it appears most of my mapping breakthroughs happen when i'm trying to procrastinate from doing other things, such as studying. Because fuck studying.
Anyway, here's a WIP of part of a gimmick for a HLDM map idea i've had for a couple years now and got touched on back in
this screenshot from a while back
This is a basic health station that will freeze you for two seconds, and replenish your health entirely. Looks fancy and makes bells and whistles and such. The HLDM map will not have a single medkit or wall charger, and will entirely rely on these. There'll probably be 4 or 5 in the map in total.
This will be part of my dynamic map, which will be split into 4 sectors which each will get shut off for a minute or so to be "sterilised" - that is, everything inside it will be killed - but this will restrict certain paths and certains weapons ( and in this case, access to a health station ). It'll be an interesting concept, especially if it turns out well.