Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-09-21 07:39:55 UTC
in Like Airsoft? Post #60918
Ya I worked my ass off- pulling 8-10 hour shifts getting paid $9.80/hr

but ya I'll post some pics.
Where are you from?

Here you have to be 18 or older to purchase them.

-----Oh and, Im NOT rich. I just have an open mind----
I buy things because money has no meaning--its just paper--- I could always get more just like you guys can----- Like for instants, I got paid last week(never got a whole lot of hours) and my parents needed to pay a bill(see.. where not rich) and did not have the money for it so I easily handed over my check. They say that

"Money is the Roots of all Evil"

That is why I don't let the need of money get in front of me....

Oh and if I was rich I could easily pay for my college--but instead I have to take a student loan for $15,000

So please, I don't appreciate it, when everybody treats me differently because I got a different view of life. ----And when people treat me rich------I despise rich selfish people... :D

So yep anywho...
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-20 14:29:25 UTC
in Like Airsoft? Post #60833
Hahahahaha---Sorry guys -- Did'nt want to sound rich----I saved up my checks this
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-20 14:27:38 UTC
in Light Beam Post #60831
Ya thats the thing--I did back up the files before it crashed plus its for my mod involving camera work, with some custom textures---As soon As I get a new computer I'll fix her up and post it.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-20 07:52:23 UTC
in what will u map when hl2 comes out? Post #60798

---how the helll....
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-20 07:51:01 UTC
in Mech Mod Post #60797
Wow impressive.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-20 07:47:38 UTC
in Like Airsoft? Post #60795
Ya the sight gots some of those not alot though--(the Full Metal models)--they run for

The last gun I got was pretty pricey ---I paid $2500 For this kick ass machine gun---its unreal. I also got the socom Silenced gun with a lam light and carrying case for $400, and IT is amazing the silencer actually works. Instead of a PAP PAP you here a PUP PUP. Its wicked.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-20 07:42:31 UTC
in Light Beam Post #60793
A couple weeks ago I made an amazing sun beam that actually projected from the sun (using the fade texture) I used normal brushes tied to a func_wall, and some env_sprites tied to a env_render to turn off and on- so when you turned the corner theres a really bright sun, then when you walked under it the renders would make it dissapear, and viseversa. It worked very well. Anyways

Thats something you guys should try.

I also got all the shadows aligned with the sun so that if your standing in a shadow you can't see the bright sun, It took alot of compiling (2-3times) but it was worth it.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-20 07:35:58 UTC
in Equilibrium Post #60791
I could try it myself yes---- but don't you think backflips and eerything might be alittle tricky--plus you could not do it in first person cam/mode
It would be like another toomraider which I want to stay away from.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-18 13:28:54 UTC
in Equilibrium Post #60455
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-18 13:12:17 UTC
in Like Airsoft? Post #60446
How old are ya?
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-18 13:09:07 UTC
in Like Airsoft? Post #60444
You can Also get them in the states-- Just search for them online--


These things are electric so you dont have to buy gas and they shoot plastic bbs you why get a paintball gun--

These are what the military uses for training.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-18 13:00:26 UTC
in Like Airsoft? Post #60440
Thanks Zombie
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-18 11:21:22 UTC
in How to make a screenie?!?! Post #60433
Or just press PRINT SCREEN
then copy and past into Paintbrush.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-18 11:18:17 UTC
in Like Airsoft? Post #60432
Ok Airsoft---(BBguns)

Check this site out: (cut and paste)
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-18 11:14:28 UTC
in simple custom sprite Post #60430
Yes Crusade Im still alive and kickin--(god, that makes me sound forget i said that)

Ya the summer came and I could'nt get online often so i couldnt get ahold of you----plus something awful happened thank god i backed up all my files-----I got a virus and it completley erased my harddrive-- I got upset and trashed my laptop----Now I have to wait untill i get a new computer to start mapping again-- so yep, About the mod Blind Justice well It died-- So I started a new mod called EQUILIBRIUM,
-(you should watch the movie to get an understanding) Im going to have to change the dlls dramatically too, I need to take all the aliens out and put in a whole lot of different barneys(need to be coded)with different attitudes and skins. (They'll be my rebels) and I have to also add scientist-(change them to normal civilians that wont post a threat)

but ya i can't continue mapping untill i get a new computer. It Sucks.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-18 11:06:13 UTC
in Making HL Videos Post #60429
Thanks guys they work great.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-18 11:02:11 UTC
in Equilibrium Post #60428
-ya I guess you have a point--

...Thanks for pointing that out to me.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-17 07:49:39 UTC
in simple custom sprite Post #60081
Set the one with the black background to
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-17 07:44:52 UTC
in Making HL Videos Post #60079
I remember this topic was mentioned but did'nt pay attention to it,
So how do you take individual snapshots at a random rate of 3fps?
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-17 07:39:15 UTC
in Custom Game Post #60077
Please be more helpful---

First give the full directory of your mod
ex. Mine is C:/SIERRA/Half-Life/mymodsname

And also cut and paste your liblist.

And be sure you have the liblist pointing to the right dlls
the liblist should also be in your own mod folder along with the
dlls, save folder, gfx, pak0,|models, sound|(optional)
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-17 07:34:25 UTC
in Equilibrium Post #60076
I liked it----- For my mod I am going to start everything the same way as the movie----With alot of videos(func_cams) At the first I have swat teams arrive etc then your objective is to go in and look for the hidden pictures(etc) ---Witch are under a suspicious looking rug- after a bit you have to seek out your agent pretty much and kill him, then more func cams at home where as you stop taking the dosage--- then you help the underground rebels-- first by placing bombs in individual places
for a warning for the rebels and to destroy there main resources, and then at the end you turn the rebels in so you can suceed the task of assassinating the Godfather. This mod will contain alot of stealth and cover up--(you kill you clean!) I think it will work great.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-16 09:52:03 UTC
in Equilibrium Post #59788
I beg to differ----???? But everyone has there opinions--lol
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-15 15:39:53 UTC
in Monster Scaling Post #59665
whhhoooaaaa hold on---Well, yes you can scale in spirit--BUT
mine never works---what am i doing wrong?
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-15 15:12:54 UTC
in Equilibrium Post #59646
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-15 14:59:56 UTC
in An Idea... Post #59639
No, actually I like the idea- put a trigger respawn outside the train so if you fall you'll end up on one side of the train(your teams side of course)
You would also need a func_push on top of the train set low, and watch out for signsor you'll get dragged of the train to your death--- It could also be like a capture the flag idea too You'd have to be carefull though with people coming into and out of the map, with the surroundings constantly rotating- will effect your frame rates- and may cause your player to go sssllllooooooowwww.- Other then that great idea lucky4444
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-15 14:44:27 UTC
in logo.avi Post #59636
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-15 14:43:20 UTC
in Equilibrium Post #59633
Has anybody saw this movie---Im making it into a mod
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-15 14:42:23 UTC
in logo.avi Post #59632
Yep it is---- Its just trying to put words with what you are explaining sometimes--lol
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-15 14:37:43 UTC
in Zelda Mod Post #59628
theres no way you could make each level seperate maps.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-15 14:34:44 UTC
in Custom Game Post #59625
NEVER use spaces----duh!--sorry if i sound rude- but who doesnt know that yet--7th..
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-15 14:32:35 UTC
in logo.avi Post #59624
Use Animation shop pro 8

--Sorry 7th- not good at explaining anythhing--lol
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-14 07:52:23 UTC
in Another Camera Question... Post #59232
Like moi--lol=---(Im not french by the way)--??
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-14 07:51:19 UTC
in Cameras Post #59230
Yes theres a flag to check
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-14 07:50:24 UTC
in Light Beam Post #59229
Use the fade texture---ok here

This will only work on the normal up and down door not a door rotating-- heres what you do

1. Make your door.. A big door that opens straight up works great.
2. Make the light beam.. Accomplished by using the fade texture
Make a block the same size of the door then clip it in half making a triangle (align the textures)
3. Now that you've got your door, move the light beam directly under the door and tie it to another function door with the same properties exept for the render mode:"addictive" and Render Effect: "128"
Now what looks really cool is put a trigger in the lightbeam so when you walk into the light beam it will trigger a light (thats placed where you just came from) keep in mind that the next room you are walking into is well lit...

Well walla there you go.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-13 07:54:29 UTC
in Reflective Floors Post #58909
Ya I did a wicked floor by just flipping----But--this is what I did with the floor--- -- --

I made two floors

one function wall was on the botton with the properties as rm-texture

Then another function wall that was on top was color and 100

Which gave a black tint it was sweet anyways got to go,.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-13 07:50:50 UTC
in Cameras Post #58908
I love working with cameras--- Has anybody herd the song "Get Down With The Sickness" Well I Reskinned models that I did to make a swat team--- I got them going down an elevator go up a ramp defue a big security high tech door and then walk into a room to the beat of the music with cameras--Its sweet after you kill them You trigger another event in which the grunt repel from the cieling..... Anyways Im going to stop rambling on--- LOL.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-13 07:45:21 UTC
in Custom Game Post #58907
C:/SIERRA/Half-Life/hl.exe -game yourmod

And wallla---??
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-13 07:43:58 UTC
in Guess What Post #58906
YIPPPEEEE?????----Um, Ya...???
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-13 07:42:40 UTC
in logo.avi Post #58904
Ok do this--- Go into your mod -- to the main page with your splash on it, Now press print page and paste it into paintbrush,

now the Half-life logo.avi will still be shown in the bipmap. Now
Open your original splash (This one does not have the Half-Life logo.avi cutting through your picture---) Now this step i tricky Zoom in on both bitmaps so that both pictures appear the same when clicking back and forth from bitmap to bitmap except for the logo.avi that appears on the second bitmap Now heres the tricky part--

By clicking back and forth between them you will see what space the avi is using up on the original splash, The easiet way to get the next part done is to out line the avi file on the splash and delete the void--(this is very hard to explain!!) Then cut and paste the part of the original splash (That the AVI file takes up) Into Animation shop Pro.

Now right click on your image And there an option to make a Title with great text effects such as "backlight"e.t.c. Be careful though--There two option to achieve this but one option will only put one frame in--(which will not animate your title) And the other option will put all the frames into affect (Usually about 10 or o frames) The save your title as logo.avi and walllaa... This way worked great for me since I could not get the tranparent way to work--- So good luck, And happy mapping.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-10 14:22:41 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #58034
Huh?---"IM CONFUSED" :nuts:
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Posted 19 years ago2004-09-10 14:19:04 UTC
in Guess What Post #58033
I figured out this by browsing one of my pack files ok---

I accidently opened up barneyt.mdl instead of barney.mdl (the t model)
If you go to the textures and export them you can edit them with any colors then import them into the t model and resave the model as

in this case---- "barneyt.mdl"

And waalla you just changed the color palette for the model.

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Posted 19 years ago2004-08-26 15:53:15 UTC
in Hello guys Post #54299
Hey long time no talk guys, just sayin' hi to everyone, I'll be back online everyday on the 8th. So yep. Cyas then.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 13:01:10 UTC
in Definition Post #33341
What is the definition of "Spamming"
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Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 13:00:27 UTC
in Quotes Post #33339
hahahah --lol

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Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 12:59:23 UTC
in Colour Scheme Post #33338
yep, it sure does look a lot better doesn't it..
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Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 12:51:15 UTC
in Colour Scheme Post #33333
You Guys should invert all the colors on this site-- I wonder what it would look like it would be all blue and stuuf----It would be cool

-change is cool.... Its ok.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 12:32:14 UTC
in Quotes Post #33332
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Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 12:29:40 UTC
in Ghosts Of Half-Life Post #33331

Why don't you guys make something like in the resident evil movie whereas the scientist are walking in a hallway but there ghost, you know like the girls flashback of the place..
It would also be cool to make a mod of you being a phycic and you solve mysteries(deaths) You walk into a room and you see something happen, then it dissapears and... and.. a a a a n n n n d d d anyway.
ya. Sorry I sometimes skip when over heated.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 12:20:33 UTC
in DVD vs. VHS Post #33326
ehh.. Sounds good I'll look into that.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 12:11:03 UTC
in Quotes Post #33323
"Those that I fight I do not hate, those that I guard I do not love."
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