Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-08-14 21:40:02 UTC
in New Map: cs_bank Post #51054
ah ha! Did not include that wad in my configuration.

I read the tutorial and he always had these brushes arranged floor to ceiling. Does anyone know if spanning them across doors (a kind of wall to the engine) will be helpful? The reason I ask this is the main foyer has a 2800 wpoly, and I'm looking for ways to reduce. (The 800 limit is shot to heck, so right now I'm trying for any kind of reduction) Please, if anyone can suggest where to place the hint brushes, I'd really appreciate it!

And RabidMonkey777, thanks for the unwall thing. Did the trick. Took about two hours to compile, but... it did!
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-14 18:57:50 UTC
in New Map: cs_bank Post #50994
Where are the SKIP and HINT textures located? (Which .wad?) My halflife.wad doesn't have them.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-14 12:36:17 UTC
in New Map: cs_bank Post #50943
Wow, there was a flurry of replies just I was doing a full compile. However, I've gone through the map again and here are the changes:

The sky is "space" - City's brownish color made the map look weird
The cabinet's etc are a few inches off the walls
The upper hallway to get the final hostage is wider
The vault is now protected by a nice 20 in. vault door.

As far as security goes, davideo59 suggested lockpicking and lasers, but I thought that adding another layer of difficulty to getting those hostages would make the CTs job impossible. I added another set of doors right at the bottom of the staircase.

However, there are still a number of questions I have:
1. On the second floor, in the hallway before the security door, there's light seeping through the floor (the emergency lights make this obvious) can I get rid of this with dramatically raising the r_speed?
2. While running in gl_wireframe 2, I noticed that the engine is still rendering the levels above and below through the floors. They are all func_walls, and is there some way to prevent this needless rendering?
3. The hostage is now stuck in the floor on the ground level. How can I get him back up there when the entity says he's in the office?
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-13 16:20:30 UTC
in New Map: cs_bank Post #50739
hmmm... Obviously, my walls are too tall to have the trim in part of the texture, unless I want to stretch them (ha!) I'll check those out, I thought those wads were all contained in halflife.wad's entirety.

Right now, I'm compiling with nothing but texlights, so I'll check to make sure the brightness is fine... incidentally, why does the compiler say there are over 400 direct lights? Is it summing up the total surface area, because I didn't add any lights, just replaced them.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-13 15:18:52 UTC
in New Map: cs_bank Post #50716
Well, I would prefer keeping the custom textures someone would have to download to a minimum. Also, I want to make sure the textures I use haven't been lifted from another wad. I should have said: only textures that I can use without explicit permission.

I've only made one map and played CS, I don't know a lot about the courtesies and such of sharing prefabs and textures.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-13 14:25:05 UTC
in New Map: cs_bank Post #50693
Holy crap! Now that's cool. All right, I have all of the interior (white) non-spot lights coverted to texlights. It appears to mimic the light_spot effect, so I've had to bump up the luminosity on the smaller stairwell lights. I'm going to modify the front to have two vertical windows with side supports (so the roof doesn't look like it's going to cave in) Hopefully it will lower the wpoly count at the spawn (it shrank from 3800 to 2797-ish)

However, it appears the majority of the high count comes from needing to render through the doors.

cs_bank mark III will be full textlights, modified front and vault access, and if anyone has good alternative textures for anything (must come from halflife.wad) post back here or in the map vault on the cs_bank page here with the texture name.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-13 09:34:32 UTC
in New Map: cs_bank Post #50633
All right, but how do you set a brush entity to the "group" style? I tried creating a light with a name, then grouping it to a brush, but that didn't work.

I also updated the map to have more reasonable door heights, cleaned up the short door on the counter and got rid of all but a few of the door sounds.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-12 20:51:33 UTC
in New Map: cs_bank Post #50502
Thanks for the info. I'm working on reshaping the front, and I'm going over my textures face-by-face; thanks for picking that one up.

I'm looking at using that textlights feature, but I'm having trouble having a light switch activate/deactivate it. I downloaded that new .fgd (cs_expert-tom793c.fgd) but I don't know how to trigger it. I've tried setting the textured brush as a func_wall, with a button_target targetting the "wall"'s name. Nothing. Also, how can I have a textlight start off?

Right now, the light is stuck "on," so it is illuminating.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-11 16:40:12 UTC
in New Map: cs_bank Post #50216
This is my first map. I think it is nearly complete, but I want to know what things I should adjust/fix. There's technically room for ten on each team, but it would probably be better 5v5. Some features I want to make sure everyone knows about:
In the security room (2nd floor, the "Security" door) there is a lightswitch that disables all internal lights, then dimmer "emergency" lights are turned on. Also, there are three terminals in there, each of which is tied to a trigger_camera. I think they track an invisble object, but not always. The custom wad is just for the sign out front. Hostages are in the president's office (adjacent to the security room) and in the basement vault. (Stair access in middle-south, bank faces east) The stairway the T's start in goes up to the roof, and the skylight can be shot through, of course :)

This was compiled with -fast vis, because I have 62 direct lights (I know, a lot).

Let me know if there are any inconsistences (i.e. brick texture on an interior door) or improvements (to put in ambient sounds, etc.)

Other than the bank.wad, you need the standard halflife.wad. Don't forget your nightvision and flashlight when the lights go out!