Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-09-25 02:50:42 UTC
in Player equipping at spawn Post #61807
perhaps if you were to search the forums you would find that this is not possible yet, wait for source, maybe they will introduce it.

the name is item_nightvision i do believe, but it don't work.

one thing i suggested before was having a hostage rescued at the start which would give teh ct's enough money to buy NV, you could do this with a triggered door, or something similar.

the only other way is to use an amx mod, write a little code (not too hard) and have it equip the player with NV straight away.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-24 13:07:49 UTC
in Scrolling Textures Post #61680
tbh, you don't need to name it scroll at all, i'm sure any texture scrolls when tied to a func_conv.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-24 13:00:38 UTC
in REAL Forest in HL? Post #61677
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-24 09:57:06 UTC
in REAL Forest in HL? Post #61657
<3 zombieloffe
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-24 09:22:54 UTC
in REAL Forest in HL? Post #61648
Yeah, and that's just from here, I posted in about 5 forums with that map, I'd be interested to see just how many people have that on their machines. Nice to leave CS with a little memento, even if it is a shitty map.

PS: if you are interested in this topic, ignore the last 33 posts... lol
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-24 09:21:10 UTC
in REAL Forest in HL? Post #61646
Just noticed your comment, I'm at [i]work[/i] so I can't test the download (security reasons), but ask zombieloffe, he is the host.
you can download that map from abotu 20 different servers if you have the time, simply search in steam..
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-24 09:19:16 UTC
in REAL Forest in HL? Post #61643
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-24 09:17:53 UTC
in REAL Forest in HL? Post #61642
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-24 09:13:25 UTC
in Half Life steam and snow Post #61637
other mods do though, i guess if you're mapping a new mod then spirit is your friend. if you just wanna make a hldm map then you're screwed =P
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-24 09:10:50 UTC
in Environments??? Post #61635
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-23 10:08:17 UTC
in makin sprite for cs (e.g crosshairs) Post #61374
Yeah, damn, I can't remember teh VERC link, but Captain P posted a link for the best sprite editor/creator I've used in a long time.
PM CP for Details
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-23 09:52:39 UTC
in Surreal Horror set in the North Pole Post #61370
I agree about teh whole not releasing a map for years thing, I start hundreds of maps (seriously) but only 1 0r 2 ever make it to teh point of compiling.

I like teh blizzard idea, it's a really neat idea, I just love teh idea!! lol

so... I'm going to "steal" (read: garner inspriration from) it and use it in a Hostile Intent map

You da BomB!
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-23 09:33:21 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #61368
Fair enough. I'll start as soon as I get teh chance.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-23 09:14:03 UTC
in makin sprite for cs (e.g crosshairs) Post #61365
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-23 09:09:19 UTC
in weapon equip Post #61364
..but I doubt it..
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-23 09:08:56 UTC
in weapon equip Post #61363
... I suggest you try it. If it does then I guess I've been wasting my time all these years
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-23 06:50:24 UTC
in Shooting Through Passable func_pendulum Post #61349
indeed, i won't say i haven't used prefabs, but i've never released a map that uses them, they can be useful for learning from, much like decompiling.. both having undesirable flaws and errors.

so just look at what makes up teh prefab, and try and make your own version. Also, check teh Not-Solid flag, or set up a func_train style scenario, in which you could make it totally illusionary.

plus you could make a random searchlight pattern, rather than just back and forth
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-23 06:46:34 UTC
in a most be-baffling problem Post #61348
There's a lesson to be learned here.. not sure what it is though :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-23 06:31:47 UTC
in REAL Forest in HL? Post #61347
hey Worldcraft Dude, are you Coolfat by any chance?
And to say I am unenthusiastic and "one of the most user hating, annoying people I have ever seen" just goes to prove that your ass truly does function as your brain.

I suggest you read the A4 sized post I made giving the guy suggestions on how to create his forest level, and how to do it properly, without running his game in sofware mode, which looks/plays/runs liek sh*t, so before I get really pissed off (I'm trying to hold back, really, I am) you should stop talking utter bollox and let people like the monkey's and CP teach you (and others) something useful, instead of you just waffling on about a subject you have absolutely no knowledge on, and before you start bullsh*tting about how you've done this and that for this MOD and how Gabe Newell personally asks you for advice on CS:S, you will realise that if you were the intelligent individual you claim to be, you would know that software mode is not what the game is meant to be played in. It's for emergencies, testing, and such. I play in 1024x768 on a GForce2, I get 30 fps max (60 if i face a corner), and I refuse to play in anything less, because you gotta do what you can to make a 6 year old game look any good.

Ok, so I went off teh beaten track with that one a little, but my point is simple:

Shut the F*ck Up
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-23 05:27:05 UTC
in weapon equip Post #61341
this is why I have to keep writing it out all the crapping time, no-one ever needs to use this kind of thing until the post is on teh next page of the forums, and they don't bother to search lol. B*stards!!! tell me what I need to improve, can someone try making a map using this "tutorial" and tell me where it lets you down. Throw me a frickin' line here people :lol:

PS: thanks for editing the [b] error, cheers
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-23 05:23:53 UTC
in Environments??? Post #61340
If you are adding new skies (.tga's) then you include them with your map, and use the gfx/env folder to get them to work.

You can thief HL skies and just copy/paste them into your CS folder, so an alien (Xen) sky in HL! Super Rad!

Remember you need all the skyname.tga's in the gfx/env folder for it to work; there are six .tga's: front, back, left, right, up and down. This is why you can see little crack's in the skies when you look at them, such as a thin line going down.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-22 12:17:01 UTC
in weapon equip Post #61151
that's why you use the two func_buyzone's as teh info_map_parameters can be buggy, if it doesn't work with one person, it won't work with two.

I am just submitting a tutorial which i hope will be of use to all teh people that ask this question. i'll paste it here as well, so you can tell me if there's anything taht could be added/changed/explained better.
bear in mind i intend to add a full list of the ammo and gun terminology so you can pick and choose what you want.

It's long though lol...

[u]Stripping and Equipping Weapons in Counter-Strike[/u]

[u]Resources Required[/u]

Up to date fgd, found here


The premise is simple: to choose which weapons the player(s) start(s) off with,
and to make sure they can only use those weapons.
Actually putting this concept into a playable level involves some minor entity work,
so if you are unfamiliar with the multi_manager, game_playerequip, player_weaponstrip,
and the info_map_parameters, then read the brief description's below:

[note]Tutorials/Full Descriptions of all these entities can be found on this site, and require
virtually no hunting, and limited knowledge of HL to understand their principles and properties]

multi_manager: A device that allows you to trigger multiple events/entities after a single
previous event has taken place.
eg: The door opens, triggers the multi_manager, the multi_manager triggers an alarm
    (ambient_generic), and a flashing light, then after 10 seconds it turns everything off.
game_playerequip: The entity used to equip the player with the weapons you require.
eg: The player runs through a trigger, which runs the [i]game_playerequip[/i] which "gives" the player
    ammo, kevlar, grenades or a gun.
player_weaponstrip: The player runs through a trigger, which runs the player_weaponstrip, removing
all weapons/items currently in the player's possession.
eg: Pretty self-explanatory
info_map_parameters: An entity which allows you to set certain parameters within the map, such as weapon buying,
and bomb blast radius etc. Quite a limited entity and only mentioned here as an example of different methods
of achieving the same goal.

[u]Getting it all to work[/u]

First things first, make your map, I imagine it will probably be similar to the fy_iceworld map, if this is the case,
think long and hard about whether you want to release your map, as most mapping forums tend to frown upon iceworld clones,
as they've seen a thousand before yours, and I can guarantee you won't be met with the compliments your friends/clan gave you.
It's a tough world ;)

However, just because you want to give players certain weapons doesn't mean the map must be of the fy_ strain, you could be
making an escape style map, where the CT's start in a jail, and are only equipped with a knife and glock (or whatever takes your
fancy). Perhaps a scout map set in a "forest", with two bases, seperated by a canyon.
The possibilities are endless, and I only mention those ideas because I would like to stress how important it is that you be
creative when you design your map, this tutorial will (hopefully) show you that almost all of your ideas can be realised with a
little hard work, and some thinking outside the square.

1. Insert 3 point-based entities (if this means nothing to you, start reading the beginner tutorials), you will need to
1x multi_manager
1x player_weaponstrip - name it [b]strip[/b]
1x game_playerequip - name it [b]equip[/b]
2. Arrange them neatly in a high corner of your map, I suggest aligning the centres of all three on a single x/y axis.
Not only will it look like something that resembles proffessionalism, it will be easier to edit them when you make a mistake.

3a. Preventing Teams from buying: Create 2 brush based entities (I suggest a 16x16 unit shape, as this is easy to manage,
and fits in with the size of the point entities you already created, a uniformed approach to mapping is a good way to keep things neat and edit-able),
2x func_buyzone
Now set their properties (Highlight the entity, and press Alt+Enter, alternatively right click, and select properties) like so:

Team: Counter-Terrorist only
Team: Terrorist only

Now you have two buyzones in an unreachable place, set to each team, making it impossible for them to buy weapons.

3b. The second way to prevent teams from buying, is by using the info_map_parameters entity. If you have no idea what this does,
or how it effects the game, think of scoutzknivez, this uses an info_map_parameters, which gives you that
Ct's/T's arent' allowed to buy in this map message. But what if you want a buyzone, just not at the start of the map? This is where the
info_map_parameter will let you down.

Setting the entity up is very simple, just open it's properties and set Buying to 'Neither team can buy'.

4. Now to set up your point based entities (you created them first so that you could arrange them neatly =P ). There may be several different
ideas running through your puny mortal brain of how you could implement the techniques we discussed earlier. There is no set way to achieve all the
desired results, for a different map set-up, you will need to change the way the entities are themselves set-up. I will firstly go through a simple
m3 and deagle map.
Name: game_playerspawn [this means that the multi_manager is triggered when a player spawns, and eliminates any need for brush based triggers]

Now turn Off Smart Edit (by clicking it once, if the button is depressed it is Off), and click add and enter the following:

Key: strip
Value: 0.1 - this triggers the player_weaponstrip after 0.1 seconds, this is virtually instantaneous.

Key: equip
Value: 0.2 - this triggers the game_playerequip after 0.2 seconds. you must trigger the equip after the strip, other wise you will give
player a load of guns, and then take them away instantly. A most undesired effect.
You can use multiple game_playerequip's, but you only need one to make the m3/deagle map.

Open the game_playerequip's properties and select the following:


Give Knife : Yes

Give m3 : Yes


Give Kevlar and Helmet : Yes

Give HE Grenade : Yes (always a fun one)

Now for the "tricky" part:

Turn Off Smart Edit, and enter these:

Key: weapon_deagle
Value: 1

Key: ammo_50ae
Value: 6

Key: ammo_12guage
Value: 4

Congratulations, you now have a working m3/deagle map.
Remember the name in the multi manager's key field must match teh name given to your
strip/equip entities. try not to use wild names, as strip/equip will do just fine, but these
don't have to be the names, just an example of what I use to keep things in order and easily

Now what if you didn't want to strip everything and have everyone with the same primary and secondary weapons?
Well, the first (and easiest) thing I would suggest is the armoury entity. It can be found at the top
of your fgd list, and contains a list of many of the guns availiable, it is very easy to use, if you follow
some basic guidelines:

a) Select a weapon using the 'item' line, select how much ammo you want to give using the 'count' line.
note count is actually how many guns will be spawned, as the entity doesn't support ammo (yet),
but it works to equip you with a fair amount of ammo, if you wanted to go nuts, you could place triggers for
the player to fall through which would trigger game_playerequips which would give ammo, but this will cause
you more problems than it solves. I would reccommend simply adjusting the 'count' field in teh armoury_entity,
it is alot safer and bug-free.

b) You cannot select certain guns, such as the UMP, or pistols. if you wish to equip pistols, you will need
to use the previously mentioned method, via a multi_manager/player_weaponstrip/game_playerequip. This is where
teh armoury_entity meets it's pitfalls. Like I said; different entity for a different job.

c) Don't place the armoury_entity "inside" the info_playerspawn, set it either a few units above, or a few units below.
Make sure you don't set it in the ground if you are placing it below the player.

That's about it for armoury_entity's, they are very basic and the only error's you can get will be placement related
(ie: inside the ground/player). It has a limited use and I would reccommend thinking carefully about what kind of theme
would be best suited to such an entity. An Armoury is an idea that springs to mind. Perhaps the back of a SWAT van
filled with shotguns and mp5's.

[u]Other Uses[/u]

There are several things that you can do to make this entity set-up more interesting, you could make a Quake-like
level using a func_rotating in conjunction with some home-made textures (a picture of a CS gun of your choice on a
{blue background for instance), and use env_renders and multi_managers to trigger the disappearence of the func_rotating
and to equip the player with the gun on the picture.

You could have a metal detector ala security scanner device type thingy that when walked through sets off an alarm and
strips teh player of all their weapons. however, avoid leaving a player with no weapons, as this makes for a pretty
tedious game of CS.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-22 07:30:01 UTC
in REAL Forest in HL? Post #61108
his ass also works as his brain? :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-22 07:28:56 UTC
in Tell me...... Post #61107
work in a hairdresser's then , you can meet chicks and get paid, bite the bullet, :
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-22 07:27:41 UTC
in weapon equip Post #61106
ok, i copy/pasted coz i needed to sign in, so the post is a little mixed up, just start reading from 'entity's needed' lol :P
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-22 07:24:03 UTC
in weapon equip Post #61103
omfg, for the 600th time i will repeat myself =D
entity's properties thusly:

item: weapon_tmp
count: 5 (for ammo purposes)

set the info map parameters properties thusly:
to make teh player's have a tmp, and respective glocks/usP's:

place spawn points, preferably above the armoury_entity (to compensate for all those servers with no freeze time)

entities needed:

info_map_parameters / func_buyzone(s)

armoury_entity (is that it's name, been so long since i made a fun map!)

set the armoury_entity's properties thusly:

item: weapon_tmp
count: 5 (ammo purposes*)

using info_map_parameters:

set it so 'Neither team can buy'

using func_buyzone's:

use two 16x16 brushes textured with aaatrigger and set them to ct only and t only buying.

[it is advisable to use two buyzones rather than the info_map_parameters, as the parameters does work, it can cause bugs, and under no circumstances use both the func_buyzone's ans teh info_map_parameters, as this is garuanteed to cause problems after extended play]

it may be advisable to use a multi_manager named 'game_playerspawn' ansd set it to trigger a game_playerequip and give everyone some 'ammo_....' [edit = i'm at work, can't check the name and i can't remember off the top of my head, i'll edit it later - or search teh forums, as i've included a list somewhere in here, in fact i've written this out so many times i'm going to write a tutorial for all you fy_ making nublets ;) ]
... and equip the player with teh tmp ammo and remove teh '5' in the armoury_entity's 'count' line. as this isn't really meant for ammo giving purposes.

i hope this has helped, and if you haven't got any of teh entites then head over to teh VERC and check out their fgd section (really f*cking easy to find, if you can't, then don't come back here lol)

Posted 19 years ago2004-09-07 15:21:04 UTC
in Help with multiplayer maps. Post #57269
lol anonymous, who was that stranger in the night!
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-07 04:49:11 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #57169
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-06 19:31:56 UTC
in cs mapping scale Post #57101
halflife 2 gives the mod maker the ability to choose how big the player size is in units, meaning yu can have 1 unit = 1 cm, or 1 unit = 2 foot
:o :nuts: :D my god, they've thought of it all.

and yeah, those dimensions are what i go by when mapping, it's just from experience and deciding that a door should allow 2 people through at once. and windows should be easily crouch-jumpable; nothing worse than crawling through a window while taking fire =/
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-06 19:26:21 UTC
in Help with multiplayer maps. Post #57100 for the problem?
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-06 05:00:21 UTC
in cs mapping scale Post #56889
buddy, click the tl button at the top (in amongst all ya tools for hide/grid size, etc), thisis the texture lock button, will help you in getting the textures right.

a player height is: 72 units

a door frame should be (on the inside): 96 units tall, 64 units wide, and 16 units deep/or thick

a window: needs to start at 32 units above floor level, and be 64 units tall (the same height as a door)

a step: 64 units wide (across), 16 units deep, and 8 units high, a step any higher will look wierd, it will be usable, but it does look crappy.

wall height: 128 units tall, or 112 units tall, walls should be 16 units thick, as this porvides moderate cover form bullets, and looks realistic.

that's about all you need, anything you want the player to be able to "look over" should be 32 units tall, this includes banisters, tables, etc

this is only a rough guide, all maps can be different, but the player size is correct, and the wall/door/window/table height dimensions are sound.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-06 04:51:42 UTC
in I can only edit .fgd's half way ?! Post #56887
tbh with you, i don't think it worked since 1.2/1.3, if it ever worked at all; nightvision cannot be equipped
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-05 08:31:54 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #56660
my question still stands.. ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-04 15:42:19 UTC
in env_rain, fog, snow, etc... Post #56550
you need a sky texture at the top to let it know where to rain from
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-04 15:39:53 UTC
tbh, you need to press Alt+P and check for problem,s and perhaps read the tutorial's page before attempting to map, you would know about the sky technique (if you can even call it a technique)

the first google search i ever did regarding sky boxes, came up with a jolt tutorial it explained it perfectly, and that's the point, tutorials will save you this hassle now. a plumber wouldn't plumb if he didn't know an elbow from a tap.

a good method is to simply copy the brushes at the egde of your level, paste them and change them all to sky texture (using the big brown tool, changes all te'x to the selected one), then get them all the same height and put a lid on it, another method is to try and generally keep most of the outer edges the same height, a player will not notice variations when in play.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-01 13:18:14 UTC
in Hole In Walls?? Post #55767
or... read teh crappin' tutorials before asking "how do i take a picture of my house, and make it work as a map in counterstrike?!11!"

Posted 19 years ago2004-09-01 13:14:30 UTC
in env_rain, fog, snow, etc... Post #55764
i'm pretty sure snow doesn't work, well it didn't last time i checked, well over 3 months ago.
hey zombie, i never doubted that rain wouldn't work.. i just said fog and snow don't.

i think survivor used the old falling texture snow tbh m8

DoD has snow, so they must have written new code (or fixed existing code)

rain is just an env_rain entity.. you can type in : env_rain and it shoudl work (if you don't have it in your fgd list)
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-31 10:59:50 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #55459
so when the hell do i get a go? what's the list looking like now?!
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-31 10:55:31 UTC
in env_rain, fog, snow, etc... Post #55456
you can't have fog at all, or snow, unless you're making a dod map, the rain is just an env_rain
the sprites go in valve hammer sprites i think
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-30 09:04:23 UTC
in My Hammer, is dieing... Post #55233
it's the same layout, just more option and tools, more entities etc, and yeah, the ablity to trigger multiple things and have near enough everything interact with everything else all needs to be set up in hammer, which looks confusing tbh, there are entites that decide how light and sound are spread out, and the path corners for all the monsters is insanely expanded i do believe.
and the grid size is... ridiculous, seriously, you can't see the edges when you zoom out all the way, it's phenomenal.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-27 18:29:17 UTC
in Trigger/strip/give set up Post #54645
ok, so this is a shot in the dark, but maybe someone can answer some of my questions if not all, which may well be enough.

1. how many trigger_once entities can you have in a close proximity, 16 units either side too close?

2. triggering two or more sets of identical entities, but with different values/names/keys/etc (ie: trigger_once > player_weaponstrip | trigger_once > game_playerequip | teleport) thatis the combination in order, with one person it works a treat, but with any more than 1 set of these entities being activated causes an error (no description, just an error)

the names are all numerical, and range from 1 - 16, could the problem be having a '1' and also having a '13' (the 1 being the problem); although i doubt this is the cause, for several reasons.

could the teleport be the cause, somehow, with two people at the same time. i think it is around the strip to give stages that the error is occuring.

any thoughts?
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-27 18:21:47 UTC
in Im Cursed! Post #54642
lol 7th, yeah i'm only 21! is that too old to be mapping ?! =P ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-27 10:29:02 UTC
in Im Cursed! Post #54496
it's what we're all here for man, ti help each otehr out. anyway, it's not a problem, don't include me in your cred's lol :D they're your maps =)

that's me playng the bass!!! ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-27 10:27:16 UTC
in game_player_equip help Post #54494
harsh, ok, i'll try and experiment for you, i might have fucked up my explanation, i'll download it.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-27 05:20:41 UTC
in Im Cursed! Post #54431
tell me if it works. it should, if not, then we have to eplore further
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-27 04:55:27 UTC
in crashing map Post #54427
yeah, old tools = old problems
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-27 04:54:39 UTC
in deranging me! >:( Post #54426
idd, i'd agree with that.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-27 04:51:25 UTC
in Im Cursed! Post #54425
User posted image
first you set it up replacing my email with yours.

you don't need any wad files in teh steam folders, they are already there in the gcf, you don't need to unpack the gcf unless you don't have any wad's you need form there, or the models etc, but you can get models from other places too (

you need hammer 3.4 first, then drag and drop the 3.5b.exe over the 3.4.exe.
set up hammer with ONLY the hammer 3.5b fgd you get from VERC

i'd advise putting all your wads in a folder in C:/Program Files/Valve Hammer Editor/(wads)

cs looks for the wad's in counter-strike/cstrike, so if you're not wadincluding you need to place them there (halflfe.wad and cstrike.wad and cs_bdog.wad are already there.
use batch compiler (zhlt) to compile and include teh wad with the bsp.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-27 04:39:06 UTC
in Problem when running custom map in Steam Post #54424
click cancel when the map stops loading and press console, to see what errors it has. steam does tell you, it's quite versatile. :P
you say you're using zhlt, but you've got it running through hammer, try using the batch compiler program in conjunction with the hlbsp/csg/vis/rad tools that come with it.
what version of hammer are you using? and what fgd? use the hammer 3.5 fgd, along with hammer 3.5b. you might have more luck.
and don't have too many wad's in hammer when you export to map/press F9, you can have a maximum of 8 (9 sometimes, but don't push it), if you have more, delete teh ones that aren't in the current map.

try all of that and report back.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-27 04:30:11 UTC
in game_player_equip help Post #54421
use a 1 unit high trigger_once right under the spawn points (only one brush so it covers the floor just below all the t's/ct's*)
*=1 per team

set it's name to tequip and ctequip (or whatever) and in the game_player_equip in the 'Team Master' line, type tequip and ctequip respectively.