Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-01-23 00:30:47 UTC
in Help BRUTE FORCE? Post #159156
updated with some models and in game test shots.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-19 13:42:18 UTC
in Help BRUTE FORCE? Post #158632
i have no care about the flash intro, lol, its just thrown up for the site, the site is not our main care right now, yes, it will be soon tho, we got the V.A.E. in BETA stages, works well, we gotta fully test it out tho.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-17 15:00:19 UTC
in Help BRUTE FORCE? Post #158290
Thanks Cap, I fully understand all of that now.

we are now getting screenshots up and the full flash site is now up

the intro is the same but the site is all flash now.

You can see the flash site at....

I've added a couple more level designers, modelers, and coders now, have a nice little team still seeking more individuals, because we're gonna need all the help we can get. if you have any questions or would like to join the ranks of the team.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 08:07:37 UTC
in Help BRUTE FORCE? Post #157016
Just wanted to pop back in with a slight update and reply to some nice comments and one wild comment left in here.

Viewable aware envoirment; the name sits fine with me, it describes exactly what the feature is and does within the name, now, I'm not concered with the name of the feature until it's actually done, then I'd be more than willing to take some suggestions, do you have any names you could suggest? not being a dickhead, just no point in changing the name yet, hence it's not even 100%, name has no fraction point in the matter at this time.

AND!! no screen shots=no game is certainly not true, lmao.
how else do you get ppl to do the screenshots, it isnt always one person doing everything on their own making screen shots then ask for help, its the details, story, etc. that excite people about the game that make them wanna get involved and help out, so certainly no screenshots just equals people are needed, lol wow, i cant believe you even stated that.

we've been working on THE CODE for a month now if not more, so nothing graphical yet to be made of a screenshot, we're working off of concept drawings right now however, so some will be coming soon.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-03 14:45:49 UTC
in Help BRUTE FORCE? Post #156012
Yeah I kinda see I wud did the samething and knocked on someone who posted like this w/o details information but I've been so busy with work and also working on this game.

The name Brute Force? Fuck the xbox game, if I want that name I'll have it. Not too hard to mix up there's plenty of movies with the same name but different story, the difference is the year they came out, well with games the year it comes out is not such a factor as which console it's on, well that game is xbox, mine is pc only, so not too hard,

"hey u play brute force yet?" "yeah for the xbox?" "nah the computer one" blah blah, etc. etc.

As far as the name anyway, it's been changed me and a fellow writter have come up with a very ellaborate and niffty storyline for this mod. We have dumped the HL1 Modding because, well do I even have to explain, it's HL1, why use it when HL2 is out? The main factor is funds, but HL2 has so many more features and details we can etch out of it more efficiently and easily.

I posted up on Mod Database

There you will find a detailed storyline, which will be updated as soon as we get the new mod outline done.

As far as the V.A.E. Feature, we're working hard on testing and debugging and coming up with a way to make it possible.

The new site URL will be or <-- will take you to the site not the moddb profile page.

But don't expect a new site to be out til mid january unless I'm called off for work this week which may or may not happen; if it does I'll work on the site one day and have it up and running good with a flash site and a cheezy html one for all the dialup users which I dont see why they have the internet on dialup. :P

*If there is any mappers/level designers, modelers, coders, etc. on this site that wants to pitch in a helping hand let me know by way of e-mail at * Thank you.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-24 09:52:18 UTC
in Help BRUTE FORCE? Post #154293
thank you finally someone with common sense here. thats exactly my whole reasoning, look at how many "free" mods ur all talking about die each and everyday ive seen mods being worked on for two-three years for half-life 1 with great models and great stellar level design.... yet they die and quit making it, this is the exact reasoning why pay people, you get doubble the effort, doubble the quality, and double the satisfaction.

and im going to try my best full out effort to achieve a lisc. by VALVe neway on that note... if not. oh well it was still very worth it. and i can make some kind of money back after promoting the mod and getting in traffic to the site and use advertising and make good chunk of it back, etc. etc. if money is your life, you know how to use it and how to get it.

I'm having my old time friend draw up some really neat and new models, because we've decided to re-design a lot of aspects of the game. we're pulling our main focus off of the code for now and moving it into design, level design, models, etc. why? so i can supply a boatload of materials for you guys to gaw and look at to show you the game. expect some things to be coming in throughout january and febuary to show off the game to you guys and more.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-24 02:16:37 UTC
in Help BRUTE FORCE? Post #154240
im paying cuz these guys are top notch and have degrees in it, and no, it's not illegal.. and im paying them cuz theyre just not regular ppl on the internet most of them go to my college. two of them use to work for gearsoft if you've ever heard of them, they're all good as shit, so oh well on ppls views on paying or not, im about 40% done with learning code, so im gonna be jumpin in on the project too, ive helped on a lot today alone after work.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-22 12:43:24 UTC
in Help BRUTE FORCE? Post #153943
im the owner and leader, i dont do nething for the mod, thats why i pay 10 people on my team to make the game. i.e. source/code, mapping, etc. so i dont have to have the exp. the website i took back offline cause all night ive been working on a new flash version, nobody replied to this post all night so i took it offline figuring nobody wud see this again, lol.

we have a full detailed mod plan. actually. and we also have a full detailed mod outline as well, sketches of models, everything you need to have or should have. we just arnt releasing anything at all to the public, only people we release information to at this time is people contributing to the modification.

starting from scratch is already a big thought behind this for making the maps. but as well it's not hard to edit the maps either, main factors to change is the textures and yeah some moving, re-arranging, and deleting will have to take place, but we'd have to decide that after seeing the map first off. if great maps find their way into my email i'll ask if they want to be a level designer for the mod and supply them with the part of the story thats rele. to the level they need to create. i.e. (not real example) ur designing level 3 part 1-2 our charcter is in a warehouse... blah....blah.... blah.

as far as screenshots those are in the works as we speak... like i stated we havnt gone too far into level designing yet, so.... no screenshots are avl, lol.

we're been working for a couple months on the code.

i'm jumpin into HL mapping... I'm not jumping head first into making a mod being a newbie and not l33t. my team is making the mod, i came up with the ideas along with my good friend and also my team. it's a solid story, nothing retarded or out of this world.

look, ill go over it and just shell out a lot more information about the mod to satisfy you guys.... later tonight or tomorrow after work.

Work on the mod for a year.... or possibly two? Well I hope not at the pace we're going, I wouldnt want to spend no more than a year on this modification FOR THE HALF-LIFE 1 version... however for the Half-Life 2 version.... I'd work on it for three years if I had to. I'm jumping into everything because I already know html, java, xml, css, flash/action script, VB, among other languages, which yeah I know are totally different, lol, but I mean I know I can learn all this stuff pretty fast, I've had my first computer when I was five years old and use to hack ExciteBike and make it say my name across the screen, but that was when I was ehh urrm 6-7 maybe, running DOS and only color was Green lmao.

I wanna come in and learn everything so I can dive head first and help a big lending hand to my team, because starting this Spring I'm going to get a degree for Game & Software Development.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-21 21:29:16 UTC
in Help BRUTE FORCE? Post #153806
I'd like to know if anyone would like to submit their SP or even MP maps for HL for our HL1 mod game called BruteForce....

If it's a MP map, it shud be able to be used as a SP map as well, i.e. a full level or maybe you could edit your exsisting map to make it SP.

Im asking for already made maps for one, I'm new to this site and I dont want to just come out and ask you vets n pros to come on in and make up a new map to give to us. Not at all, but if you feel your already made map is good for this, give it a shot.

Send the files to and me and my team will review it.

You also agree that it becomes our property as well as yours, you get full length credit for the map and listed in the credits as a level designer. But if the reason should arise to edit the map to fit in with the game, we will do so. Or ask you to do it since it is your map... either way you want it. Or my team and you can work together side by side thanks to the internet with different maps of yours, ours, etc.

If you want to make a new map go ahead and send an e-mail to the e-mail address above and tell us. If you want to help out making models, characters, textures or editing exsisting ones, let us know, or even with the source code, let us know.

In any aspect to help us out and become a part of a team, let us know, lol. you get the idea... atleast you should.

There is no pay as of right now,.... sadly,.... because most of our money is going into the development of this game itself, but if it gets big you can bet your sweet ass you'll be asked to come back and work on the HL2 source and actually get paid for your work.

Thanks and a forecasted thanks for your submissions, lending help, and ideas, thank you.


Paul Miller
Natural Born Games
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-21 04:02:52 UTC
in smart people Post #153658
yes =), now, you mean transporter as in, teleporter? and as for the monster maker,

Name-- Give it the name to toggle it on and off
Target on release-- Everytime a monster spawns, this will be triggered.
Monster Type-- Write the entitie name of the monster to be spawned, AKA, monster_barney
Children's name-- Sets this as the targetname to every "barney" spawned.
Number of monsters-- number of monsters to be spawned,
Frequency-- The delay in seconds between each spawn
Max live children-- The maximum number of "barneys" that can be spawned.
what are some examples of each section i cud put in:

give examples like

for name put "barney"
for monster type put "monster_barney"
for target on release put this...... etc.

becuz i dunt know what in the hell to put inside target on release or name, like for name can i put nething? just give examples for each n everyone just so i get it right, lol..... i get all of it but those few things realle, but just wanna make sure
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-20 22:47:50 UTC
in HL Character Development Post #153628
oh ok sorry, and thanks, i never seen it, but now i know where to look, thanks.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-20 18:52:49 UTC
in HL Character Development Post #153588

I just wanted to thank each and everyone of you for your contributions, this site has a lot of knowledgable people and I've been surfing around it for about three days before I became a member, looks like I'll be visiting this puppy a lot now.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-20 18:51:57 UTC
in HL Character Development Post #153587
i got plenty to spend, thats no question, i mean when i move onto my HL2 project I'll have 10 people helping me out and anybody else who wants to pitch in for my dark comedy game, lol. and i dont realle want to make Gordon Batman at all lol, that was just an example on what I wanted to do in the end.... change the models into something I want.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-19 21:28:39 UTC
in HL Character Development Post #153316
ive seen some mentioning on modeling and things like milkshape 3d, gmax, etc. but are they just as good for characters n such? w/e ill let you pros respond with an answer and suggest what program(s) to use.

thanks for your help guys, thanks a lot.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-19 21:18:16 UTC
in HL Character Development Post #153314
I didn't want to scour through the whole forums to find this answer if it's already been asked, if it has either call me a dumbass or supply a link, sorry for the newb question..... but what's an essiential way to edit the HL characters.... basically meaning of course to say take Gordon Freeman and make him Batman or whatever the modders fantasy is?

The real question is what programs to use for this..... I got HL2 and XSI MOD TOOL for HL2 and make animations and all of that junk, but I want to start with HL first, because it's much more ease of mind and will get me started very easily, and then later on I can move onto my HL2 project.

Thank you for your time and answers,

Paul Miller