Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-11-01 00:14:02 UTC
in env_beam not working Post #70865
Huzzah! Ten million points for ZombieLoffe for pointing out how stupid I was. Ok, next question. Know of a list of the sprites for beams? url or tut or anything would be much abliged.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-31 23:55:32 UTC
in env_beam not working Post #70864
d'oh. Origin goes in the direct center of the actual brush for func_train, right? Let me see...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-31 23:37:03 UTC
in env_beam not working Post #70862
No, it's not black, it's red. Here's a screenshot of it. The darker generic texture square is the path that the beam should be following, from floor to ceiling. Instead, the beam is tiny and far away (although follows a similiar square path).
Vale Hammer look at the whole thing
Counter-Strike in-game look at the same map.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-31 22:55:01 UTC
in env_beam not working Post #70859
I read the entire tutorial on env_beam / env_laser, and even downloaded and compiled the map, and it still does not work. I've been mapping for about a year so it's not like I haven't gone back and checked every tiny detail. Either something is missing in the tutorial map or my computer isn't displaying env_beam correctly.

_laser works fine, but the map I am working on for CS requires a moving beam startpoint, something only _beam can do. Can someone d/l the tutorial map, compile, and see if they get bad results too?