Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-05-19 16:10:47 UTC
in How to play ball with dog? Post #110158
Thank you very much Habboi for having taken the time to write such a detailed, step by step description. I can asure you that I do not intend to steal any parts of the said map. The only thing is that I hope to find an answer for my problem.

As soon as I found a solution I hope to post the map and/or tutorial in order to make it available for others, too.

Again, thank you very much.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-19 03:04:20 UTC
in How to play ball with dog? Post #110073
Faked complexity, huh? Well, I unfortunately have to admit that my English obviously isn't good enough to understand. You have to be lenient with me. The only thing I can imagine is that your 'weird' answer tries to tell me that it's actually something rather simple.

So far I have triggered some I/O's and made DOG pickup the BALL (which is actually a friendly npc_rollermine). He also seems to start the CatchAndThrow behaviour but unfortunately the BALL doesn't move at all it remains right at the point where DOG's animated hand tries to throw again and again.

As far as compiling is concerned I have to say that I don't even know how I could find the original map file in the VALVE folder. There are only the the cache/manifest files which seem to have some relation to the said map. I thought that they are only related to sounds.
Listing all the maps in the console it's rather easy to find but where do those files reside???????????
Besides I haven't compiled anything so far perhaps there is someone who isn't that 'weird' who could send me the compiled file.

However thank you all for trying to help...............
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-16 04:10:02 UTC
in How to play ball with dog? Post #109696
Has anybody tried to make a map like the one in 'Black Mesa' ????
I would love to include the ball game with dog in a map.

Thanks in advance...........................