Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2003-10-09 19:13:47 UTC
in Two questions Post #2423
Ok, I have both of them done. Wrench Software still seems to be down, but I downloaded the Sprite Explorer. For the title of a mod, you have to create two different sprites for it, put them in you sprites folder, and copy hud.txt from the Valvesprites directory to your sprites directory. In the .txt you'll see down below title_half and title_life. Just change the sprite name that they have (originally 640hud4 and 640hud5) to the name of your sprites. I'm still not exactly sure how to edit the file other than the filename though, and what the 320 stuff is above.

Thanks for the help again.
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-07 00:29:54 UTC
in Two questions Post #2276
I know how to do those things, but what I need to know is the name of the teleporting sound, and how to change the display game title from Half-Life to the name of my mod.
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-06 03:45:09 UTC
in Two questions Post #2236
My first question is about the level fade in and the display title option. How do I get the display game title option to have the name of my mod?

My other question is: I have a multimanager controlling a monstermaker entity and a env_sprite entity. I'm making it look like a headcrab is teleporting into the map. How do I add the teleporting sound to it?
Posted 20 years ago2003-09-26 01:40:52 UTC
in Having trouble with scripted sequences Post #1670
In my map I'm trying to make it so when I exit a door at the end of the hall, it triggers an AI sequence for a scientist to pound on a window, then a zombie kills him. I've tried making it so that the window was a func_button, and the scientist activated it, making the aiscripted_sequence for the zombie start, but it didn't work. I also tried making the multimanager activate the AI for the scientist, then having the zombie kill him a few seconds later, but the zombie killed him before I triggered the multimanager. Can anybody help me with what I want to do?

To check out the area of the map I'm trying this in, you can download it at (Note about map: the first door is breakable. Get the crowbar that's on the shelf)
Posted 20 years ago2003-09-17 02:51:18 UTC
in ZHLT Help Post #7
I found the leak using the pointfile. It's all patched up and working properly now. Thanks for the help.
Posted 20 years ago2003-09-17 01:03:51 UTC
in ZHLT Help Post #2
I've just started using ZHLT for my compiling, and hlrad.exe isn't working properly with my textured lights. Does anybody know how I can fix it?