something.

Oh by the way, do you at least like the concept of the logo? Compass for a in arc representing architecture and Mig Welding gun for F in fab for fabricating with welding. Maybe i'll remove the circle grid and flame and reduce colors.

Here's the logo for my business card I am going to laser cut and engrave. What do you think of it so far?
User posted image
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-11 04:51:14 UTC
in Built a Website, w/ WP Post #324620
Ok I hate promotions but I've hopefully been around this community long enough to promote my new website at least once. :D And, i'm proud to present my first completed product and it's relevance to TWHL.

My site is Check it out!

My first product is actually inspired by a chair prop I made in my entry for the competition to map a dream. "Somewhere In Time".

It is the chair I mapped in a haste, so much so that I hardly remember mapping it. It's in the entrance of the main house, map name "home".
User posted image
Welp, there you go. Let me know what you think of my site and any recommendations. Oh, and so far I don't ship out of the US just because my products are so heavy. But that could probably be arranged if ever needed.

The chair weighs in at 80lbs!
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-09 12:06:45 UTC
in Blender to Goldsource Post #324579
Great Tet I was looking forward to this! Can't wait to watch them.
Posted 9 years ago2015-02-26 20:06:47 UTC
in Coding/ Programming help. Post #324441
Thanks for the help, will check out soon as I get done working in the garage. ;)
Posted 9 years ago2015-02-26 03:01:09 UTC
in Team Mapping - GB contest #54 Post #324426
Posted 9 years ago2015-02-24 23:00:08 UTC
in Impossible Polygons Post #324392
Trying to imagine them hurts!

Does anyone know what the impossible ;) polygon name is for a concave triangle? Imagine every line curving inward at the same radius. Look at my avatar for example, imagine the space between the three circles.

Sorry for starting such a weird thread but I thought it was pretty interesting and would like to know the name of this impossible polygon.
Posted 9 years ago2015-02-24 22:48:15 UTC
in Coding/ Programming help. Post #324394
Sory for double post, sometimes when I hit post and it takes long to load I hit it again and it usually loads. Otherwise I usually lose my post. But every once in a while... :zomg:
Posted 9 years ago2015-02-24 22:45:10 UTC
in Coding/ Programming help. Post #324393
Thanks for the help! Now I know where to begin.
Posted 9 years ago2015-02-24 17:28:52 UTC
in Coding/ Programming help. Post #324389
Visual Basic seems appealing to me as I am extremely visual and can generate general graphics at ease.

I will check out Code Academy as well. Thank you everyone for all of your recommendations!

Doesn't blender use python? Might be worth looking into that. I love blender's weight paint and bone system for animating models though for more geometric/ orthogonal brush models I model them in rhino and import to blender.

Yes in a year I would be overwhelmingly excited to join such a competition, but not until then.

Any other recommendations as to visually interpretive coding languages that can be paired up with other programs?

Stencyl is a great example of a visually interpretive platform. Should I go out and invest in adobe flash? etc.

Of course much more research will be done on my part before I dive right in.

Maybe at my coding "climax" I could make a working bow and arrow in half life. ;) I also really want to focus on web design as I am starting a website to sell furniture. My friends and, well everyone recommends I research

I want my website to be more than average though. I'm thinking of designing it as a "house" that you enter and can walk through the house viewing furniture. Maybe with video clips or even some type of light 3D engine with imported models.
Posted 9 years ago2015-02-23 20:50:12 UTC
in Coding/ Programming help. Post #324373
Thanks for the help. Just looking into it to stimulate the old meat computer, and maybe i'll have some fun doing so. I'll check out your recommendations when I get home. <-In response to Tet, let me read your response Penguinboy :D.

Ok, thanks Penguinboy! Yes I'm looking to begin with something super basic, intuitive and rudimentary. I've read a few [X] for dummies books and they are ok, but tend to deviate from the topic on the title quite a bit. I'll look into JS and browse the net for help before purchasing anything.
Posted 9 years ago2015-02-23 14:35:43 UTC
in Coding/ Programming help. Post #324368
I'd like some advise to be pointed in the right direction as to where to begin learning coding and programming. Tbh I don't even know proper terminology.

I want to begin extremely bare bones basic. Whether I learn to code something complex like a basic game in the future or simply stimulate my mind attempting to learn anything involving coding/programming, I would like to be pointed in some direction as to where to begin.

A guy at a book store yesterday recommended I check out which I will but any help in which languages I should start out in I will appreciate.

I want an intuitive language/ languages and I want to begin with the utmost simplest language to understand something as simple as 0=off, 1=on or even more basic than that.

This is probably due to showing friends my levels for half life and them replying, wow you make games? And I say, no I use an editor to make levels for a game that already exists.

I've been vaguely exposed to stencyl but would like to begin somewhere much much more basic with out block code plugins.

Thanks for the help!
Posted 9 years ago2015-02-23 14:22:54 UTC
in This is a title Post #324367
Getting into video gaming industry, leaves gaming website. Way to network Skals. Seriously though, now I feel bad that I never reviewed de_revolution, will kick my self in the a** to do it some time soon.

Also, some of us have recently successfully worked on a group project. Maybe you could chime into these projects for some experience with what time you do have.
Posted 9 years ago2015-02-21 05:42:29 UTC
in TWHL Tower Post #324284
Can I do that? I'd be breaking the rules and deadline, I dunno bout that lol.
Posted 9 years ago2015-02-20 21:17:42 UTC
in TWHL Tower Post #324276
Might have to drop out of this project, want to focus on importing models, and I've neglected my RL for a month now.

Also, dat ceiling is low. Makes sense for a building, but I wanted to do a night club that was two stories tall with a giant fish tank.

Sorry Urby, can't wait to play this thing. I'll join next project for sure!
Posted 9 years ago2015-02-19 00:35:26 UTC
in Sledge (Hammer Alternative) Alpha Build Post #324247
Yea I had deleted parts of it with clip right on the lines where two brushes met. So that could be why it did it.
Posted 10 years ago2015-02-17 14:19:54 UTC
in TWHL Tower Post #324208
Sorry I've been working on the gamebanana cs 1.6 competition. It's over Thursday so I will see if I can contribute after that.
Posted 10 years ago2015-02-17 02:12:43 UTC
in Sledge (Hammer Alternative) Alpha Build Post #324193
Doesn't seem to work in hammer, but awesome if it's in sledge that's perfect!
Posted 10 years ago2015-02-16 19:47:18 UTC
in Sledge (Hammer Alternative) Alpha Build Post #324185
Sledge has been crashing for me as well. Besides that it's so awesome! surface and object selection is pinpoint compared to hammer on a laptop. And I love viewing transparencies within the editor.

I might recommend a selection method similar to most modeling and drafting programs. If you scroll drag select from the right to left, it has a broken line on the selection box and selects anything that intersects inside it. If you drag select from the left to right it has a solid line and only selects anything that is completely encompassed within the selection window. Extremely useful stuff. I have no idea how hard something like this would be to implement though.

Like someone who has never mapped in goldsource sitting down and telling me to map a few spheres and a door that rotates diagonally :0

Sorry if this has been already brought up, I only read a few pages of this thread.

Also a drag selection in 3d window paired up with the stuff above would be nice for selecting multiple vertices in vm.
Posted 10 years ago2015-02-16 19:31:14 UTC
in Weapons thread revival Post #324184
All time favorite weapon: Any game: Hook shot from any Zelda. Especially oot.

Half life DM: Gauss, with Bow combo.

Half life SP: Shotty of course!

Half life mod: I like the sniper rifle from tfc, charge shot. :) Oh and I love the sawed off double barrel shotgun from Scientist Hunt, you know, the mod no one's ever heard of. It also has a giant spiky hammer that hurls scientists across the way.

Another mod, of course: cs: Scout, increases movement speed. Awesome. Take a shot, then hop around while pulling out your pistol to finish them off.
Posted 10 years ago2015-02-15 05:24:22 UTC
in TWHL Tower Post #324138
Wow so visually appealing!
Posted 10 years ago2015-02-14 15:50:25 UTC
in TWHL Tower Post #324116
I have skins for cs 1.6 and let me tell you, they look a lot better than the standard ones made from cardboard box material.

I still want to contribute to this but all my free time is going in to gamebanana's current cs competition with the gang.
Posted 10 years ago2015-02-13 04:24:19 UTC
in Those Little Tips and Tricks Post #324065
User posted image Sketch the layout. Test the layout with people. "Can host a server for cheap". Make alterations. Name each area. Assign areas to people or let them call them. Begin work. Continue making alterations and discuss in server and other media. Now the fun part, turn your fleshed out rough brush map into something beautiful area by area. Think of each area as an individual 3D canvas. Search the internet for inspiration, collect ideas, brainstorm, so on.

Yea this is a really general tip, but it's working really well.
Posted 10 years ago2015-02-11 14:16:10 UTC
in TWHL Tower Post #323974
Hold the phone haven't you seen the leash for the headcrab. Clearly not gimmicky. ;)
Posted 10 years ago2015-02-10 18:41:04 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #323921
That's so hawt!
Posted 10 years ago2015-02-08 15:09:39 UTC
in TWHL Tower Post #323764
I'm in, tower begins to lean over.
Posted 10 years ago2015-02-04 19:20:20 UTC
in Top 5s (Final Form) Post #323659
OOO such a fun topic. I've only played so many games myself though. I'll compose a list based on memory soon.
Posted 10 years ago2015-02-04 14:07:43 UTC
in Team Mapping - GB contest #54 Post #323655
I got dibs on A. Sorry to see you go dude! Guys we have to pick up the pace now, 15 days left. :crowbar:

Now extending the layout really isn't a good idea imo.
Posted 10 years ago2015-02-02 14:09:05 UTC
in Team Mapping - GB contest #54 Post #323613
That's a great idea! You could replace the giant stalagmites that captain made possibly.
Posted 10 years ago2015-02-01 19:12:43 UTC
in Team Mapping - GB contest #54 Post #323604
Sounds perfect!
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-31 17:58:46 UTC
in Team Mapping - GB contest #54 Post #323582
Yea we had already designated bomb site a for the orb thing since it's taller and bomb site b for stasis pods. Check my sketch of bomb site a in Dropbox.