Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-09-16 13:12:46 UTC
in Life... Post #59806
Suicide is the solution
half the time he wants to kill himself, the other half he blames america for it...
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-16 13:10:07 UTC
in Blood Gulch Remade Post #59805
Er... Isn't this kinda old? Floater isn't exactly around anymore. The community just isnt the same without good ol' Floater.
floater posts as anon now...
then why are we still posting in it? it kinda sux floater was the coolest newb that we've ever had in my opion
sniff... i miss him :zonked:
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-14 15:27:52 UTC
in Aspartame Post #59392
Who are you?
[quote]Are you so scared about revealing your nickname?[/qoute]
uhh... no-------------------->
This is who I am and I do not stand down to ignorant individuals such as yourself.
uhh... who said you had to stand down? and what does "this is who i am" mean? what if hitler said "dont stand up to me, this is who i am!"? (*not compairing you to hitler, just giving an example of how rediculous "this is who i am" sounds)

so what does that mean?? oh, wait... i get it now:
your attitude is flipping discraceful.
"this is who i am"... did i do it right!?
I've seen more manners exhibited by someone brought up by a pack of wolves. You're horrific attitude towards others makes Margaret Thatcher seem like a nice woman. I suggest you practice your insults to your mother for giving birth to you before you insult other members of this site.
so i see that since you can dispute none of what i've said, you have entirely degenerated your "argument" into infantile insults. i guess i expected nothing less from you.
Man you are totally against people being happy
uhh, yeah whatever... g-kid go away and be happy if you don't like me telling the truth about you.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-13 15:05:19 UTC
in Aspartame Post #59008
There are more grammatical errors than just that one... I'm dissapointed that's all you could find :(
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-13 14:39:54 UTC
in Aspartame Post #59000
In the USA, many peolpe (and most of the rich people interested in fashion trends, and celebrity lifestiles, etc.) drink bottled water, or filtered water... that means NO flouride. I guess that puts a big dent in your theory.

But your wild theory should be very easy to prove if it was true. Show us your evidence of studies done on lab rats, dogs, cats, mice, monkeys, or people that even hint at the fact that flouride makes animals more docile. One of the millions of students and professional researchers all over the world would sureley have come accross this phenomenon by now and would have their results published for you to document. Lets see the evidence.

Just because you say group of people supposedly used flouride to make jews more docile, doesnt mean flouride makes people more docile. First of all, what makes the nazis experts in the field of chemistry. Sure they did many scientific experiments... some of them worked, many did not. This was the early 1940's!! Also, if there is documentention (which you've yet to produce) that supports your suggestion that flouride was succesfully used to make jews docile, we still don't know what dosage was used and how it was delivered.

[b]IF[/b] flouride did have some calming effect on people at some super-high nazi dose, that still doesn't prove that the trace ammounts found in municiple water supplies used to prevent tooth decay has any calming effect on people. Also your baseless theory doesn't address the fact that many people drink water from wells or other sources (including those I mentioned above) which contain absolutely no flouride.

Basicly this whole theory is merely one in a long series of wild accusations directed at the government to blame them for every problem on the earth. The accuser looks everywhere for the cause of all his problems... ecxept the source... himself.

It's a common defense mechanism for imballenced people to throw the blame for their own shortcommings on anything they can find... but themselves. This way they don't have to go through the difficult task of changing themselves. If the problems are caused by gigantic outside forces, of which they have no control, then they can safely remain the same and sit back and blame the uncontrollable forces. Blaming is easy... changing is much more difficult.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-12 14:42:24 UTC
in Anonymous Post #58570
you can tell the mappers from the wannabes at this site. mappers map, wannabes spend all their time in the forums thinking that a high post count makes them l337 mappers. oh, and 99% of what the wannabes post is garbage having nothing to do with mapping techniques. hmm, i wonder who the wannabes are...?
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-09 13:49:42 UTC
in The TWHL Popularity Test Post #57803
im number 4:)
shut it poser.

and actually I would be # 3
