Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 21:59:56 UTC
in How do i Make an Arch? Post #93355
kool thanks people im gonna go try it out but ill probably fail :nuts: lol well

Thanks All
(nice pic btw kol)

Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 16:03:41 UTC
in How do i Make an Arch? Post #93167
yea ive done that but i cant seem to get the hand of using the arch tool and wen i finally do it looks stupid :/
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 15:56:35 UTC
in How do i Make an Arch? Post #93162
Hey all,

I've Just started making maps and im want to know how to make and arched doorway like the ones in dust..if someone could make and example .rmf for me to look at or explain it very simpley (im easily confused lol) that would be great

Anyhelp Would Be Much Appreciated

Thanks in Advanced
