Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-18 18:01:11 UTC
in Weapons Drop CS:S Post #84472
I don't want to equip the player. I want to place the weapons in certain areas that if you can get to you can have the coolness.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-15 20:54:44 UTC
in Water Invisible from Above? Post #84038
I've discovered something else.
The water works in the skybox test map that came with sdk but when I make that map bigger the water has the same problem.

Another problem I've had with water on larger maps is it phases the image from some angles. It repeats the FP view like crazy making psychadelic patterns all over the screen.

Anyone know how to fix this problem please?
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-15 19:58:48 UTC
in Water Invisible from Above? Post #84030
It's fine once I'm in the water but from above it shows through.
I don't get it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-12 22:44:33 UTC
in premade vmf Post #83465
Yea, I got the skybox and the water and de_cbble but not much else.
Does anyone post vmf stuff to use as "clip-art"?
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-12 19:29:13 UTC
in premade vmf Post #83453
Is there anywhere you can get premade vmf files to use? Such as a rolling hills platform to start a map on.
Or just premade basic map features and so on?

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 13:39:34 UTC
in Weapon Drop CS:S Post #82817
I've updated and restarted and restarted and restarted. Same crap.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 13:38:34 UTC
in Weapons Drop CS:S Post #82816
I still don't understand why it works on a map I played the other night but when I loaded that map on my computer it won't work.

Is there possibly a server side fix for it?
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-07 23:19:00 UTC
in Weapon Drop CS:S Post #82441
ANDY - btw... what is the fix?
I'm still struggling.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-07 23:16:26 UTC
in Weapon Drop CS:S Post #82439
That's not what I want to make.
I want to put certain weapons in certain areas that you can get. Buying weapons is such a retarded concept to have as the "ONLY" way to play. SOCOM, RainbowSix and others don't make you buy weapons between rounds so why is it the only way to play CS?

If they're counter-terrorists doesn't the almighty American government fund their opperation? Why would they have to buy?
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-07 23:02:13 UTC
in Weapons Drop CS:S Post #82433
I just tried another map that I played days ago and started it on my server. When I played it the other day the weapons appeared. When I tried it on my computer it the weapons aren't there.

What the heck is going on with this shizat?
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-07 20:26:11 UTC
in Weapons Drop CS:S Post #82338
That sux.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-07 20:24:39 UTC
in Weapon Drop CS:S Post #82337
Excuse my ignorance but what does FY stand for?
I'm new to Valve. Used to play RavenShield and used UnrealEd for mapping. (btw, I much prefer Hammer).
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-07 13:34:01 UTC
in Weapon Drop CS:S Post #82233
I didn't notice the HL2 forum.
I'm outta here! Thanks,
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-07 13:32:47 UTC
in Weapons Drop CS:S Post #82232
Does anyone know why weapons I placed in my map are showing up but then disappearing when the round starts?

Is this a bug? Is Valve aware of it? Anyone else having this problem?
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-07 10:39:25 UTC
in Weapon Drop CS:S Post #82206
I'm still waiting to find out why I can't drop weapons into my map in specific locations. They show up but as soon as the round starts they disappear. I also tried loading fy_snow on my computer and the weapons that were on the ground at the startpoint didn't appear either.

BUT... yesterday I played a bridge map on a server that had the CT's spawn in a room and weapons did appear on the ground.

Why did it work on that map?
Is it a server thing with me running the map on my computer?
Any suggestions?
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-20 00:50:16 UTC
in CS:S Weapon Post #79273
I just read a release on stating that since the Dec. 17 Steam Update there has been a glitch causing spawned weapons to disappear on round start.

go figure!!!
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-20 00:26:43 UTC
in CS:S Weapon Post #79270
Please, in great detail, explain the specific instructions on how to make a weapon lay on the ground in front of me when my game starts.

Even better... if you made an example that worked I would really appreciate it.

I have tried for hours now just to complete this one task and the best I can do is have it show up in the startup screen but once the round starts it's gone.

The armoury_entity is obsolete in CS:S so the tutorial about adding weapons is equally obsolete. Someone please help me. PLEASE!!!
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-18 23:25:56 UTC
in Can you drag select items? Post #79073
Or if you want only the things that are completely inside the box press SHIFT ENTER.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-18 23:21:44 UTC
in armoury_entity Post #79072
sorry, the cubes are blue.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-18 23:20:35 UTC
in armoury_entity Post #79070
I've placed 3 purple cubes (point based entities???) in front of the two spawn points in the "sdk_3D_skybox" sample that comes with this new version of Hammer.

In Hammer they don't look like anything but when the game loads the map and you see the screen telling you what game you're playing with the OK at the bottom I can see the guns. But when I choose a team and enter the map they disappear.

This program is making me crazy.
I even added 2 buy zones to make sure all is cool with weapons selection.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-18 23:03:26 UTC
in armoury_entity Post #79068
I got the expert FDG text you posted earlier to someone else and entered it. It's now giving me the options for weapons but when I place them they apear on the screen right before the round starts but once my player is active there are no weapons in sight.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-18 19:26:54 UTC
in armoury_entity Post #79036
This is frustrating the hell out of me and I'm sure the squirrel guy is going to be mad at me.

I don't have armoury_entity in my FGD list.
I have not successfully placed a weapon laying on the floor in a map by manually naming my entity armoury_entity. (when I do that the entity icon turns into a dude giving me the thumbs up with the word obsolete below him).

I just want a stash of weapons laying in a room in my map.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-10 18:12:11 UTC
in CS:S Texture files Post #77457
Yea I did eventually figure it out.
For some reason when I manually configured Hammer for CS I didn't point to the right FGD file. I did finally find the appropriate FGD.

Posted 20 years ago2004-12-08 10:44:18 UTC
in Help!!! General questions Post #76983
Open the game and go into options.
I believe there is an option to block the developer console so you don't open it during play.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-07 23:05:09 UTC
in Putting misc. weapons in a CS:S map Post #76929
Ok, now that I've got the models thing figured out. How do I make the gun actually be a gun that you can pick up.

Another question is, when you place a model using prop_physics does the model tell Hammer what the physics should be or do you have to edit that for each model?
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-07 14:41:25 UTC
in Prefabs or Props Post #76803
K, thanks a lot guys. I'll try that when I get home.
This Map making shit is the shit!!!
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-07 10:47:07 UTC
in Help!!! General questions Post #76776
What do you mean don't do it?
Then how do you make the shapes you want in hammer?

(as for the gamedate.txt error... I was getting that too)
When you compile (F9) click the checkbox at the bottom about not running the game when finished.
Make sure your .bsp file is saved in the game directory <maps> folder of the game you're making the map for.
Start that game...
type ~ to open the console
then in the cosole type "map <mapname>"

I suck at this too but I'm learning as I go.
This is day 2 for me.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-07 10:42:06 UTC
in Prefabs or Props Post #76775
Thanks again,
I've fuddled my way through that but the only way I can seem to get anything premade is to open the only example map I have de_cbble and save objects from there as "prefabs" in the "prefab" directory.

When I build an entity from scratch I can't figure out how to make it look like anything. Where do I find the CS:S models (like wrecked cars, and fake DELL computers)?
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-06 23:04:22 UTC
in Prefabs or Props Post #76738
thanks, but what I'm asking is how to import these pre-made props and items (wrecked cars, guns) etc. into my map.

I don't see any of these models in my list.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-06 20:41:17 UTC
in Prefabs or Props Post #76731
How can I get a bunch of prefabs from CS:S to play with in my map. I don't have any listed in my sourcesdkbinprefabs dir. I just want the usual barrels and boxes for now.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-06 14:47:50 UTC
in CS:S Texture files Post #76651
I've been doing some reading and it seems like it has something to do with the FGD file (yes?). I setup Hammer using the suggestions in the manual and specified CS for the FGD.

Is there any way to eliminate the HL2 textures in Hammer so I don't build CS maps with HL2 entities or textures?
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-06 11:30:11 UTC
in CS:S Texture files Post #76625
I've seen similar questions but noone has answered them.

I'm running Hammer through the SDK system and trying to build my first map for CS:S. All the textures available to me in Hammer are for HL2. How do I use the stock CS:S textures.

Note: I built the map and ran it in CS:S and all the textures were missing.
Note2: I don't want to use HL2 textures I want to build the map using CS:S stock textures for now.
Note3: When I load the sample of de_cbble into hammer it doesn't show the textures in hammer.

PLEASE HELP!!! This is taking years off my life.

Chad~ :|