Hey there,

My name is Monk and I'm the Project Co-Director of Broken Arrow, a well established Vietnam War modification using the Half-Life 2 Source engine. Our website is at http://www.bamod.net/ and forums at http://www.bamod.net/forums/, where you can sign up and participate in online discussions. You can also find our IRC Channel here, or go to #brokenarrow on irc.gamesurge.net.
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Broken Arrow is a multiplayer Vietnam War modification currently in development for the Half-Life 2 Source engine. Broken Arrow is going to promote a fast style of gameplay, which is designed to give everybody an equal chance in combat. Get ready to step into the shoes of either soldiers of North Vietnamese Army or US forces, battling through the jungles of Vietnam.

Broken Arrow will feature realistic maps and gameplay, with historically correct weapons and vehicles. This is about close combat fighting through the forests, strategic and team-orientated maps, and huge firefights.

Players will have the chance to battle it out on some historically correct maps including ?Ambush Alley? and ?Hill 875? and others which are made purely for fun. Broken Arrow will include not only close quarters jungle warfare but many other aspects of the Vietnam War based in settings such as derelict towns.

Broken Arrow aims to recreate the Vietnam War with unique features in order to break the current ?it?s just another war mod? attitude. Broken Arrow is not only going to improve on current games and modifications but aims to add a totally new level to the Vietnam war which will launch the player into a battle simulation that endorses intense fun mixed with aspects of realism.

Maps in BA will be very varied in size. Assault maps will be large with up to 64 players, many buildings and transportation vehicles, while some jungle maps will be fairly small to increase the amount of combat and firefights. Each map will be the perfect size for its game mode, letting the gameplay stay rapid and intense.

Many new war modifications for Half-Life 2 are going for ?ultimate realism?, but at BA we believe in achieving this you will have to sacrifice much of the important gameplay. We are making gameplay the priority and putting in realism to support this gameplay. This way, BA will have ultimate Vietnam War gameplay while having the perfect amount of realism.

BA will also feature AI jet fighter and helicopter gunship support. This means high-ranking North Vietnamese officers can call in airstrikes from AI MiGs to break up fighting in the jungles, while US troops can bring in napalm.

Grab your rifle (and bayonet!) and get ready for hell?


Will Broken Arrow feature single player campaigns?
No, Broken Arrow is strictly a multiplayer game. However theres may be a possibilty of having a training level which will feature the game's A.I.

When will Broken Arrow be released?
We currently do not have a precise release date, but are hoping to release the first demo/beta version early '06.

Can I apply to be a beta tester?
We are currently not recruiting alpha or beta testers, but when the time comes we will be offering positions to dedicated members of our community and other applications from the general public.

Can I join the BA Development Team?
Available development positions can be found on our Staff page, where you can also find details of how to send in your application. If you fit the necessary criteria you will be considered for your chosen positions.

How much will BA cost?
Broken Arrow will be free of charge via online download.

What are the requirements to play BA?
You will need to own a valid online Steam account and copy of Half-Life 2.

How many weapons will BA feature?
There are currently 31 weapons planned for the first beta version of Broken Arrow, including rifles, machine guns, grenade launchers and booby traps.

There are many Vietnam games and mods to date and others in production. What will make BA different from the others?
Broken Arrow aims to recreate the Vietnam War with unique features in order to break the current "it's just another war mod" attitude. BA is not only going to improve on current games and modifications but aims to add a totally new level to the Vietnam war which will launch the player into a battle simulation that endorses intense fun mixed with aspects of realism.

What is Broken Arrow's stance on realism?
We are focusing on fast, action-packed gameplay. BA will still feature historically correct maps and weapons, but because fast gameplay is out priority, we are willing to sacrifice partial amounts of realism to achieve this, so we are putting in realism to support this gameplay. This way, BA will have ultimate Vietnam War gameplay while having the perfect amount of realism.

Why did you choose the HL2 Source engine?
The HL2 Source engine seemed the obvious choice for all of our development team for many reasons. The Half-Life series has a large and committed community which we would love to be part of. Source also supports high online player counts, vehicle support and impressive graphics. The added use of physics will help BA achieve the most intense Vietnam War experience ever.

Where can I find out more about BA?
You can visit our forums or IRC channel to find out more about the mod. Alternatively you can download our special public design document, that may answer more of your questions.


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We are currently looking for dedicated and hard-working individuals to join the Broken Arrow Development Team. If you have read through the requirements and found a position which you would be interested, please get in contact with us;

  • Must be experienced with C++ programming
  • Previous Half-Life or SDK coding experience is a huge plus
  • Must be enthusiastic about the project and solving problems and bug fixing
  • Must have experience with Hammer/WorldCraft
  • Must be creative and be able to design maps
  • Must be an enthusiastic and creative team member
Character Modellers
  • Must be experienced in human character design
  • Must be experienced in a 3D Modelling application
  • Must be an enthusiastic and creative team member
  • Ability to create UV maps is not mandatory, but a huge plus
Model Animators
  • Must be experienced in a 3D animation application
  • Must be able to animate characters and/or weapons
  • Must be an enthusiastic and creative team member
  • Must be experienced in a 2D application (Photoshop preferred)
  • Must be experienced in creating photorealistic skins for either characters, weapons and/or vehicles
  • Must be an enthusiastic and creative team member
  • Ability to create UV maps is not mandatory, but a huge plus
Texture Artists
  • Must be experienced in a 2D application (Photoshop preferred)
  • Must be experienced in creating photorealistic textures for a range of environments
  • Must be an enthusiastic and creative team member
How to Apply
To apply for a position please either PM me a these forums, or send an email to monk@bamod.net, enclosing a portfolio or examples of past work. I look forward to hearing from you ;)

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Website - http://www.bamod.net/
Forums - http://www.bamod.net/forums/
IRC - #brokenarrow @ irc.gamesurge.net
E-Mail - monk@bamod.net
ModDB Profile - http://mods.moddb.com/5439/