Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-12-11 21:22:22 UTC
in 1337 f0r teh Dangerz! Post #205838
Oh my god, I laughed so hard on this one
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-11 18:27:38 UTC
in Good Song Titles You Made Post #205829
What are "turnips" anyway
They're like big radishes.

-Mindless Repetive Bass Hits
-I Slit My Wrists 'Cause My Goldfish Died
-Sects Meating
-That's What She Said
-I'm in ur Wall, Watchin' U Whack It!
-I'm in ur Wall, Whackin' It to U Whackin' It!
-Lem And Party
-Do You See What the Goats See?
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-10 21:50:10 UTC
in Most hated Holiday tradition. Post #205734
Oh. I thought you were talking to me since you quoted me. I guess you were just saying "speaking of christmas lights".
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-10 21:24:31 UTC
in Most hated Holiday tradition. Post #205731
Why didn't you just say "my" instead of "your"?
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-10 21:06:39 UTC
in Most hated Holiday tradition. Post #205724
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-10 17:23:41 UTC
in Descriptive Writing (Give it a go) Post #205715
Nice end to my story, Dave :P
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-10 16:35:33 UTC
in Desktops of December Post #205712
Nice, Zombie.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-10 16:23:43 UTC
in Descriptive Writing (Give it a go) Post #205711
I'll take a crack at it. This should be obvious which part of the game I'm talking about.
"It's ready! You must go! Now!" yelled the mammoth machine's operator. As quickly as he could, Gordon closed his eyes, braced himself, and dove into the rapidly distorting blob of dark matter. A bright flash of light pierced through his eyelids as he struggled to keep himself together after hearing the deafening sonic boom. A few seconds passed with nothing but the sound of an alien wind flowing through his ears. Then a voice, seemingly coming from within his mind, spoke up, "Comes another..."
Shaken, but pumped with adrenaline, Gordon quickly opened his eyes and shifted his head from side to side, up and down, looking on in awe of the world that he was in. The first thing he noticed was the sky. It seemed the go on forever, devouring everything, pulling it all into a green abyss. The turf was covered with webs and assorted organic fluids. The land itself felt alive, with a pulse and a breathing rate. It was unsupported, floating in large pieces in no particular order. The void below was completely engulfed in a dark green fog. Then he noticed a rather large piece of land floating in the air several hundreds of feet below him. It was big enough to be a small settlement. Branching from it were three massive pillars that emitted large charges of blue electricity. the pillars stood tall and proud, showing off their intimidating power for the entire planet to see. A fairly close piece of turf caught Gordon's eye. It couldn't be more than twenty yards away from him. And another twenty yards from that chunk was another chunk. And another, and another. If he was careful, he could utilize his longjump module to leap to them. He formed a mental path from each piece of land to the next. Ultimately his path led him to the large chunk of turf below.
Gordon crouched down, activated his longjump module, and took a massive leap off the living ground. But he had misjudged the gravitational force on this alien planet, he was going to pass the land! Wild thoughts of fear and anxiety rushed through Gordon's mind. The green abyss below was ready for him, it anticipated his arrival. He looked for anything that he could grab to stop him from passing his goal. A glowing crystal was the only thing he saw, and so as soon as he was within arms length, he reached out and took hold of the crystal. The sudden stop send a horrible pain through his arms, but he had indeed landed safe and sound on his first goal. Thinking more carefully this time, he made a second leap and landed safely on the third piece of land. Shortly after landing, Gordon's focus was disrupted by the sound of a bolt of electricity behind him. He spun around just in time to see a wormhole closing behind him and an alien slave standing at the exist of the portal. He quickly pulled out his shotgun and unloaded two shells on the abomination, sending its body flying into the darkness.

And that's where I'll stop. I was going to write all the way to when he starts fighting Gonarch but I lost interest quickly. Bleh. By the way, nice, Kasperg.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-10 16:22:48 UTC
in Most hated Holiday tradition. Post #205710
I hate it when my parents force me to go to *cough*church on Christmas.
Dude I have to go to church every week, don't complain.
I like the look of Christmas lights, I hate setting them up. Especially because I'm the only one capable of setting them up outside my house, so I have to do it every time. It sucks.

God Jesus Christianity Jew Repent
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-10 16:20:05 UTC
in I'm BAAAAAACK! Post #205709
Hurray for geezers like us.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-09 19:07:42 UTC
in Selective Service: Discrimination??? Post #205605
"War is sweet to those who have never experienced it."
Read The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien if you want true insight to what it's like to be in a war(it's the Vietnam war, though).
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-09 19:05:54 UTC
in Most hated Holiday tradition. Post #205604
That's pretty creepy. You should replace it with the head of the Burger King, then at least you stand a chance and getting a free croissandwich.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-09 18:57:27 UTC
in I'm BAAAAAACK! Post #205597
Welcome back for the... what... twentieth time? :P
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-09 04:21:46 UTC
in Find me a map... Post #205542
Well I waited for a 4000 pictures to load and it wasn't there. I guess it really was deleted. Damn.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-09 03:55:21 UTC
in Find me a map... Post #205540
Pepper's lobby map comes to mind when I think of it, strangely enough.

Yes, there were big pine trees, and there was a house. I don't remember being able to walk around on or in the skybox, though. Probably just never found it. You got a name :) ?

For some reason I'm having a flash of retro fever and I'm trying to dig up all the maps that appeal to me as "authentic", or just maps that are somewhat classics.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-09 02:28:51 UTC
in Find me a map... Post #205536
I've already gone though all the maps. All 51 pages of them, and I didn't find it. I know that I skipped over it, I had to, because I've seen that screenshot time and time again in the vault. I don't want anybody to go through the vault, page by page, looking for this screenshot. I'm asking anybody who might happen to know which map I'm talking about, or at least some possible maps, to give me a link. If you start going through pages of maps, I'm happy that you're willing to do that for me, but I would rather you not.
By the way, I've also searched "snow", "winter", "duel", "dual", "small", and even "christmas" and it didn't show up. Hope that limits the possibilities a little :|
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-09 02:11:41 UTC
in Find me a map... Post #205533
Of course I mean TWHL when I say "this site".
You actually probably joined after the map was first submitted, so I'm not expecting you to have any memory of it.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-09 01:16:43 UTC
in Find me a map... Post #205531
I need to find a Half Life(as in HL1, no mods) map that's on this site, but I can't find it. I'm asking anyone else who thinks they know which map I'm talking about to get me a link. The problem lies in how much I actually know about the map. Or rather, how little I know: The screenshot pictures the player holding a shotgun looking out into a small field of snow. There are a few trees and, if I remember correctly, there is a small cliff a that runs along to each side of the screenshot. The only thing having to do with comments or the discription that I remember is that someone(or several people) commented on how small it was.
That's all I know about it(other than the fact that it's for HL1). No name, no author, no ingame memory, no rating, no full comments. Nothing.
I also think that it's fairly old, but I'm not sure. I know it'snot recent, though.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-08 18:48:27 UTC
in Left 4 Dead Post #205521
Everything in CZ looks better than 1.6,
Well no SHIT. CZ was developed several years after CS, and introduced detail textures to into the Goldsource engine, which still haven't been applied to 1.6 maps (by default). If thats the only reason you're playing CZ then you should be smacked across the face. All CZ maps are available over the internet, and there are hundreds, if not thousands, of custom models, sounds, and sprites(and defaults) available that use CZ content(usually the arms) online. I think the only true original enhancement was the smart hostage system.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-08 18:43:32 UTC
in December 7th Post #205520
Gotta love heated debate.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-08 18:42:29 UTC
in Selective Service: Discrimination??? Post #205519
(can you picture a cheer leader in a trench?)
I can, but she wouldn't be a soldier :lol:

I don't think anyone has even brought up testosterone and estrogen yet, which surprises me a lot. If you want to blame it all on chemestry, then men are more suited for war because of the "testosterone factor". Men tend to get more fo a rush out of violence than women, whereas women are more "womanly" because of the "estrogen factor". Most women, even if they were qualified to be on the army, probably wouldn't want to be because it's such a bloody and brutal environment, for the most part, no matter what your position is. Bring on your arguements, but I'll stand by my opinion.
HOWEVER, ultimately, I do believe that it boils down to individual capability.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-08 18:32:46 UTC
in December 7th Post #205517
You gotta agree with Saribous here.
Countries don't give a shit bout' other countries.
It's not just America, of course.
I knew Lithuania existed!
No, you don't.
Yes, I did. You shouldn't just say that we don't know becuase you know, because some of us don't prefer to leave ourselves in the dark.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-07 22:19:26 UTC
in A place to upload too big maps ? Post #205433
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-07 22:16:07 UTC
in Desktops of December Post #205432
User posted image

Black Mesa!
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-07 18:07:12 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #205402
Clicking them will cause them to stop there movement so you can kill them with a block, if the opportunity shows.
Is that a bug that you are trying to make sound like a real part of the game, or did you actually set that scenario up on purpose? It seems pretty cheap if you can just click on an NPC and the NPC will stop moving. Couldn't you just click all of them at the start of the puzzle to remove the threat of being killed?
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-07 18:02:21 UTC
in December 7th Post #205399
Omfg teams!
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-07 09:45:30 UTC
in December 7th Post #205342
My grandfather died on this day 8 years ago.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-06 22:19:23 UTC
in First Black Mesa: Source December Media Post #205273
You mean like this?
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-06 20:26:02 UTC
in Semi-Sphere Post #205264
I have to agree with the others. It looks like you are trying a new kind of mapping style but it doesn't seem to be working for you. And of course, its extremely bland. NEEDS MOAR LAZORS! SP or MP? If its MP then its got killbox-esque potential, which doesn't say much nowadays, but if its SP then... well what are you actually going to have the player do? Fight in a dome?
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-06 20:22:38 UTC
in Left 4 Dead Post #205263
Doom III was way too heavy on phong, agreed. Personally I thought FEAR had the best balance of texture overlays out of all the "modern" games.
How was the Doom III's engine better than Source, though? The textures were blurry, the engine obvious didn't support wide open areas very easily, the physics sucked [hard], and there was no bloom or HDR type lighting. It had great fire and volmetric lighting but that's about it as far as I can see. Doom II for the win.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-05 21:30:29 UTC
in Left 4 Dead Post #205185
Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kicks a Shitload of Zombies
Hell I'd buy it.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-05 21:05:26 UTC
in Euphoria (the future of gaming physics) Post #205181
Bleh, parallax decals are good enough for me when it comes to a deconstructable world(in terms of normal walls, floors, and ceilings).
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-05 18:51:14 UTC
in 1337 f0r teh Dangerz! Post #205165
What the fuck, Highlander! You're a stormtrooper!
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-05 18:47:50 UTC
in Euphoria (the future of gaming physics) Post #205164
AUXSUM! This is going to be an amazing breakthrough once the game is actually released to the public(assuming it doesn't hog the amount of reosurces that we think it does).
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-04 20:43:06 UTC
in Left 4 Dead Post #205051
Righto. I was also thinking of Ritual Entertainment as well(which also has only done work with Valve, I believe).
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-04 19:54:11 UTC
in Left 4 Dead Post #205043
Well at least its not just another mindless zombie shooter(or is it just one in disguise?). I might take a look at it but I have an overall negative outlook when it comes to zombie games.

Zombie, Turtle Rock works a helluva lot with Valve on major projects. I don't think I've ever seen a game that they haven't worked with Valve on, actually.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-04 19:51:00 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #205042
That forest looks amazing, Rim! Though at first I thought it was all brushwork, then I saw "I made this in Max" and thought, "Damn". But it still looks amazing. Will you ever be able to utilize terrain to accomplish a goal or will it all be on blocks?
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-03 22:28:26 UTC
in Selective Service: Discrimination??? Post #204981
That's pretty fucked up.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-03 00:39:45 UTC
in 1337 f0r teh Dangerz! Post #204882
The problem in that is that a lot of people online don't want to be smarter. They just want more zomg fragz and pwnage lol. I've found its much better to just prove that you are smarter then them because then they get pissed off even more :lol:
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-02 00:22:33 UTC
in 1337 f0r teh Dangerz! Post #204790
"'Leet' is short for 'elite' because its generally used by more advanced computer users"
Yeah, look at us keeping our parents in the dark using this incredibly complicated code. 3s as "E"s? WHODUTHUNK?!Lets all talk in leetspeak so out parents don't know just how badly we pwned that guy! omfg rofl 1|| t3h buttseckz!
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-01 21:19:05 UTC
in Muzzleflash's HLDM Server Post #204775
coughA M-FUCKING Xcough
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-01 20:35:08 UTC
in origin of your e-identity? Post #204763
info_player_deathmatch (When Terrorist) and info_player_start (When Counter-Terrorist) when playing CS, to see if there are any fellow mappers playing.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-30 21:51:58 UTC
in Selective Service: Discrimination??? Post #204688
France got pwned.
No one but nature to fight, France still loses

Edit: You're right, God doesn't have anything to do with this. I have someone else in mind...
User posted image
*Saw it, had to post it.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-30 18:49:26 UTC
in Banned!? Post #204657
Oh god, if you guys are going to start listing servers you've been banned from I don't even want to start counting mine. Hacking can be fun, just leave it at that :lol:
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-30 18:48:24 UTC
in origin of your e-identity? Post #204656
Coolfat3459 - Born several years ago as a replacement name for "coolguy", which was already taken as a yahoo account and the number "3459" having a specific sentimental memory with me.

Worldcraft Dude - Random name I decided to use when registering at TWHL(originally planned on not being an active member).

World Crafter - My most recent name branching from "Worldcraft Dude". Its meant to imply that am a mapper, and that I am creative/unique.

Gaming names
Cheesy Goodness - Does it really need a reason? Christ, its CHEESE!, what more do you want?

Take my hand - Usual name when playing The Specialists(among several other "serious" names). Named after the lyric fragment in Metallica's Enter Sandman.

Batman - Name used in FEAR online. Fuck Joker.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-30 18:40:06 UTC
in Banned!? Post #204651
Now that I think about it:
Banned from (The people who stole Sm0k3y's map.This is the thread)
Time: No idea, probably permanent.
Reason: Spamming their forums with goatse and other crap because of what they did :P
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-30 18:35:13 UTC
in Banned!? Post #204645
Never been banned from anything. I got moderated on HIT, which I actually find miraculous, but that's the full extent of my forum punishment.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-29 21:07:58 UTC
in Selective Service: Discrimination??? Post #204516
That doesn't mean a thing. It was a choice between two evils. Everyone hated both of the candidates.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-29 19:51:44 UTC
in First Black Mesa: Source December Media Post #204504
Its about time!
I don't think I've ever looked forward to any 3rd party mod as much as I'm looking forward to BM:S.
i was talking to rabideh a while ago, and he said he might be leaving BM: S, so i'm not sure if he has or not..
I pmed him about being on the BM:S team a while ago, he told me the same thing. It was several months ago, though so...
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-29 18:59:00 UTC
in Selective Service: Discrimination??? Post #204493
Oh yes, we Americans are such failures.