Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-06-20 15:47:36 UTC
in vehicle repositioning in cs Post #115706
No flags that really mean anything, but I do remember a old map called cart_attack and some other maps that have repositioning at the beggining of each round.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-20 15:40:48 UTC
in vehicle repositioning in cs Post #115701
ive tried with the sound volume value, but setting it to 0 doesn't do anything. It still is as loud as ever :/. However, I think that for some reason sound is based on the size of the vehicle. Not quite sure though.

The vehicle automatically teleports to where its supposed to be at the start of each new round, its just that its in the position it was at the end of last round.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-19 23:35:24 UTC
in vehicle repositioning in cs Post #115497
while on the subject is there any way to get rid of that annoying sound of the func_vehicle? :/

Posted 19 years ago2005-06-19 23:03:13 UTC
in vehicle repositioning in cs Post #115496
Any way to keep vehicles facing a certain direction at the beginning of each new round in Counter-Strike?? Whenever a new round starts... the vehicle always is in the position it was at the end of the last round.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-19 18:00:43 UTC
in Map crash using game_player_equip Post #115442
Anyways, I have a basic deathmatch map for Counter-Strike. Entities I have are:

Using a tutorial I found on this site a while ago, I made it so...

game_player_equip is called 'equip' and it gives you a weapon_knife and an weapon_usp.
player_strip is called 'strip'

At .1 seconds, it strips your weapon.
At .2 seconds it equips you with a knife and weapon_usp value 3. (3 clips)

Neither teams can buy anything. (info_map_parameters)

In the begining of the new round, the map crashes. Whats weird though, is that when I compile and play by myself in a single player game it works fine. Im pretty sure it has SOMETHING to do with the equip method I use, but I haven't figured out the problem yet. Any suggestions?
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-03 22:49:56 UTC
in Crates return to normal. Post #94925
normally, with func_doors, func_waters, and others, the objects return to their original positions. however, ive tried numerous scenarios with func_pushables, and it just dosent work. any suggestions?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-13 00:45:20 UTC
in Crates return to normal. Post #90011
Im creating a map in counter-strike, and im wondering, is there any way for the crates to return to their original position after each round? (they're func_pushables) I need them to be arranged in a certain way at the beginning of each round or else it dosen't work. I've tried searching, but haven't found many relevant posts that answer my problem.

Thanks in advance
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-12 00:13:47 UTC
in Origin brush not allowed... Post #77857
That was fast, and thanks a bunch. That was just what I needed!
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-12 00:06:26 UTC
in Origin brush not allowed... Post #77852
Btw, this is for Counter-Strike 1.6 if it makes a difference.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-12 00:02:29 UTC
in Origin brush not allowed... Post #77849
I realize the problem, and I know what it means, but how can I find which origin brush IS the problem??? For some reason, I cant pinpoint my problem. I have alot* of entities with origin brushes in the center. Can origin brushes be put into func_walls?

Error: Entity 0, Brush 16: ORIGIN brushes not allowed in world
Error: Brush type not allowed in world

When it says in the first part of the error, 'Brush 16' does that mean I can pinpoint where the error is?