Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 18:55:54 UTC
in Game project... Post #161487
Just got a few mins, a few more essays to do. Garg problem is that in an MMO, we will have to strip down most of the physics to reduce lag, will look into it tho, also I know the havoc engine to be very robust. Link us please.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-02 18:48:15 UTC
in Game project... Post #161203
Ok, ive looked more into the havoc engine, alas I can not answer any questions for I am swamped with coursework. Ive looked more into the havoc engine (source engine for hl2 etc) and I am now prefering this over the UT3 engine. Will look into licensing soon.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-01 18:04:34 UTC
in Game project... Post #160973
First of all sorry about being so discreet about this project of mine. To answer a quick question it was the only question I could think about at the time, and I have been pretty busy recently. I shall try to answer as many questions as possible, ill leave the actual talking about the game until next post, pretty busy, which is why this post has been so delayed


I do not have experience in games development however I do have a lot of modding experience, the games I have worked on are: Operation Flashpoint (programming/mission editor/3d modeler/camera scripting), Dawn of War (programmer), Doom3 (map editor, some programming), Quake 4 (map editing), Bf2 (a little bit of object server alterations), Hl2 (a little map editing). These are the games I?ve worked on, I also know HTML, PHP, how to use and maintain MySQL, how to use Apache web server and VB.Net. Currently learning C++.

Reasons why I have chosen Unreal 3 engine:

It is possible to convert to an MMOG engine.

Its? rendering system will reduce lag and will also be nice to work with.
Because it is built upon the unreal 2 engine and older versions it mean that the editing tools, for example unreal ed will most likely be used, and from the screenshots I?ve seen, this will make map editing easier

The visual effects which are available will be nice, I am aware that they will not all be able to be used because of lag etc however the possibilities are there.

Rag doll physics creates a more realistic death and also more interesting game play, also there are physics tools.

Having said this it will be possible to use the Unreal 2 engine, however I feel that the unreal 3 engine is much better.

Retail release:

To be honest, I had thought about having a virtual download system for the game however I have been mainly concerned with other areas, although a definite possibility.

More to be added in the future, just thought I should update something.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-24 19:33:13 UTC
in Game project... Post #159407
Well, for the last to years, I have been preparing technical designs and concept art which are looking better as time progresses, also I have been refining these designs to make them more realistic. With this in mind I would say that my area is technical design and architecture. I plan to have a team of about 10 people or so. As such because I do not 3d model (well) no 3d models in game, this is also because I do not have an unreal 3 engine or engine powered game to model for. I could upload some of the designs soon, however the scanner is not functioning. Also I am a bit reluctant to release the full story, mainly because it is difficult to prove that you are the copyright holder of literature on the internet, I am not saying that someone will take it who is a member however people can log on and check it all out then steal the ideas. Anyways, I have things that need to be done off the computer, ill be on tomorrow to discuss this further.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-24 19:05:23 UTC
in Game project... Post #159403

It was recommended by ?The Hunter? that I ask on here so, here I am. I?m not going to dance around what I?m trying to say so ill get to the point.

I am trying to gather a team for a project of mine, a game. I have been working on designs, ideas, story etc in my head and on paper for the last two years. I?m wanting for it to go public, i.e. shelf release etc and I?m 100% committed to working on it, I didn?t just think this up overnight. I am in the process of constructing a temporary website however I have been very busy.

I can go into a bit of detail however not everything for obvious reasons. It is being planned for the unreal 3 engine however this will be converted into an MMO engine, I know that this is no easy feat however it is possible. It is set in the future and it is based around team work to try and reduce kill whores, as from personal experience kill whores can ruin a tactical plan, the idea is to influence people to work together however still be able to solo.

Basically I need people in all fields, especially programming and 3d modeling. To answer one of the questions which will most likely come up, no I don?t have the money for the license yet, however I have plans to get it.

If interested, contact me:

Side Note: I am aware that this is quite off topic to the nature of this forum, so I apologize to the admins if they remove it (however this is in general discussion), however as I said it was recommended.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-17 06:54:04 UTC
in Unforseen Consequences Post #152760