Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-11-28 20:48:27 UTC
in Online MMO Post #204387
I would be afraid to walk into ZombieLoffe's house of zombies. The zombies would probably be gay army men.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-26 18:57:19 UTC
in Selective Service: Discrimination??? Post #204194
Technically we aren't in a war, so we can't start a draft. Bush(or congress? I forget which makes the call) never declared war.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-26 18:48:14 UTC
in GMOD Melonbrew RP? Post #204191
Fuck baseball!
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-26 18:44:21 UTC
in GMOD Melonbrew RP? Post #204189
hunter... what would you say if someone told you "video games are for people with no lives"?
Video games are becoming more of a sport now. There are professional gamers and clans, official tournaments, and even large amounts of spectators and announcers. Hehe, I like it :nuts:
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-26 17:15:04 UTC
in GMOD Melonbrew RP? Post #204171
What's that you say? RP sucks balls? What?
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-26 17:13:50 UTC
in UCLA Student Tazered By Police Post #204170
Unless there is a way to shatter a skull with a Tazer that I don't know about
Easy, launch a tazer out of a bazooka and nail someone in the face :D
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-26 17:13:05 UTC
in Selective Service: Discrimination??? Post #204169
Uh, a "powerful figure" hardly determines how suited you are for war . I'd say it's pretty individual how well-suited you are for the battlefield... has little to do with gender. A larger figure and stronger physical strength are pretty much useless unless you live in ancient Greece or something.
A more powerful structure means more stamina, which is absolutely neccessary for a soldier. Science and genetics override opinion. Its more than just trench warfare where it all depends on who can shoot more accurately. And of course, like Rowley said before, more strength is needed to carry gear, and soldiers carry a shitload of crap around with them.

But Rowley, you've got to stop being so arrogant. Its just annoying.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-26 02:30:56 UTC
in TWHL3 Post #204098
Never had that error. Ant, you're using Opera, right?
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-26 02:24:24 UTC
in Selective Service: Discrimination??? Post #204097
I'm pretty sure women aren't eligible for being drafted(last time I checked, women can't be infantry at all). Why is this discriminatory?(if that even a word?) Men naturally have a more powerful figure than women, and the male figure is more useful when it comes to infantry. If we start a draft, why should we need to call on women in the first place if men are more suited for the job? It isn't saying men are better than women, its saying men are better suited for this specific instance than women. Women overpower men in svereal other things as well.
Of course, I can understand why some women might be offended by this cough*femenists*cough. But really, whether they intended for it or not, its better this way.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-26 02:18:29 UTC
in VIDEO: Police Defend Shooting 92-Yr Old Post #204096
Ok, sorry if this was answered already, but why the hell did a 92 year old woman just start shooting the cops in the first place?
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-26 02:14:30 UTC
in UCLA Student Tazered By Police Post #204095
I hope those cops get banned from life. hard.
amx_ban "cops" 0

They stepped way over the line, you all know that. Whether or not it could have been handled better isn't relevant because what's done is done, and now that guy's life is probaby changed forever, or at least his perspective on law enforcement. This is why people are scared of cops, because there are so many bad cops out there who feel that they are better than everyone else. Its horrible.
Billy clubs are far more effective, and leave neat colorful marks, fractured bones and teeth, and much more pain--much more humane, to be sure.
So you're saying that being bludgeoned with a stick is worse than hundreds of volts of electricity surging through your body, possibly causing permanent organ and brain damage?

PS: Its good to see Jhazel back and posting the things he does again :P
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-24 19:07:03 UTC
in Facebook Post #203957
What is facebook?
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 03:23:05 UTC
in Mach Mod Post #203610
Going solo on a big project like this probably isn't a good idea. Like the others above me, I've tried a full fledged SP mod in the past but only got a few maps put together and had to start getting models, sounds, and other resources. Its a bitch, I tell ya. It'll drive a man mad.
If you are serious about this, get a small team.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 03:12:11 UTC
in Hey Post #203608
Come again? Why is it that we can't say Jimmi? Its not like a blasphemous name, we aren't going to be punished for it.
Why do we call him Jimmi anyway? Jimmi was one of his later accounts, his original was Crazed1. We don't even know if his name is actually Jimmi.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-20 21:22:48 UTC
in Hey Post #203469
I knew it!
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-20 17:42:16 UTC
in Hey Post #203418
How do you know ministeve and mephs? Friends of yours?
Anyway welcome to TWHL.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-20 17:40:56 UTC
in What was your first map like? Post #203417
Oh god...
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-19 22:14:29 UTC
in Religion Discussion Post #203313
Another nuisance within Christianity - some Christians believe you should ignore the OT whilst some follow it thoroughly.
That's mostly catholics and evangelists.

Answer me this, if you believe the big bang created everything, what's stopping the big bang from creating a god?
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-17 17:44:51 UTC
in Religion Discussion Post #203035
I think you guys need to find another subject that you can start long debates... except religion. Why not start a debate about politics or something like that.
I hate politics but it sure beats talking on religion over and over again
I think you guys who keep complaing about this thread need to find another subject and leave this one alone. Disliking it is one thing, attacking it is another. Politics are no better. Either way, everybody loses.

Red, that's not athiesim. That's Nihilism.

Then how do you think we were created, if you don't believe in some kind of superpowerful being or force? The human body is an amazing system of intricate circuits and tissues, not to mention the power of the human brain. Do you really believe that, just by chance, a big explosion or whatever caused unorganized matter to form the human body, possibly one of the most complicated systems in the universe?
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-16 21:43:37 UTC
in ...Whatever... Post #202954
So I'm working on a CS map, a HLDM map, and an Exite(portal mod) map.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-16 18:27:27 UTC
in Religion Discussion Post #202926
So I guess it really just boils down to what seems logical to you, huh?
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-16 18:18:55 UTC
in ...Whatever... Post #202924
Exos... What? The? Hell?
Since when has anyone called for an admin on these forums? Spam or not(and I still stand by what I said earlier) here you should know that you don't call for a generic admin whenever you see something you don't like. Send a PM to someone specific. Most of the mods are close to the community anyway(or close enough).
Come on man, you've been here for almost 300 days.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-16 18:15:19 UTC
in Religion Discussion Post #202923
Powerful words, Tosse. Awesome little speech there, nice and thought provoking.
but dont cheap out and watch [The Da Vinci Code] instead.
The film is utter piss
Yes, very true. What a waste of time.

I was thinking about this earlier today, looking forward to asking it:
How can you prove that there is nothing after death? Sure, you can say that the idea of Heaven and Hell, or ghosts, or an afterlife is propsterous but where's the evidence for there not being something after death? It seems even more ridiculous to me that people are just complicated, biological machines. If we can think the way we do and have our minds do the things that it does, then surely there must be something else there than a bunchy of blood vessels, tissue, and electrical impulses. Some kind of spirit or supernatural force.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-16 09:54:23 UTC
in Religion Discussion Post #202891
Wouldn't it just be better if you died right now and got to heaven straight away?
Suicide and things like that are considered murder in a sense. But you can't ask for forgiveness when you do it because you're dead(obviously). Its also a "short way out" that frowned upon.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-15 20:14:44 UTC
in Religion Discussion Post #202852
Why should I choose to believe the word of people from over 2000 years ago?
Its history. Its not like you don't believe what people said during WWII, is it?
If a God does exist, why should I worship him?
Most would argue that you should worship God because God is the reason you are here in the first place. Like you love(or are supposed to love) your parents.

So if you believe you just rot after you die, then what is your motive for living? I mean, if you are just going to decay in some dirt field for the rest of time its not like you are going to care whether you make a name for yourself while you're here. If you want to be known then you obviously think that there will be some benefit of it after death, but that can't really be the case because you'll be dead and either everyone will forget you or everyone will remember you. Either way, you won't know.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-15 19:18:14 UTC
in Religion Discussion Post #202847
but what i always found so facinating was that all major religions are very simila
I actually think about that a lot too. The Koran (a muslim's bible, for those who don't know) actually contains a lot of text about Jesus, but not as the messiah.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-15 18:50:35 UTC
in i have a server to offer Post #202838
I still don't understand how you can compare a fairly old server with a new one, that isn't even the same game, and say that one of taking the other over. Well duh. Muzz's server obviously has the upper hand in terms of popularity. It's been here longer, no crap its going to be more populated.
I check the TWHL HLDM server almost daily and its usually empty when I check, by the way. Though it could be because of the time differences between countries. Maybe I'm just at my pinnacle of computer time while everyone else is at school or sleeping or something.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-15 18:45:31 UTC
in ...Whatever... Post #202837
I love how paranoid people are of spam these days. We have, what? 5 active threads in the "Stuff" forum? This is a mapping community, why is it so bad to want to know what everyone is working on?
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-15 18:41:56 UTC
in Religion Discussion Post #202836
Reguarding recent activity in the "Holiday Avatars" thread, it would appear that we are in need of a decent religious discussion thread(instead of derailing every other thread that has any slight referenes to religion). I saw a few others request a new thread for this as well. Keep the following in mind and hopefully we can have a nice series of debates here without it turning into total chaos:
-Keep it decent. Heated debate can be fun, flamefests can not.
-Don't make claims without support to back them up.
-Don't attack the other religions, beliefs, or claims of fellow TWHL members just for the hell of being an ass.
-If you make a valid point that proves something you said is true, don't brag about it and say that everyone else is wrong.
-Don't start to hold grudges against others for what they believe. That's not your problem. Discuss it with them but don't hold grudges. We're all human and we all have human rights to beleive what we will.
-Redundancy ensues: Internet or not, keep it decent. We don't need "god is gay, fuck christians lolololol crucifix" every 2 posts.

So let's get started. What are your opinions of the beliefs of Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Atheists, or any other beliefs that you feel to take note of? What do you believe in yourself and what are your views on the opinions of others reguarding what you believe?
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-14 21:51:03 UTC
in How is this? Post #202773
Well it's certainly a road...
The texturing looks fine to me.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-14 21:49:11 UTC
in i have a server to offer Post #202772
Don't use admin mod. Use amxx. Admin mod is severely outdated. Amx is beyond admin mod, amxx is beyond amx.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-14 17:54:41 UTC
in i have a server to offer Post #202740
Freshed, no. You are wrong. Not only has nobody even mentioned Muzz's thread(until you did) but Fox's server isn't even for the same game.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-14 09:50:48 UTC
in Holiday Avatar's Post #202690
I love how the people who hate the Christian God don't actually know anything about it or the religion.
also, if adam and eve had 2 sons, where did everyone else come from?
If you weren't too busy trying to find a loophole you'd see that, believe it or not, its actually covered. Cain and Abel weren't the only 2 children of Adam and Eve. They had several children, sons and daughters. And yes, they did marry each other. Problems in that didn't show up until hundreds of years later when humans had other choices. Once Earth was populated, interfamily marriage became uneccessary.

You can't find simple loopholes just out of the blue like that, trust me. I've tried to find my fair share fo them and failed every time. A surprising amount of stuff is covered.

And seriously:
if god exists, he will smite me down before i finish typing this sentence.
go on!
If there is a god, he doesn't get his jollies by smiting people at TWHL who try to disprove him. There are better things to do.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-13 19:51:34 UTC
in Holiday Avatar's Post #202659
There is no such thing as god(s).
And you're proof is?
There's about as much proof that there isn't some form of supernatural being as there is.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-13 17:38:00 UTC
in Holiday Avatar's Post #202643

No one likes jesus
Does Raptor Jesus count?
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-12 22:08:01 UTC
in Holiday Avatar's Post #202591
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-12 19:07:56 UTC
in i have a server to offer Post #202577
If I can only pick one I pick cs_poltergeist2.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-12 17:38:48 UTC
in i have a server to offer Post #202570
How does a server just fall into yor lap? Thing's like that don't just appear like rain from the sky. Did you decide to start a server, is that what you mean?

In any case you're hosting TWHL maps, eh? Sweet deal. I used to do this but I had to stop hosting a server because I was running it dedicated and something screwed up with my connect. Nobody could connect without having a ping over 200.

Could you host my maps cs_poltergeist2 and ka_skycity?
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-12 17:31:00 UTC
in The TWHL guys fights Post #202569
Slasher, no furries for you.
This is pretty off topic, but every time I see this thread title I'm afraid to check the replies because it makes me think people are talking about gay orgies inside it :zonked:
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-12 17:29:10 UTC
in Holiday Avatar's Post #202568
Whys it gotta be a Christian holiday?
The name of the holiday is CHRISTmas for crying out loud. Its the birthday of Jesus Christ. Muslims and Jews and other religions don't celebrate it because they aren't Christian, but its still recognized because Christianity is such a big religion.
Still fun to celebrate, though. No?
Hey why should we only make special christmas avatars... why not hollween and all the other christian holidays.
We used to do Halloween avatars but we didn't last October and I don't think we did the year before, either. Not surprising. Nobody really cares about Halloween anymore.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-12 01:59:33 UTC
in The TWHL guys fights Post #202519
If you install a WON verison of HL then Steam should detect it and tranfer the key automatically to your account.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-12 00:03:08 UTC
in Holiday Avatar's Post #202516
Oh yes, Kasperg. That hat and your avatar looks exactly the same :nuts:
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-11 00:59:15 UTC
in Holiday Avatar's Post #202455
Hurray for the bandwagon!
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-10 20:02:31 UTC
in Holiday Avatar's Post #202439
You're all faggots. Faggots with a "ph".
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-09 22:52:29 UTC
in World Trade Center Post #202370
Oh snap! You got dissed dawg! Yeeeaaah!
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-09 22:51:43 UTC
in Mindless violence game Post #202369
I finished in 20. Got like 20% accuracy or something thanks to the XM8. I fail at flash games.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-08 18:24:30 UTC
in World Trade Center Post #202301
i dont want to celebrate a solar-thingie(whats the english word for zonnewende?).
The equinox?
I'm not talking down Christmas, but come on. What happened to Thanksgiving? Food-a-plenty!
Of course, I can understand for those who live in other countries.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-08 18:21:54 UTC
in Take the Quiz Post #202300
Just out of curiosity... what brought all this up in the first place? Some kind of test at your office?
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-08 09:49:28 UTC
in World Trade Center Post #202267
Its fucking November people. Christmas is more than a month and a half away!
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-08 09:48:44 UTC
in Gone With The Blastwave Post #202266
I just found out about this comic too, through a link on vgcats,
Same here.