i've been trying to correct this problem for awhile and no one will email me back for this..i was hoping u can.

ok i used milkshape 3d to decompile the opposing force model 'ctf_scientist.mdl' and i reskinned (same texture size and 256 color) and reshaped it a bit to my liking...

i didnt change anything witht the bones but when i compiled it for the game, it looked weird all the time..u couldnt eve tell it was human!

it was so distorted with every animation and i was wondering if theres something i need to do with the bones. i recompiled a couple times..no luck.. then i re applied the verteces the the bones myself this time and it does the same thing.

i also imported some animations to the model to see if it did the same thing as in the game..and it did.. if u have ever done this before, help would be appreciated.